A combination of planetiler and elasticsearch to create tiles for points for interest on one hand and a searchabale index on the other.
This repo allows both the creation of global POIs PMTiles using planetiler and also creating a global search using elasticsearch.
Additional arguments to this wrapper besides the Planetiler's arguments:
Parameter Name | Description | Default Value |
languages |
A comma separated list of languages to add to the tiles and search | en,he |
es-address |
The address of the Elasticsearch database | http://localhost:9200 |
es-index-alias |
The alias of the index to insert into, it will create "1" and "2" suffix for the relevant index before switching | points |
To run using docker (While having a local elasticsearch running at 9200):
docker run --rm --network=host -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx4g -Xms4g" -v "$(pwd)/data":/app/data ghcr.io/israelhikingmap/planet-search --download
To compile run:
mvn package
To run do:
java -jar ./target/planet-search-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
To serve the PMTiles run:
docker run -p 7777:8080 -v $(pwd)/data/:/data/ --rm protomaps/go-pmtiles serve /data/ --public-url=http://localhost:7777 --cors=\*