Respository of the important files generated in the course of my SURF project summer 2017 © Jamie Bamber
The folders "All-inclusive" "VBF" "ZH" contain files associated with the all-inclusive, VBF & ZH channels of Higgs Boson production repsectively. "TriggerTables.xlsx" contains data output from various Trigger settings and Higgs channels & backgrounds in an Excel spreadsheet. "other_scripts" contains a bash script which is useful in generating the simulation .root files, the python script I used to relabel the photon ID in the .LHE file, and also the modified .pythia files and delphes card I used as well as some files for the BSMatLHC / BSMGen package provided by Dr Pierini
"To_Do" contains a summary of what I would have done next in my project if I had more time
some more useful scripts are located in my lxplus directory /afs/
For background samples ask Dr Si Xie. The output of my DarkPhotonAnalyzer RazorAnalyzer goes to /eos/cms/store/group/phys_susy/razor/Run2Analysis/DarkPhotonAnalyzer/ and I also used that directory to store my sample .root files