After some time working in these fields, I decided to make a change and explore new areas that I'm passionate about, such as web development and artificial intelligence.
- 🌍 Location: Ciudad Real, Spain
- ✉️ Contact: [email protected]
- 🧠 Currently learning: Python, AI, React
- 🤝 Open to collaboration: Happy to collaborate on exciting projects
I enjoy reading books on self-improvement, technology, and fiction. Here are some of my favorite books and what I'm currently reading:
Favorite Book #1: Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins
Favorite Book #2: Invicto by Marcos Vázquez
On My List: Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin
You can explore more books I'm interested in or planning to read on my Amazon wishlist: