Simple test server for monitoring urls. Uses MySql, Restify, Jest, TypeORM, Inversify.
authorization - service for token authorization
database - database layer, every entity has its model and repository, DatabaseProvider provides entity repository for service layer
http - simple axios service for getting responses from monitored endpoint url
logger - simple winston logger
monitor - monitor service handles monitoring of endpoint. Each instance of MonitoredJob is responsible for monitoring one monitored endpoint
monitored-endpoint - monitored-endpoint service layer
monitoring-result - monitoring-result service layer
validation - services for monitored endpoint validation. Based on class-validator/class-transformer
web - handles user interaction with server
inversify.config - class responsible for configuration of Inversiy container
app - application entrypoint
server - represents application server
http://localhost:3000/monitored-endpoints - GET/POST - get/create monitored endpoint
http://localhost:3000/monitored-endpoints/:id - PUT/DELETE - update/delete monitored endpoint
http://localhost:3000/monitored-endpoints/:id/monitoring-results/ - GET - get monitoring results from monitored endpoint with specified id
npm install
npm run build
npm start
Basic unit tests using Jest
npm test
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up --build
get monitored endpoints
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 93f39e2f-80de-4033-99ee-249d92736a25" http://localhost:3000/monitored-endpoints
create monitored endpoint
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 93f39e2f-80de-4033-99ee-249d92736a25" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "test", "url": "", "monitoredInterval": 3}' http://localhost:3000/monitored-endpoints
update monitored endpoint
curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer 93f39e2f-80de-4033-99ee-249d92736a25" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "test", "url": "", "monitoredInterval": 3}' http://localhost:3000/monitored-endpoints/1/
delete monitored endpoint
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer 93f39e2f-80de-4033-99ee-249d92736a25" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:3000/monitored-endpoints/1/
get monitoring results
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 93f39e2f-80de-4033-99ee-249d92736a25" http://localhost:3000/monitored-endpoints/1/monitoring-results