- A 68-feature vector with time and frequency domain variables.
- Its activity label.
- An identifier of the subject who carried out the experiment.
'run_analysis.R' : R Script containing required transformation frm raw to desired tidy dataset.
'CodeBook.md' : Codebook for raw as well as tidy dataset.
-Read files of subject id's,feature vectors(X_test),actitvity labels(y_test) for test as well as train sets
-Read the feature names from "features" file
-Read activity labels from "activity_label" file
--naming columns of X_test,X_train datasets using features datafframe
--naming columns of subject_test,subject_train datasets as "subjectid"
--naming columns of y_test,y_train datasets as "activitylabel"
--column binding subject_test,y_test,X_test into single dataset "test"
--column binding subject_train,y_train,X_train into single dataset "train"
--Row binding(merging) test and train data into single dataset "data"
--changing the names of the dataset to lower case for easy search of desired column names later
--collecting desired column names (names having "mean()"or"std()"or"subjectid"or"activitylabel") (Here by using mean() we have safely removed colums like 'meanFreq()' etc.)
--selecting desired columns
--Using grep function repllacing numeric label to activity name in "data" using "activity_labels" dataframe
--labelling the data set with descriptive variable names using gsub
--Names stored in new variable naming
--Modifying names of variables of original dataset "data"
-Step 5: Creating independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject:
--Melting data to dataMMelt
--Casting dataMelt tp requires TidyData dataframe
- Features are normalized and bounded within [-1,1].
- Each feature vector is a row on the text file.