Simple examples to help a developer work through interacting with the IOTA network. Forked from the repo from Lewis Freiberg.
To start playing with these examples run the following commands:
git clone
cd iota-workshop
npm i
node code/1-hello-world.js
You should receive a message including the statistics of an IOTA node. This means you can explore and run the other examples.
Here are the examples included:
- 1-hello-world.js
- 2.1-send-hello.js
- 2.2-fetch-hello.js
- 3.1-create-address.js
- 3.2-check-balance.js
- 4-send-tokens.js
- 5.1-send-data.js
- 5.2-fetch-data.js
a bit more advanced:
- 6-zmq-listen.js
- 7.1-mam-public-send.js
- 7.2-mam-public-fetch.js
- 7.3-mam-private-send.js
- 7.4-mam-private-fetch.js
- 7.5-mam-public-watch.js
Usefull link to js api-reference:
Usefull link to Robert Lie's light wallet:
Master by Lewis Freiberg
Adaptations by Adri Wischmann
🍻 Lewi