Helper service made with the purpose of making some IBM Watson operations easier
Currently it supports the following operations:
- Get a node from its ID
- Get a node and all of its children based on its title
- Copy a node and all of its children on another Watson Skill
Project Layout
├── src Source files
│ ├── config Configuration Loaders and singletons
│ ├── constants Application constants
│ ├── controllers Controller classes to handle HTTP requests
│ ├── helpers Utility classes for the applications
│ ├── middlewares Add ons for Express. E.g.: To handle all unhandled exceptions
│ ├── repositories Classes that deal with the data sources
│ ├── routes Definition of every route for the application
│ ├── utils Utility classes for Express and the infrastructure
│ ├── validations Methods that specify a format for the request body and parameters
│ ├── app.js Main function to execute API methods
│ └── server.js Main function to execute the Express server
├── .babelrc Config file for Babel
├── .editorconfig Editorconfig file
├── .env Environment variables
├── .eslintignore Files not parsed by ESLint
├── .eslintrc.yml ESLint configuration file
├── .gitignore Files not tracked by GIT
├── .prettierignore Files not parsed by Prettier
├── package.json Main project file and dependencies list
└── This README file