VIP (VHDL Interface Plug-in) is a script for VIM text editor which provides some facilities to copy paste entities, components and instances of components.
For example you can copy the component :
component mux is -- place the cursor on this line and enter the command :Viy (Vhdl Interface Yank)
port (
INPUT : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
SEL : in std_logic;
OUTPUT : out std_logic
end component mux;
and paste it as an instance :
mux_0 : mux -- place the cursor here and enter the command :Vii (Vhdl Interface Instance)
port map (
SEL => s_SEL,
VIP can :
copy an entity and paste it as
an entity
a component
an instance
copy a component and paste it as
an entity
a component
an instance
copy a instance and paste it as
an instance (with auto-incrementation of the suffix number)
VIP tries to respect your indentation as much as possible (spaces, tabs, spaces + tabs). It can work with many different styles of writing entities, components and instances but not all of them. See documentation.
#Download :
[VIM scripts / VIP] (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3335)