A simlpe shader for the godot engine that gives objects like grass or plants a wiggle/wind effect.
Godot 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGYYeZf-4k8
Godot 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MrdB-qcXAg
There is a demo scene in the demo folder where you can test all features and play with the settings.
If you don't need the demo just ignore the demo folder and connect your mesh with one of the wind_shader_XXX.tres files that can be found in the shaders folder.
- float speed - The speed of the wind movement.
- float minStrength - The minimal strength of the wind movement.
- float maxStrength - The maximal strength of the wind movement.
- float interval - The time between minimal and maximal strength changes.
- float detail - The detail (number of waves) of the wind movement.
- float distortion - The strength of geometry distortion.
- vec2 direction - The direction of wind movement.
- float heightOffset - The height where the wind begins to move. By default 0.0, so everything over the object origin will have wind. (Make sure that you position the object on the right height or adapt it with this setting!)
All parts of this project that are not copyrighted or licensed by someone else are released free under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details. Please keep license file, thanks. :)