The application is live at
The Procfile, pom.xml, and in the root of this repository have been configured so that Heroku is able to build and deploy the package.
The repository is configured to automatically deploy when new changes are merged into the master branch.
Go to marketplace to download the EGit for Eclispe
Install JRE
Go to Apache Tomcat and download it for windows/mac
In the apache tomcat folder, go to bin and grant access for all the .bat files. Such as the Catalina.bat, ciphers.bat, configtest.bat, digest.bat, makebase.bat, setclasspath.bat, shutdown.bat, startup.bat, tool-wrapper.bat and version.bat
Execute tomcat start script
Import the project from git url. Setup username and password. File -> open Projects from File System
select Windows Preferences Maven and enable the Download repository index updates on startup option.
Restart eclipse
Setup maven dependencies