Engineering Thermodynamics infrastructure in Julia.
The EngThermBase.jl
package provides a common platform for:
- Engineering thermodynamics models and packages, and
- Case calculations.
julia> using EngThermBase
julia> pars = [ T_(500u"°C"), P_(1u"MPa"), q_(800u"kJ/kg") ]
3-element Vector{AMOUNTS{Float64, EX}}:
T₆₄: 773.15 K
P₆₄: 1000.0 kPa
q₆₄: 800.00 kJ/kg
In the above example, by respectivly using the T_
, P_
, and q_
constructors (from
), the respective argument quantities of 500u"°C"
, 1u"MPa"
, and
were tagged (or labeled) as a temperature, a pressure, and a heat
Once tagged, the quantity is stored and shown in default units for each quantity type,
meaning in the T_(500u"°C")
constructor call, there was a unit conversion from 500 °C into
773.15 K, in the P_(1u"MPa")
constructor call, there was a unit conversion from 1 MPa into
1000 kPa, and no unit conversion in the q_(800u"kJ/kg")
constructor call.
Moreover, the quantities also pretty-print with a pre-settable amount of significant digits,
and optional floating point precision, as in the T₆₄: 773.15 K
output, the T
the quantity type---a temperature; the ₆₄
the underlying floating point precision (of 64
bits), while 773.15 K
is the amount, powered by Unitful.jl
julia> typeof(pars[1])
T_amt{Float64, EX}
julia> typeof(pars[3])
q_amt{Float64, EX, MA}
It is worth noting that amounts are parameterized. Amounts such as temperature and pressure
are (1) floating-point precision-, and (2) exactness- parameterized, for instance, in
T_amt{Float64, EX}
, the precision is Float64
, and the exactness is EX
, meaning
Due to EngThermBase.jl
tagging and type tree, we can then make some theory queries, such
as "asking" whether or not quantities are (i) properties or (ii) interactions, as well as
their base:
julia> property_pars = [ p for p in pars if p isa Property ]
2-element Vector{WProperty{Float64, EX}}:
T₆₄: 773.15 K
P₆₄: 1000.0 kPa
julia> interaction_pars = [ p for p in pars if p isa Interact ]
1-element Vector{q_amt{Float64, EX, MA}}:
q₆₄: 800.00 kJ/kg
julia> precof(pars[3]), exacof(pars[3]), baseof(pars[3])
(Float64, EX, MA)
Therefore, pars[1]
and pars[2]
, respectively tagged as a temperature and a pressure, are
listed as properties, while pars[3]
, tagged as a specific heat transfer, is listed as an
interaction. Moreover, its precision, exactness, and base are recovered in the last example,
with the precof
, exacof
, and baseof
In EngThermBase.jl
, amounts are functors
, meaning they can be called as a function. The
default behavior is to untag itself, returning unaltered it's amt
member. If, however, a
unit is passed as an argument to the functor, a unit conversion will be attempted. All unit
operations on EngThermBase.jl
are powered by Unitful.jl
julia> x, y = T_(512), P_(1024)
(T₆₄: 512.00 K, P₆₄: 1024.0 kPa)
julia> x(), y()
(512.0 K, 1024.0 kPa)
julia> x(u"°C")
238.85000000000002 °C
The above example illustrates that constructors apply default units to unitless arguments,
so that the default temperature unit, K
, was applied by T_
in the T_(512)
call. An
analogous behavior is illusrtated with the P_(1024)
Untagging happens when the x
and y
objects are called (as functors), with x()
, and
, in which case we see the plain underlying values of 512.0 K
and 1024.0 kPa
returned as a 2-tuple. Note that there's no more pretty-printing because the untagged values
are no longer EngThermBase.jl
In the last example, a unit conversion is performed when a unit is passed to the functor
call x(u"°C")
, that returns 238.85 °C. Note again, the lack of pretty-printing.
Other untagging functions are: amt
, bare
, and pod
; which, respectively return the (i)
underlying amount (with units, just like the functor), (ii) the "bare" numerical value
without units, and (iii) a "plain-old data", which also strips from bare numerical values
any possible accompanying error/uncertainty.
julia> x = T_(300 ± 0.1)
T₆₄∴ (300.00 ± 0.10 K)
julia> typeof(x)
T_amt{Float64, MM}
julia> [ F(x) for F in (amt, bare, pod) ]
3-element Vector{Number}:
300.0 ± 0.1 K
300.0 ± 0.1
In this case, typeof(x)
returns T_amt{Float64, MM}
. The MM
exactness parameter
indicates a measurement, powered by Measurements.jl
It is worth noting that temperature Measurement
exactness quantities pretty-print as T₆₄∴ ...
instead of T₆₄: ...
, i.e., the employed separator changes from :
to ∴
, as to more
explicitly convey that something "special" is being tagged as a temperature, i.e., an
underlying Measurements
value. This change has been introduced on release-0.5
for all
exactness AMOUNTS
Note that by applying the amt()
, bare()
, and pod()
functions on x
, returned the
illustrated values, with all operations untagging x
, returning a (i) unit-ed measurement,
a (ii) unitless measurement, and a (iii) simple numeric value, or a plain-old data.
Some common thermodynamic operations on tagged operands yield quantities of other tags. For
instance, it is generally assumed that, whenever adding a pressure-volume product, Pv
, to
an internal energy amount, u
—all in the same base—the operation should return an
enthalpy amount, h
, since
and therefore, the following operations, each one following a thermodynamic quantity definition, from other operands (amounts), return the corresponding quantity:
julia> u_(300) + P_(100) * v_(0.1) # h ≝ u + P*v
h₆₄: 310.00 kJ/kg
julia> u_(400) - T_(300) * s_(1.0) # a ≝ u - T*s
a₆₄: 100.00 kJ/kg
julia> (P_(100) * v_(0.1)) / (R_(0.2) * T_(500)) # Z ≝ (P*v) / (R*T)
Z₆₄: 0.10000 –
julia> ve(1500u"km/hr") / cs(1200u"km/hr") # Ma ≝ 𝕧 / 𝕔
Ma₆₄: 1.2500 –
julia> cp(5) / cv(4) # γ ≝ cp / cv
γ₆₄: 1.2500 –
In this example, the operation u + P * v
resulted in an enthalpy, h
. Moreover, by
definition, u - T * s --> a
, and (P * v) / (R * T) --> Z
. Moreover, a Mach number Ma
of 1.25 is obtained by dividing the velocity of 1500 km/h by the sound speed of 1200 km/h,
and the classic ratio cp / cv --> γ
If the automatic tagging is unwanted, one can always manually tag the result of operations, in the same way raw values are being tagged in the previous example. As long as physical dimensions are consistent, manually re-tagging will work, as expected:
julia> specific_boundary_work = w_( u_(300) + P_(100) * v_(0.1) )
w₆₄: 310.00 kJ/kg
In the above example, which can occur in the Thermodynamic context of a boundary work
energy balance calculation, the outermost call w_()
is the manual re-tagging, which
causes a specific work interation to be returned, instead of the default specific enthalpy
encodes the following
- Thermodynamic bases
(system, or extensive), andDT
According to theory, the first two are intensive, while the others, extensive. Here's examples of what can be done computationally:
julia> specific_internal_energy = u_(300)
u₆₄: 300.00 kJ/kg
julia> system_mass = m_(3.0u"kg")
m₆₄: 3.0000 kg
julia> system_internal_energy = specific_internal_energy * system_mass
U₆₄: 900.00 kJ
julia> pars = [ system_mass, specific_internal_energy, system_internal_energy ]
3-element Vector{BProperty{Float64, EX}}:
m₆₄: 3.0000 kg
u₆₄: 300.00 kJ/kg
U₆₄: 900.00 kJ
julia> intensive_pars = [ p for p in pars if baseof(p) <: IntBase ]
1-element Vector{u_amt{Float64, EX, MA}}:
u₆₄: 300.00 kJ/kg
julia> extensive_pars = [ p for p in pars if baseof(p) <: ExtBase ]
2-element Vector{BProperty{Float64, EX, SY}}:
m₆₄: 3.0000 kg
U₆₄: 900.00 kJ
It is worth noting that an automatic change of base took place in the product that defined
the system_internal_energy
, when a specific internal energy amount was multiplied by a
system mass amount, EngThermBase.jl
returned a system (based) internal energy amount, in
julia> typeof(system_internal_energy)
u_amt{Float64, EX, SY}
conceptual abstract types have 5 (five) branches placed under the top-most
type AbstractTherm
julia> using TypeTree
julia> subtypes(AbstractTherm)
5-element Vector{Any}:
are the tagged quantities and are already introduced above. The other branches
expand like the following:
julia> print(tt(BASES)...)
├─ ExactBase
│ ├─ EX
│ └─ MM
└─ ThermBase
├─ ExtBase
│ ├─ DT
│ └─ SY
└─ IntBase
├─ MA
└─ MO
julia> print(tt(COMBOS)...)
├─ PropPair{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
│ ├─ ChFPair{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
│ └─ EoSPair{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
│ ├─ PvPair{𝕡, 𝕩} where [...]
│ ├─ TPPair{𝕡, 𝕩} where [...]
│ └─ TvPair{𝕡, 𝕩} where [...]
├─ PropQuad{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
└─ PropTrio{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
└─ TPxTrio{𝕡, 𝕩} where [...]
julia> print(tt(MODELS)...)
├─ Heat{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
│ ├─ BivarHeat{𝗽, 𝘅, 𝗯} where [...]
│ ├─ ConstHeat{𝗽, 𝘅, 𝗯} where [...]
│ ├─ GenerHeat{𝗽, 𝘅, 𝗯} where [...]
│ └─ UnvarHeat{𝗽, 𝘅, 𝗯} where [...]
├─ Medium{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
│ └─ Substance{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
└─ System{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
└─ Scope{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
├─ Mixtures{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
│ ├─ Reactiv{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
│ └─ Unreact{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
└─ PureSubs{𝗽, 𝘅} where [...]
The abstract type hyerarchy provides hooks for thermodynamic models of heat capacity, pure substance (by equation of state, or EoS), mixtures, etc... such as the IdealGasLib.jl.
For additional information and examples, please refer to the package's documentation.
Version 0.5.0
brought precision- and exactness- parametric unvarSerF <: AuxFunc
functions as to aid substance modeling, e.g., generic specific heat capacities. The function, in
it's "raw" state provided by EngThermBase
, operates with unlabeled quantities, i.e., unitless
Julia numbers; however maintaining the typical EngThermBase
precision- and exactness-
parameterization scheme, therefore: unvarSerF{𝕡,𝕩} where {𝕡<:PREC,𝕩<:EXAC}
Interesting features of such functions is that (i) they are made to work with the rest of
, owing to the precision- and exactness- parameterization paradigm, but most
importantly, anticipating their use in univariate specific heat modeling, unvarSerF
can be
generated by derivating (d/dx) or integrating (∫dx, or ∫dlnx) another unvarSerF
This is accomplish due to the univariate generic design of unvarSerF
, as well as julia
ecosystem libraries of ForwardDiff
, for derivatives, and QuadGK
, for integrations.
This is provided as to aid de development of substance modeling libraries, so that, if such a function is instantiated through:
julia> cpN2 = unvarSerF(273.0, 1800.0, Function[x->28.9, x->-0.1571e-2*x, x->0.8081e-5*x^2, x->-2.873e-9*x^3], 0.59)
4∴term 𝑓₆₄(𝑥 ∈ [273.00; 1800.0])
i.e., a simple, 4-term Textbook Appendix function for c̄p(T)
of Nitrogen gas, valid between
273K and 1800K with maximum %error of 0.59 — note all this information is embed in the
— then, derived c̄v(T)
, h̄(T)
, ū(T)
, and s̄(T)
functions can be conveniently
obtained by simply:
julia> cvN2 = cpN2 - bare(R_(MM))
5∴term 𝑓₆₄(𝑥 ∈ [273.00; 1800.0])
julia> h_N2 = ∫dx(cpN2, 300.0, 8723.0)
5∴term 𝑓₆₄(𝑥 ∈ [273.00; 1800.0])
julia> u_N2 = ∫dx(cvN2, 300.0, 8723.0)
6∴term 𝑓₆₄(𝑥 ∈ [273.00; 1800.0])
julia> s_N2 = ∫dlnx(cpN2, 300.0, 191.682)
5∴term 𝑓₆₄(𝑥 ∈ [273.00; 1800.0])
Preliminary tests, i.e., sample julia-repl
manual comparisons at roughly 500K to 1000K -spaced
inputs showed the functions do predict intervals for c̄p
, c̄v
, ū
, h̄
, and s̄
that contain
the values listed on another Textbook Appendix table for Nitrogen as an ideal gas.
Prof. C. Naaktgeboren, PhD. Lattes.
Hermann von Helmholtz Energy Research Group DGP.
Federal University of Technology, Paraná (site), Guarapuava Campus.
NaaktgeborenC <dot!> PhD {at!} gmail [dot!] com
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
How to cite this project:
author = {C. Naaktgeboren},
title = {{EngThermBase.jl} -- Engineering Thermodynamics infrastructure in Julia},
howpublished = {Online},
year = {2024},
journal = {GitHub repository},
publisher = {GitHub},
url = {},
note = {release 0.5.1 of 24-10-25},