This repository contains the results used in writing the attached paper.
The content is as follows:
ftp-big # The big dataset as described in the paper
├── after_training.png # Result of the training phase
├── test-pkt1 # Test with packet threshold=1 and Days threshold = 1
│ └── rates.txt # Rates as described in the paper
├── test-pkt5 # Test with packet threshold=5 and Days threshold = 1
│ └── rates.txt # Rates as described in the paper
└── test-pkt5-differences # Test with packet threshold=5 and Days threshold = 1 including differences between python and P4
├── difference_num_packets.txt # Difference in number of packets
├── not_seen.txt # IP addresses that were seen by P4 but not by python
└── rates.txt # Rates as described in the paper
ftp-small # The small dataset as described in the paper
├── after_training.png # Result of the training phase
└── test # Test with packet threshold=5 and Days threshold = 1
├── daysdiff.txt # Difference in number of days between Python and P4
└── rates.txt # Rates as described in the paper
program.p4 # The P4 implemenation of History-Based IP Filtering (HIF)
paper.pdf # The paper