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Anything I've done with the yard stick one is probably in here somewhere...

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Some useful YARD Stick One notes

This thing is a bit of a beast. People don't give it NEARLY the credit, or the documentation it deserves.

Two ways of using this thing: rfcat directly, or write a python script for it.

Basically, writing a python script is easier. Using rfcat directly is great but often, there are just too many silly settings to configure


Make sure you're transmitting in a band you're allowed to. No, this thing ain't that powerful at 20dBm (100mW) output but it's worth knowing that can literally kill people if you end up fucking with the wrong band...

Get a HAM license, look up the band plans the frequency coordinator in your area puts out, find the experimental allocation range, and stick to the middle of that range.

... Unless you're super clear on what you're doing.


Basically, don't transmit into a null load. Throw a 50Ohm antenna on there. If you didn't get one yet, go get one.

I found this note somewhere. It's as accurate as I've found:

>> What is the maximum transmitting power of the yardstick in mW?
> Roughly it is 100 mW (20 dBm).  The transmit power is reduced a bit as
> the frequency increases, and it may vary from unit to unit.  It is
> approximately 20 dBm at 300 MHz, 19 dBm at 450 MHz, and 18 dBm at 900
> MHz.  (Those numbers are with the TX amplifier enabled.)


I don't know what the maximum input power this thing can handle is but basically don't fire up your Baofeng right next to the YARD Stick One or connect a transmitter directly to it without a good sized attenuator in the signal path.

Using Python

There is a script named something like kicking around near this document. It would be a good place to get started.

Here's a short version of it:

import sys
from rflib import *
# The middle of the two NoCal, 70cm, Experimental bands
FREQ = 434200000 # (BW = 0.6MHz = 600kHz) 433.60+(434.80-433.60)/2
# FREQ = 438500000 # (BW = 0.05MHz = 50kHz) 438.45+(438.55-438.45)/2
PKTLEN = 1       # Set packet length
DRATE = 512
    d = RfCat()
    d.setModeIDLE() # atlas used three different inflections in his talks...
    d.setMdmSyncMode(0) # disable syncword and preamble as this is not used
                        # by the remote.
    #d.setMaxPower()    # Pretty sure this turns on the TX amp
    bytes = [0, 0x41, 0xff] # Data to send

    # THIS IS WRONG! There are PROBLEMS with using setModeTX() right before
    # calling RFxmit()! I'm not sure why... Just don't.
    # d.setModeTX()       # NONONO! This seems to mess things up!
    d.RFxmit("".join(map(chr, bytes)))

except Exception, e: # Make sure things are sane...
    d.setModeIDLE()  # Probably a good idea here too... just in case
    sys.exit("Error %s" % str(e))

Using rfcat

Just start playing with: rfcat -r

Getting help on rfcat

The author highly suggests picking up the cc1111 manual from TI...

After using rfcat -r to get an interactive terminal, you can type the following to get some help:


Modulation modes:

These go for either using Python OR rfcat.

The simply way to see them is to just type MOD_ and hit tab in the interactive console...

I was dumb when I started and I had a bit of a hard time finding these. They are defined in rfcat/rflib/ along with a bunch of other useful things.

NOTE: Keep in mind that some of these modes are limited in various ways. Either bandwidth limitations (can't do RTTY using HAM 2FSK deviations), baud rate limitations, so on...

Also, each one has it's own strange ness with bit packing. Start digging... :D

Note that MSK is only supported for data rates above 26 kBaud and GFSK,
ASK , and OOK is only supported for data rate up until 250 kBaud. MSK
cannot be used if Manchester encoding/decoding is enabled.
MOD_2FSK                        = 0x00
MOD_GFSK                        = 0x10
MOD_ASK_OOK                     = 0x30
MOD_MSK                         = 0x70
MANCHESTER                      = 0x08

        MOD_2FSK    : "2FSK",
        MOD_GFSK    : "GFSK",
        MOD_ASK_OOK : "ASK/OOK",
        MOD_MSK     : "MSK",
        MOD_2FSK | MANCHESTER    : "2FSK/Manchester encoding",
        MOD_GFSK | MANCHESTER    : "GFSK/Manchester encoding",
        MOD_ASK_OOK | MANCHESTER : "ASK/OOK/Manchester encoding",
        MOD_MSK  | MANCHESTER    : "MSK/Manchester encoding",

Projects I'm kinda half working on

This is a fun on:

Capture car key:

Car key's fcc id: MLBHLIK-1TA

It runs on:

313.85 MHz
313850000. Hz

So, we can use this to set the frequency:


On lock:

(1458374559.796) Received:  fffffffffffffffffdf25ffffff2fffffffbff0007efffe1fff000007fff
(1458374559.809) Received:  fffffff001fffffc07f000003ffffc00007e00007ffef820007ffff00000
(1458374559.823) Received:  000002000007f00ffe000003c000001fc0000002000001fe000000780000
(1458374559.832) Received:  fffffc0001ffff0000001f8000007fffffc000003fffffffc0000000fff0
(1458374559.840) Received:  007fffe000000fffffffe00000003fffffff80000001fffffffe00000003
(1458374559.846) Received:  fffe00000003fffffff80000000ffffffff00000001fffffff800000007f
(1458374559.853) Received:  ffe00000001fffffff800000007fff7fff000001fffffffe00000003ffff
(1458374559.860) Received:  00000fffffffc00000007fffffff00000001fffdfffc00000007ffffffe0
(1458374559.867) Received:  0003fffffff80000001fffffffe00000007fff7fff00000001fffffffc00
(1458374559.873) Received:  007fffffff80000001fffffffe00000007fffffff80000000fffffffe000
(1458374559.880) Received:  03fffffff00000000fffffffc00000007fffffff00000003fffbfff80000
(1458374559.887) Received:  fffffffe00000003fffffffc00000007fffffff00000001fffffffc00000
(1458374559.893) Received:  ffffffe00000003fffffffc00000007ffffffe00000003fffffff8000000
(1458374559.900) Received:  fffffe00000003fffffff80000000fffffffe00000003fffffff80000001
(1458374559.907) Received:  fff80000000ffffffff00000003fffffff00000001fffffff80000000fff
(1458374559.913) Received:  fe00000007fffffff80000000fffffffc00000003fffffff80000000fffe
(1458374559.920) Received:  e00000003fffffff80000000fffffffe00000003fffffff80000000fffff
(1458374559.927) Received:  00000003fffffff80000000fffffffe00000007fffffc000003fffe00000
(1458374559.934) Received:  fffbfff80000000fffffffe00000003fffffffc00000007ffffffe000000
(1458374559.941) Received:  ffffe00000007fffffff00000001fffffffc0000000fffffffc00000007f
(1458374559.947) Received:  fff80000001fffffffc00000003fffffff00000001fffffffc00000003ff
(1458374559.954) Received:  ff80000000fffffffe00000003fffffff000000000001fffffffffffffff
(1458374559.961) Received:  00000000001fffffffffffc00000000000fffe00000001fffffe00000000
(1458374559.968) Received:  fdfffffffe0000000000000003fffffff0000000000000003fffbfff0000
(1458374559.976) Received:  ffffffffffe0000000001fffffffe0000000fffffffffffffffc0000000f
(1458374559.983) Received:  fffffffffffc00000000000ffffe000000000007fffff80000000000ffff
(1458374559.992) Received:  f00000001ffffffc0000007ff8000007ffffff001fffffffc00000000000
(1458374560.000) Received:  fff801fffffff80000000fffeff80000000007fffffff000000000000fff
(1458374560.008) Received:  0000000000fffffffe000000007fffffc000003fff800800000000000000
(1458374560.019) Received:  03fffff80003fffbfffc000003fffffffffffff800000000000003ffff00
(1458374560.027) Received:  0003fe0000003fffff00000000003fffbfff80000000000007fffffe0000
(1458374560.037) Received:  00000000780000003ff000000001fffffffefffe01ffffffffffffffc000
(1458374560.047) Received:  fffffe000000000003f8000000001fff800000000001fffff00000001fff
(1458374560.055) Received:  c00007ffffffffffe00000007fff00000001ff7fff00000007fffffff000
(1458374560.063) Received:  03ffe00000007ffc0000000007fffffff000000000000fffffffc0000000
(1458374560.071) Received:  0fffffc00000000000fff80000000fff000000000000000000003ffffffd
(1458374560.078) Received:  ffffbfffffffc0000000fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffd

Install notes

Get some packages:

sudo apt-get install mercurial ipython

Get rfcat firmware and userland tools

hg clone ssh://[email protected]/JamesHagerman/rfcatssh://[email protected]/JamesHagerman/rfcat

Client install notes

This needs both libusb and python-usb.

install python-usb:

sudo pip install pyusb==1.0.0b1
cd rfcat
sudo python install

Firmware compile notes:

You probably want to skip these:

Get some packages:

sudo apt-get install sdcc


cd rfcat/firmware/

Where the hell is the CODE!?

Out of the gate, start rfcat in in interactive mode, rfcat -r, than you can use ipython or help(d.someRfcatMethod) to dig through some of the docs...

Other than that, rely on the CC111 datasheet PDF and the rfcat sources.

Because rfcat just helps you play with the CC1111 registers, you'll need to know what the registers do. After that, the rfcat methods defined in rflib/ should explain the rest.

Most methods are defined in rflib/ and implemented in rflib/

Read the CC1111 datasheet PDF's Radio section, find the register you care about, then use ctrl-f in rflib/ to find any methods actually touching that register.

This repo has a few scripts that may have a bit more detail about what is actually going with some of the rfcat methods. Good luck...

Trying to get yardstick one working under android:

UPDATE: Obviously, this thing uses libusb. Direct control shouldn't be too hard... But Termux, for example, has shitty libusb support :(

Basically, rfcat yells at us and says that we need to attach the dongle but it IS attached. So let's try to use the code that rfcat does to determine if there is a dongle.... and then we can at least start debugging wtf is going on with the driver.

This is the method that's supposed to grab all of the dongles via the libusb/usb python module:

def getRfCatDevices():
    returns a list of USB device objects for any rfcats that are plugged in
    NOTE: if any rfcats are in bootloader mode, this will cause python to Exit
    rfcats = []
    for bus in usb.busses():
        for dev in bus.devices:
            # OpenMoko assigned or Legacy TI
            if (dev.idVendor == 0x0451 and dev.idProduct == 0x4715) or (dev.idVendor == 0x1d50 and (dev.idProduct == 0x6047 or dev.idProduct == 0x6048 or dev.idProduct == 0x605b)):

            elif (dev.idVendor == 0x1d50 and (dev.idProduct == 0x6049 or dev.idProduct == 0x604a)):
                print "Already in Bootloader Mode... exiting"

    return rfcats

List all available methods:

dir(d) ['FHSSxmit', 'RESET', 'RFcapture', 'RFdump', 'RFlisten', 'RFrecv', 'RFxmit', 'doc', 'init', 'module', '_bootloader', '_clear_buffers', '_d', '_debug', '_do', '_doSpecAn', '_init_on_reconnect', '_quiet', '_radio_configured', '_recvEP0', '_recvEP5', '_recv_time', '_rfmode', '_sendEP0', '_sendEP5', '_stopSpecAn', '_threadGo', '_usbcfg', '_usbeps', '_usberrorcnt', '_usbintf', '_usbmaxi', '_usbmaxo', 'adjustFreqOffset', 'bootloader', 'calculateFsIF', 'calculateFsOffset', 'calculateMdmDeviatn', 'calculatePktChanBW', 'changeChannel', 'checkRepr', 'chipnum', 'chipstr', 'cleanup', 'ctrl_thread', 'debug', 'devnum', 'discover', 'endec', 'ep0GetAddr', 'ep0Peek', 'ep0Ping', 'ep0Poke', 'ep0Reset', 'ep5timeout', 'freq_offset_accumulator', 'getAESmode', 'getAmpMode', 'getBSLimit', 'getBuildInfo', 'getChannel', 'getChannels', 'getDebugCodes', 'getEnableMdmDCFilter', 'getEnableMdmFEC', 'getEnableMdmManchester', 'getEnablePktAppendStatus', 'getEnablePktCRC', 'getEnablePktDataWhitening', 'getFHSSstate', 'getFreq', 'getFreqEst', 'getFsIF', 'getFsOffset', 'getInterruptRegisters', 'getLQI', 'getMACdata', 'getMACthreshold', 'getMARCSTATE', 'getMdmChanBW', 'getMdmChanSpc', 'getMdmDRate', 'getMdmDeviatn', 'getMdmModulation', 'getMdmNumPreamble', 'getMdmSyncMode', 'getMdmSyncWord', 'getPartNum', 'getPktAddr', 'getPktLEN', 'getPktPQT', 'getRSSI', 'getRadioConfig', 'idx', 'lowball', 'lowballRestore', 'mac_SyncCell', 'makePktFLEN', 'makePktVLEN', 'max_packet_size', 'mhz', 'nextChannel', 'peek', 'ping', 'poke', 'pokeReg', 'printClientState', 'printRadioConfig', 'printRadioState', 'radiocfg', 'recv', 'recvAll', 'recv_event', 'recv_mbox', 'recv_queue', 'recv_thread', 'recv_threadcounter', 'reprAESMode', 'reprClientState', 'reprFreqConfig', 'reprHardwareConfig', 'reprMACdata', 'reprMdmModulation', 'reprModemConfig', 'reprPacketConfig', 'reprRadioConfig', 'reprRadioState', 'reprRadioTestSignalConfig', 'reprSoftwareConfig', 'reset_event', 'resetup', 'rf_configure', 'rf_redirection', 'rsema', 'runEP5_recv', 'runEP5_send', 'run_ctrl', 'scan', 'send', 'send_thread', 'send_threadcounter', 'setAESiv', 'setAESkey', 'setAESmode', 'setAmpMode', 'setBSLimit', 'setChannel', 'setChannels', 'setEnDeCoder', 'setEnableCCA', 'setEnableMdmDCFilter', 'setEnableMdmFEC', 'setEnableMdmManchester', 'setEnablePktAppendStatus', 'setEnablePktCRC', 'setEnablePktDataWhitening', 'setFHSSstate', 'setFreq', 'setFsIF', 'setFsOffset', 'setMACdata', 'setMACperiod', 'setMACthreshold', 'setMaxPower', 'setMdmChanBW', 'setMdmChanSpc', 'setMdmDRate', 'setMdmDeviatn', 'setMdmModulation', 'setMdmNumPreamble', 'setMdmSyncMode', 'setMdmSyncWord', 'setModeIDLE', 'setModeRX', 'setModeTX', 'setPktAddr', 'setPktPQT', 'setPower', 'setRFRegister', 'setRFbits', 'setRFparameters', 'setRadioConfig', 'setRfMode', 'setup', 'setup24330MHz', 'setup900MHz', 'setup900MHzContTrans', 'setup900MHzHopTrans', 'setup_rfstudio_902PktTx', 'specan', 'startHopping', 'stopHopping', 'strobeModeCAL', 'strobeModeFSTXON', 'strobeModeIDLE', 'strobeModeRX', 'strobeModeReturn', 'strobeModeTX', 'testTX', 'trash', 'xmit_event', 'xmit_queue', 'xsema']

using ipython:

Display all 177 possibilities? (y or n) d.FHSSxmit d.getMdmSyncMode d.setAmpMode d.RESET d.getMdmSyncWord d.setBSLimit d.RFcapture d.getPartNum d.setChannel d.RFdump d.getPktAddr d.setChannels d.RFlisten d.getPktLEN d.setEnDeCoder d.RFrecv d.getPktPQT d.setEnableCCA d.RFxmit d.getRSSI d.setEnableMdmDCFilter d.adjustFreqOffset d.getRadioConfig d.setEnableMdmFEC d.bootloader d.idx d.setEnableMdmManchester d.calculateFsIF d.lowball d.setEnablePktAppendStatus d.calculateFsOffset d.lowballRestore d.setEnablePktCRC d.calculateMdmDeviatn d.mac_SyncCell d.setEnablePktDataWhitening d.calculatePktChanBW d.makePktFLEN d.setFHSSstate d.changeChannel d.makePktVLEN d.setFreq d.checkRepr d.max_packet_size d.setFsIF d.chipnum d.mhz d.setFsOffset d.chipstr d.nextChannel d.setMACdata d.cleanup d.peek d.setMACperiod d.ctrl_thread d.setMACthreshold d.debug d.poke d.setMaxPower d.devnum d.pokeReg d.setMdmChanBW d.printClientState d.setMdmChanSpc d.endec d.printRadioConfig d.setMdmDRate d.ep0GetAddr d.printRadioState d.setMdmDeviatn d.ep0Peek d.radiocfg d.setMdmModulation d.ep0Ping d.recv d.setMdmNumPreamble d.ep0Poke d.recvAll d.setMdmSyncMode d.ep0Reset d.recv_event d.setMdmSyncWord d.ep5timeout d.recv_mbox d.setModeIDLE d.freq_offset_accumulator d.recv_queue d.setModeRX d.getAESmode d.recv_thread d.setModeTX d.getAmpMode d.recv_threadcounter d.setPktAddr d.getBSLimit d.reprAESMode d.setPktPQT d.getBuildInfo d.reprClientState d.setPower d.getChannel d.reprFreqConfig d.setRFRegister d.getChannels d.reprHardwareConfig d.setRFbits d.getDebugCodes d.reprMACdata d.setRFparameters d.getEnableMdmDCFilter d.reprMdmModulation d.setRadioConfig d.getEnableMdmFEC d.reprModemConfig d.setRfMode d.getEnableMdmManchester d.reprPacketConfig d.setup d.getEnablePktAppendStatus d.reprRadioConfig d.setup24330MHz d.getEnablePktCRC d.reprRadioState d.setup900MHz d.getEnablePktDataWhitening d.reprRadioTestSignalConfig d.setup900MHzContTrans d.getFHSSstate d.reprSoftwareConfig d.setup900MHzHopTrans d.getFreq d.reset_event d.setup_rfstudio_902PktTx d.getFreqEst d.resetup d.specan d.getFsIF d.rf_configure d.startHopping d.getFsOffset d.rf_redirection d.stopHopping d.getInterruptRegisters d.rsema d.strobeModeCAL d.getLQI d.runEP5_recv d.strobeModeFSTXON d.getMACdata d.runEP5_send d.strobeModeIDLE d.getMACthreshold d.run_ctrl d.strobeModeRX d.getMARCSTATE d.scan d.strobeModeReturn d.getMdmChanBW d.send d.strobeModeTX d.getMdmChanSpc d.send_thread d.testTX d.getMdmDRate d.send_threadcounter d.trash d.getMdmDeviatn d.setAESiv d.xmit_event d.getMdmModulation d.setAESkey d.xmit_queue d.getMdmNumPreamble d.setAESmode d.xsema


Anything I've done with the yard stick one is probably in here somewhere...






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