Curve25519 is an elliptic curve, developed by Dan Bernstein, for fast Diffie-Hellman key agreement.
- 2006/08/24 C implementation based on generic 64-bit integer implementation of Curve25519 ECDH Written by Matthijs van Duin ( (broken link)
- 2008/02/23 Ported from C to Java by Dmitry Skiba (
This implementation is a port of the Java code and the inclusion of fast 64-bit JavaScript math based on curve255js. It is optimized for Chrome and uses newer JavaScript features like typed arrays. It is not likely to run in older browsers.
A wrapper around the Curve25519 implementation that uses SHA256 hashing. JSSHA256 is used for SHA256 operations. The crypto implementation supports:
- Public key generation
- Signing
- Signature verification
All inputs and outputs are expected to be hex strings.
var message = '54686973206973206120736563726574206d6573736167652074686174206e6565647320746f206265207369676e6564';
var secretPhrase = '54686973206973206d7920766572792073656372657420706872617365';
var publicKey = nxtCrypto.getPublicKey(secretPhrase);
console.log(publicKey); // 698168d8669c9310d68101dfcc974ed4
// ef454692da6f028f68114db5fdcc4f6a
var signature = nxtCrypto.sign(message, secretPhrase);
console.log(signature); // 94956bf3de7cfdedb2562a0eff698fed
// 7f3e54bbf4476fbb23a192ddea04040f
// 68efa5d03c3f9ebec4109401b50433f1
// df267299d8b1ad2c485046c45e6b38da
var isVerified = nxtCrypto.verify(signature, message, publicKey)
console.log(isVerified); // true
The main project files are stored in the core directory. A build script is provided that concatenates all of the core files and external dependencies into a single JavaScript file (crypto_browser.js). This is the only file that needs be included from within an HTML page.
bash build/
A full suite of tests are provided that can be run in node.js.
node test.js
In addition, the browser_test folder contains timing tests that can be run in the browser by opening the html file. In order to run the tests with a different implementation, the following should be changed to refer to the other implementation:
var c = {
getPublicKey: nxtCrypto.getPublicKey,
sign: nxtCrypto.sign,
verify: nxtCrypto.verify
- curve25519-java: Apache License 2.0
- curve255js: MIT