Releases: JadeOfMaar/RationalResources
Releases · JadeOfMaar/RationalResources
Rational Resources 1.17.1
- Added Graviolium module to RR Scanner Green.
- Adjusted CoreHeat curve for Stockalike Mining Expansion's 3.75m (RefineOre Y-3000) Convert-O-Tron.
- Fixed Ore Tank patch problems. (Includes file-deletion.)
- Fixed double-addition of modules to Squad convert-O-Trons.
- Other adjustments to Squad and RR Convert-O-Trons.
- Some of these fixes by forum user @ flart.
Rational Resources 1.17.0
- Added water vapor atmosphere templates: AtmSteam (pure), AtmSteamC (featuring Carbon compounds), AtmSteamN (featuring Nitrogen compounds).
- Adjusted stock Mun's polar water presence: moved from Polar Crater to Polar Lowlands. This will break water miners landed in Polar Crater.
- Minor adjustment to SCANsat resource color overlays.
- Fixed filename issue: AtmVulcan was accidentally named AtmSulfur.
- Fixed Deuterium issue in AtmIceNitrogen template.
Rational Resources 1.16.2
- Added Restock+ APU to, and removed CryoTanks from RR CCK.
- Added drill support for the standalone "Ventral Drill for stock ISRU" mod.
- Added integration for Snacks! LS: Create Snacks from Hydrates (CRP) or Rock (Classic Stock).
- Added Extras:
- RR_BlacksmithFamily.cfg which allows for parts to opt-in and have Blacksmith style furnace or workshop (compatible with EL) and does opt-in on EL workshops and smelters.
- Changed part desc heads-up color from green to blue.
- Enabled Convert-O-Trons that opt-in to have configurable efficiency multiplier and configurable slot count (for mod plugins that facilitate module switching such as Kerbalism and WBI OmniConverters).
- Fixed (inaccessible) bug with LqdHe3 placement in Mun (specific) template.
- Fixed and revised Kerbalism integration.
- Revised opt-in patches for converters, harvesters and Ore tanks.
- Updated Extras:
- RR_ScienceLabBlacksmith.cfg: Added 4th level (not available in stock tech tree) and added support for nuclear material tanks for use when NF Electric not installed; Added Classic Stock support.
- RR_BlacksmithFamily.cfg: Added Classic Stock support.
- Updated NEEDS and filenames concerning CRP vs Classic Stock to reduce fatal errors concerning WBI Play Mode switching.
Rational Resources 1.15.0
- Added Extras:
- RR_RCSFamily.cfg with modlet
to add fuel switching to RCS thrusters whether MonoProp, LFO, or MonoProp (WBI Classic Stock). Has default support for NF Aero, NF Spacecraft, most of NFLV, MKIV Spaceplane, KRE.
- RR_RCSFamily.cfg with modlet
- Added ISRU options (specific to other mods or parts in them):
- Water-consuming NSW production to FFT 3.75m smelter part.
- Blacksmith (Ablator refurbishment) to FFT 3.75m smelter part.
- EL recipe for KerbalHealth Radiation Shielding.
- Blacksmith based Shielding refurbishment to all parts equipped with KerbalHealth Radiation Shielding.
- Added/Updated WIP tank options for NF Propulsion (Lihtium,Argon,Xenon).
- Added opt-in ISRU options:
- Deuterium: Freezer option to RR Boxed Compressor/Freezer.
- Deuterium: as byproduct of Water Splitter.
- Glykerol production (for DeepFreeze users).
- KerbalHealth Lead Extractor.
- Added opt-in ISRU options (stock mode only, should already be provided by Kerbalism):
- NFE Uraninite Harvester.
- NFE Uraninite Enricher (converter).
- Fixed missing Kerbalism MRE Rock definition.
- Moved Kerbalism patches to their own mod folder to prevent their config nodes loading when they need not (when Kerbalism not installed). Due to how Kerbalism operates, configs are parsed before MM runs, making MM conditions irrelevant, and which is the cause of RR processes involving Metal and MetalOre to cause cascade problems because these resources' definitions haven't gotten to load at the time the processes are parsed.
- Updated Extras:
- RR_ScienceLabBlacksmith.cfg: Blacksmith is now its own modlet
so it can be targeted by patches or used as a dependency. Its converters are SystemHeat compatible.
- RR_ScienceLabBlacksmith.cfg: Blacksmith is now its own modlet
- Updated Water Splitter to produce proper amounts of H2 and O2 gas (was broken and would produce 20%) and to produce Deuterium (gas).
Rational Resources 1.14.1
(Obligatory "I forgot something")
- Added Spodumene Splitter ISRU. Its primary output is Lithium, used by Near Future engines.
- Added Spodumene-related B9 tank options.
- Added Spodumene presence to planets. Most abundant in vulcan and metal worlds and warm mud and lava oceans.
- Changed some engines to be inoperable when submerged.
- Rewrite converter options/configs to use Kerbalism side profile system.
- Rewrite ISRU mod integration system, create opt-in system to more easily integrate other ISRU mods.
- Updated Extras:
- RR_NuclearFamily.cfg to handle bimodal rockets and assume their secondary mode, if present, is Lox-Augmented.
- RR_NuclearFamily.cfg to handle nuclear jets and give them characteristics like the example "Maine Coon" NTJ.
- RR_NuclearFamily.cfg to handle Restock+ Cherenkov and the Space Tux/Atomic Age engines by default.
- RR_NuclearFamily.cfg to to add Kerbalism radioactivity.
- RR_SSPXr_ContainerTypes.cfg to not activate when WBI Classic Stock active.
Rational Resources 1.13.0
- Added Antimatter presence to gas giant templates.
- Added LqdDeuterium presence to ice atmospheres.
- Added templates associated with Event Horizon: WormHole.
- Added templates associated with Galaxies Unbound: AtmOxygen (not for gas giants), AtmGasHelium, BlackHole, StarNeutron, StarCarbon, StarDyingRedGiant.
- Added templates for LOX oceans: OcnOxygen (pure), OcnOxygenC (with CO2 and various traces), OcnOxygenN (with Nitrogen).
Rational Resources 1.12.0
- Added cold gas RCS thrusters with 9 RCS modes (including MonoPropellant).
- Added patch for Hydrolox and Methalox to stock vernier LFO RCS. (Is not an extra.)
- Added Extras:
- RR_ColdGasRCSStock.cfg to add all cold gas options to all stock and Restock+ MonoPropellant RCS.
- RR_NuclearFamily.cfg causes Reducing Agent and Oxidating Agent versions to appear for compatible NTRs. Simply tag such engines that you like. Insutructions in config. Can run stand-alone.
- Added support for these in WBI Classic Stock.
- Added support for GEP (Grannus Expansion Pack). Includes experiment blurbs. This may change later-on and upset landed mining vessels, with new templates that may come.
- Added support for Grounded - Modular Vehicles.
- Added template: AtmGasIV for use by some Hot Jool type planets. Produced by forum user: @ Clamp-O-Tron.
- Added variant select for RR Ocean Scoop. Choose between: white + brown; all white.
- Added engines:
- MAPT "Microwave Air Plasma Thruster" built on stock J-20 Juno.
- SFRJ "SolidFuel Ramjet" built on stock RT-10 Hammer SRB.
- Renamed engines: water ion and hybrid SRBs. May break craft.
- Updated Extras:
- RR_TankswitchForSquad.cfg to not activate when Modular Fuel Tanks installed.
Rational Resources 1.11.0
- Added Extras:
- RR_TACLS.cfg changes TAC Life Support: To use the proper resources (Hydrogen, Methane, Carbon) and cease abstracting them with Waste in its converters; Its Air Filter becomes an all purpose atmo harvester; affect TAC patches for Airline Kuisine and Station Parts Redux.
- RR_TACLS_AirlineKuisine.cfg to similarly affect Airline Kuisine's Mk2 and Mk3 converters.
- RR_TACLS_SSPXr.cfg to similarly affect Nertea's station parts.
- Added LqdNitrogen propellant option to Reducing agent NERVA clone.
- Added missing Rock extraction options to RR exoscoop and for Kerbalism.
- Added support for Deep Sky Core intakes.
Rational Resources 1.10.0
Classic Stock focus
- Added support for CryoTanks. (Note, you may want to delete all of CryoTanks' own patches except for CTT.)
- Added options for stock fuel cells.
- Disabled most tank types for fuel tanks as they are mostly not fuels, and enabled Ore tanks to hold them all.
- Fixed resources for RR atomic engines.
- Fixed removal of stock converter modules for Boxed Convert-O-Trons (where OmniConverter modules are added).
Fixed Configurable Containers detection.
Updated Extras:
- RR_TankswitchForSquad.cfg to stop detecting CryoTanks. This is handled elsewhere.
Rational Resources 1.9.0
- Added RareMetals B9 tank option to Ore tanks.
- Added stock/Restock Ore tanks to RR category.
- Added Extras:
- RR_MoreTankSwitches.cfg adds tank options for tanks of various manufacturers/mods including Fuel Tanks Plus, USI, Mk2 & Mk3 Expansion, KNES, Munar Industries, Charyol, DaMichael's, NovaPunch, NF Launch Vehicles... (List not made by me, contributed by @ Iodyne on the forum.)
- RR_NTRReactorPatch.cfg adds the reactor engine functionality (demonstrated in the Main Coon jet engine) to the RR NERVA clones.
- RR_KCTFuelResources.cfg registers RR eccentric propellants with Kerbal Construction Time.
- RR_KerbalismEmitters.cfg adds Kerbalism radioactivity to the RR NERVA engines.
- Updated Extras/RR_EveLiquidFuelOcean.cfg to add LiquidFuel harvesting to the RR Hydroscoop, not the stock air scoop.
This update brought to you by Iodyne! A little is plenty, plenty is deadly! but it's super rare and valuable!