True Welcomer Welcome new users, Welcome back old users, and say goodbye to users leaving.
"Debug Mode": false
"Show Join Messages": true,
"Show Welcome Messages": true,
"Show Leave Messages": true,
"Clears the Data List on wipe": true,
"Steam User Icon ID": 0
"Hide Players with AuthLevel": false,
"AuthLevel to Hide. 0 - Both, 1 - AuthLevel1, 2 - AuthLevel2 ": 0,
"Hide Players With Permission": false
"OnWelcome": "Welcome, <color=#ff7675>{0}</color>, to the server!",
"OnJoin": "Welcome back, <color=#ff7675>{0}</color>, to the server!",
"OnLeave": "Goodbye, <color=#ff7675>{0}</color>!",
"NoPermission": "You do not have permission to run this command!",
"NowHiding": "Users will no longer be alerted when you join or leave the server.",
"NowShowing": "Users will now be alerted when you join or leave the server.",
"ServerConfigAlert": "Due to the Server's Config, your preference will be ignored."