Node should be installed
- Clone github project from Command-Line-Test-EES
- Run
npm install
- Load the script into node console
SCRIPT={scenario1.js} npm run script
- defineUser_local(userId, [{groupName, groupId}])
Create new userdefineUser_local("1", [{"class", "1"}])
- setUserGroup_local(userId, groupName, groupId)
Change user group
setUserGroup_local("1", "class", "2")
- defineExperiment_server(name, [{id, point}], [conditions], unitOfAssignment, consistencyRule, postExperimentRule, group)
Create new experiment
defineExperiment_server("Experiment1", [{ id: 'W2', point: 'WorkSpace' }], ['A', 'B'], ASSIGNMENT_UNIT.INDIVIDUAL, CONSISTENCY_RULE.INDIVIDUAL, POST_EXPERIMENT_RULE.CONTINUE, 'class')
- setExperimentStatus_server(name, state)
Change experiment status
setExperimentStatus_server("Experiment1", EXPERIMENT_STATE.PREVIEW)
- getAllExperimentConditions_client(userId)
Assign experiment condition to all the experiment for a user and return array of experiment conditions assigned
- getExperimentCondition_client(experimentCondition, experimentPoint, experimentId)
Return Experiment Condition assigned for the Experiment Point and Experiment Id
getExperimentCondition_client(experimentCondition, 'WorkSpace', 'W2')
- markExperimentPoint_client(userEnvironment, experimentPoint, experimentId, user)
Marks the experiment point for a User
markExperimentPoint_client('WorkSpace', 'W2', user1)
- markExperimentPoint(experimentId: string, experimentPoint: string, userId: string, groupType: string, groupId: string)
Marks the experiment point for a User
markExperimentPoint("W1", "Workspace", "1", "class", "1")
- validate_local(condition1, condition2, validation, validationName)
Validate locally condition1 and condition2
validate_local('A', 'A', Validation.Equal, 'Pass')
- deleteExperiment_server(name)
Delete Experiment by name