A simple script to interact and compare your last.fm artist recommendations to a festival line up. Idea being that you'll find a hidden gem you may have missed otherwise!
By defualt the last.fm API returns simmilar artists in order of which they match your top artists. Try playing around with the similar-limit
parameter to return a wider or more concise range of artists to watch.
- Last.fm API key, https://www.last.fm/api/account/create to create one
- Clashfinder JSON export of the line up
- From the festival page select Data -> Export -> Full Calendar -> JSON -> OK
Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m lineupfinder --help
Usage: python -m lineupfinder [OPTIONS]
-u, --user TEXT User to analyse. [required]
-f, --file PATH Clashfinder JSON file. [required]
-al, --artist-limit INTEGER Limit of top artists. [default: 50]
-sl, --similar-limit INTEGER Limit of similar artists. [default: 100]
--api-key TEXT Last.fm API key. Can be declared as env var
--api-secret TEXT Last.fm API secret. Can be declared as env var
--help Show this message and exit.