This crash course is a part of WP Engine's Headless Developer Roadmap. It covers the basics of creating a headless WordPress site using Next.js and WPGraphQL. You can find a step-by-step guide on the WP Engine Developer Relations site. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Create static and dynamic routes in Next.js
- Use the GraphiQL IDE to compose GraphQL queries
- Use Apollo Client fetch data in your app
- Choose appropriate Next.js rendering methods based on your content
✍️ Read the step-by-step tutorial 📹 Watch the video
Follow along with the blog post, and run the following commands to clone this repo:
git clone
cd crash-course-headless-wp-next-wpgraphql
npm install
npm run dev
WP Engine's Atlas platform provides a performant and user-friendly hosting platform for headless WordPress and Node-based JavaScript apps. Create a free sandbox account to try the platform.