Built to run on Kubernetes, this service is designed to test the performance of given applications using locust
Use the project's root directory as your working directory
Enable the necessary MicroK8s oddons
microk8s enable dns registry ingress metallb
MicroK8s' default local registry's port is,
Build the helper images
docker build -t builder:latest -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile.builder .
docker build -t runner:latest -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile.runner .
- Build the images
docker build -t localhost:32000/master-release:latest -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile.master-release .
docker build -t localhost:32000/worker-release:latest -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile.worker-release .
docker build -t localhost:32000/frontend:latest -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile.frontend .
- Or use docker compose to build the images
docker-compose -f Dockerfiles/Docker-compose.yaml build
- Push the images to the local registry
docker push localhost:32000/master-release:latest
docker push localhost:32000/worker-release:latest
docker push localhost:32000/frontend:latest
- Create the namespace
kubectl create namespace performance-testing
- Make things easier by setting kubectl's default namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=performance-testing
- Apply kubernetes yaml files
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/pv-volume.yaml
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/pv-claim.yaml
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/redis.yaml
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/frontend.yaml
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/master.yaml
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/worker-1.yaml
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/worker-2.yaml
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/worker-loadbalancer.yaml
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/ingress.yaml
- Add more workers by using the WorkerCreator
python3 Kubernetes/WorkerCreator/app.py 3
kubectl apply -f Kubernetes/worker-3.yaml
Depending on your use case and kubernetes distribution, you may edit
MicroK8s's default ingress' port is,
After building new images, reapply the deployments
# kubectl rollout restart -n <namespace> deployment <deployment>
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n performance-testing frontend-deployment
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n performance-testing master-deployment
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n performance-testing worker-1-deployment
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n performance-testing worker-2-deployment
images are built to run as non root users- Local persistant volumes do not support mounting a directory with non root permissions
- If you wish to use another persistant volume type, please make sure to edit the
configurations inKubernetes/master.yaml
runAsUser: 101
runAsGroup: 101
fsGroup: 101
docker-compose -f Dockerfiles/Docker-compose-helpers.yaml build
docker-compose -f Dockerfiles/Docker-compose.yaml up
- Entrypoint is
- Todo
- Jad K. Haddad [email protected]
© 2022 Jad K. Haddad Licensed under the MIT License
- Locust does not stop if host is not valid
- Stop test before download, or create new zip on every request
- Other features..