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Ionic 4 code snippets

MIT license Maintenance made-for-VSCode

prefix: i4-

Now with support for react

Ionic 4 Documentation

Most elements allow for tabbing into options of a specific element. For example when using the i4-button-full you can tab into (or just remove) the options


Shortcut Code Component Options
i4-avatar ion-avatar with nested img tag slot
i4-button-back nested ion-back-button in ion-buttons tag defaultHref
i4-backdrop ion-backdrop tappable; visible; stopPropagation
i4-backdrop-dynamic ion-backdrop same as above, but options are []
i4-badge ion-badge color; slot;
i4-button ion-button color; href or (click);
i4-button-detailed ion-button same as above, but with routerDirection; size
i4-button-full ion-button same as above, but with fill; type; expand; round; strong;
i4-button-icon-left ion-button with nested ion-icon on left color; href or (click); icon
i4-button-icon-right ion-button with nested ion-icon on right color; href or (click); icon
i4-button-icon-only ion-button with nested ion-icon only color; *href or (click); icon
i4-buttons ion-buttons slot
i4-icon ion-icon icon
i4-card ion-card with nested subtitle, title and content color;
i4-checkbox ion-checkbox color; slot
i4-chip ion-chip color;
i4-chip-label ion-chip with a nested ion-chip-label color;
i4-chip-icon-left ion-chip with a nested ion-chip-label & ion-icon on left color; icon;
i4-chip-icon-right ion-chip with a nested ion-chip-label & ion-icon on right color; icon
i4-chip-icon-button ion-chip with a nested ion-chip-label & ion-icon on right color; icon
i4-chip-button ion-chip-button color, fill
i4-content ion-coontent scrollEvents, (ionScrollStart), (ionScroll), (ionScrollEnd)
i4-datetime ion-datetime placeholder;
i4-datetime-item ion-datetime nested in an ion-item with an ion-label position; placeholder;
i4-fab ion-fab none;
i4-fab-full ion-fab vertical; horizoontal; edge; slot; edge
i4-fab-button ion-fab-button color;
i4-fab-list ion-fab-list side;
i4-fab-buttons ion-fab-list with 3 nested ion-buttons side;
i4-footer ion-footer none;
i4-header ion-header none;
i4-hide-when-mode ion-hide-when mode;
i4-hide-when-media-query ion-hide-when mediaQuery;
i4-hide-when-orientation ion-hide-when orientation;
i4-hide-when-platform ion-hide-when platform;
i4-hide-when-size ion-hide-when size;
i4-img ion-img src; alt;
i4-img-dynamic ion-img *same as above, but options are []
i4-infinite-scroll ion-infinite-scroll threshold; (ionInfinite); position;
i4-infinite-scroll-content ion-infinite-scroll-content loadingSpinner; loadingText;
i4-input ion-input type;
i4-item ion-item color;
i4-item-detail ion-item with detail color;
i4-item-icon ion-item with detail icon color;
i4-item-divider ion-item-divider none;
i4-item-group ion-item-group none;
i4-item-sliding ion-item-sliding none;
i4-item-sliding-options ion-item-options side;
i4-item-sliding-option ion-item-option color; (click);
i4-label ion-label none;
i4-label-full ion-label color; position;
i4-list ion-list none
i4-list-full ion-list lines; inset;
i4-list-with-items ion-list with 4 neested items none;
i4-list-header ion-list-header color;
i4-menu ion-menu none;
i4-menu-full ion-menu side; type; swipeEnabled;
i4-note ion-note color;
i4-radio ion-radio color; slot;
i4-radio-group ion-radio-group none;
i4-range ion-range color; min; max; pin;
i4-range-labels ion-range with 2 labels same as above
i4-range-icons ion-range with 2 icons same as above
i4-refresher ion-refresher slot; (ionRefresh);
i4-refresher-full ion-refresher slot pullMax; pullMin; snapbackDuration; *closeDuration; (ionRefresh);
i4-refresher-content ion-refresher-content pullingIcon; pullingText; refreshingSpinner refreshingText
i4-reorder ion-reorder slot;
i4-reorder-group ion-reorder-group none;
i4-reorder-full ion-reorder-group with 2 nested items none;
i4-ripple-effect ion-ripple-effect none;
i4-router ion-router none;
i4-route ion-route component; url;
i4-router-outlet ion-router-outlet stack; name;
i4-searchbar ion-searchbar placeholder; animated; showCancelButton; cancelButtonText;
i4-segment ion-segment color;
i4-segment-button ion-segment-button (ionSelect);
i4-segment-full ion-segment with 2 nested ion-segment-buttons (ionChange); value
i4-select ion-select with ion-select-option placeholder interface
i4-select-option ion-select-option value;
i4-show-when-mode ion-show-when mode;
i4-show-when-media-query ion-show-when mediaQuery;
i4-show-when-orientation ion-show-when orientation;
i4-show-when-platform ion-show-when platform;
i4-show-when-size ion-show-when size;
i4-skeleton-text ion-skeleton-text width;
i4-skeleton-text-paragraph ion-skeleton-text with nth items width;
i4-slide ion-slide none;
i4-slides ion-slides with 4 ion-slide's pager; options;
i4-spinner ion-spinner color; name;
i4-split-pane ion-split-pane when;
i4-split-pane-full ion-split-pane with nested menu and router outlet none;
i4-tab ion-tab label; icon; href;
i4-tabs ion-tabs color;
i4-tabs-full ion-tabs with 3 ion-tab's color; icon
i4-text ion-text color;
i4-textarea ion-textarea color;
i4-textarea-clear-on-edit ion-textarea clear on edit;
i4-textarea-autogrow ion-textarea-autogrow autogrow;
i4-textarea-item i4-textarea-item item wrapper;
i4-thumbnail ion-thumbnail slot;
i4-title ion-title none;
i4-toggle ion-toggle none;
i4-toolbar ion-toolbar color;
i4-virtual-scroll virtual-scroll as ion-list with ion-item [virtualScroll]; virtualItem;


Ionic 4 code snippets for Visual Studio Code






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