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Version 1.6 beta 3

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@nielsdrost7 nielsdrost7 released this 12 Nov 17:56
· 229 commits to development since this release

Hash Format Hash
MD5 67e62b2dcbd329cda68bc8012a57158f
SHA-256 b30e4b694defe0c21d5fdf5618a39a7ab55cf66dddf1a415bafacb9fb2af70a1


This is a Beta release. Don't use this release on production.
Check out the release, run it with Docker.
A new release will be made once we get through the Beta period.

New Contributors

Quick overview of the improvements vs. Beta 2:

  • Changed version numbers of Dropzone.js and js-cookie.js, because creating invoices didn't work in last beta
  • re-ran yarn run build for the newly created .zip file
  • Calculated md5sum and sha256 hashes for a newly created .zip file