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Merge pull request #372 from effectfully/effectfully/docs/ifix-is-enough
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[Docs] Added 'IFixIsEnough.agda'
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michaelpj authored Jan 3, 2019
2 parents 6d1bfd3 + 2e2db3f commit 0005a81
Showing 1 changed file with 328 additions and 0 deletions.
328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions docs/fomega/mutual-type-level-recursion/IFixIsEnough.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
-- In this document we'll show that having `ifix :: ((k -> *) -> k -> *) -> k -> *` is enough to
-- get `fix :: (k -> k) -> k` for any particular `k`.

module IFixIsEnough where

open import Agda.Primitive

-- First, the definition of `IFix`:

data IFix {α φ} {A : Set α} (F : (A -> Set φ) -> A -> Set φ) (x : A) : Set φ where
wrap : F (IFix F) x -> IFix F x

-- We'll be calling `F` a pattern functor and `x` an index.

open import Function

-- The simplest non-trivial case of an n-ary higher-kinded `fix` is

-- fix2 :: ((j -> k -> *) -> j -> k -> *) -> j -> k -> *

-- So we'll start from encoding this fixed-point combinator.

module FixProduct where
-- In Agda it has the following signature:

Fix₂ : {A B : Set} -> ((A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set

-- One way of getting this type is by going through type-level tuples.

open import Data.Product

-- Having (defined for clarity)

Fixₓ : {A B : Set} -> ((A × B -> Set) -> A × B -> Set) -> A × B -> Set
Fixₓ = IFix

-- we can just sprinkle `curry` and `uncurry` in appropriate places and get the desired definition:

ConciseFix₂ₓ : {A B : Set} -> ((A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set
ConciseFix₂ₓ F = curry (Fixₓ (uncurry ∘ F ∘ curry))

-- which after some expansion becomes

Fix₂ {A} {B} F = λ x y ->
Fixₓ (λ Rec -> uncurry (F (λ x′ y′ -> Rec (x′ , y′)))) (x , y)

-- The main idea here is that since `IFix` receives onle one index, we need to somehow package the
-- two indices we have (`x` and `y`) together to get a single index. And the simplest solution is
-- just to make a two-element tuple out of `x` and `y`.

-- However, this simple solution does not apply to vanilla System F-omega, because we do not have
-- type-level tuples there. Hence some another way of packaging things together is required.

module FixEncodedProduct where
-- The fact that we only use tuples at the type level suggests the following encoding of them:

_×̲_ : Set -> Set -> Set₁ -- Type \x\_-- to get ×̲.
A ×̲ B = (A -> B -> Set) -> Set

-- Which is just the usual Church encoding (okay-okay, Boehm-Berarducci encoding)

_Church×_ : {ρ} -> Set -> Set -> Set (lsuc ρ)
_Church×_ {ρ} A B = {R : Set ρ} -> (A -> B -> R) -> R

-- with `R` (not the type of `R`, but `R` itself) instantiated to `Set`.

-- Here is a combinator that allows to recurse over `A ×̲ B` just like `Fixₓ` from the above
-- allowed to recurse over `A × B`:

abstract -- We'll be marking some things as `abstract` just to get nice output from Agda when
-- we ask it to normalize things.
Fixₓ̲ : {A B : Set} -> ((A ×̲ B -> Set) -> A ×̲ B -> Set) -> A ×̲ B -> Set -- Type \_x\_-- to get ₓ̲.
Fixₓ̲ = IFix

-- Now we have `A ×̲ B -> Set` appearing thrice in a type signature. We can simplify this expression:

-- A ×̲ B -> Set ~ (by definition)
-- ((A -> B -> Set) -> Set) -> Set ~ (see below)
-- A -> B -> Set

-- The fact that we can go from `((A -> B -> Set) -> Set) -> Set` to `A -> B -> Set` is related to
-- the fact that triple negation is equivalent to single negation in a type theory. In fact, we can
-- go from any `((A -> R) -> R) -> R` to `A -> R` and vice versa as witnessed by

module TripleNegation where
tripleToSingle : {α ρ} {A : Set α} {R : Set ρ}
-> (((A -> R) -> R) -> R) -> A -> R
tripleToSingle h x = h λ f -> f x

singleToTriple : {α ρ} {A : Set α} {R : Set ρ}
-> (A -> R) -> ((A -> R) -> R) -> R
singleToTriple f h = h f

-- Here are the `curry` and `uncurry` combinators then:

curryₓ̲ : {α β ρ} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {R : Set ρ}
-> (((A -> B -> R) -> R) -> R) -> A -> B -> R
curryₓ̲ h x y = h λ f -> f x y

uncurryₓ̲ : {α β ρ} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {R : Set ρ}
-> (A -> B -> R) -> ((A -> B -> R) -> R) -> R
uncurryₓ̲ f h = h f

-- And the definition of `ConciseFix₂` following the same pattern as the one from the previous section:

ConciseFix₂ : {A B : Set} -> ((A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set
ConciseFix₂ F = curryₓ̲ (Fixₓ̲ (uncurryₓ̲ ∘ F ∘ curryₓ̲))

-- Compare to the previous one:

-- ConciseFix₂ₓ : {A B : Set} -> ((A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set
-- ConciseFix₂ₓ F = curry (Fixₓ (uncurry ∘ F ∘ curry))

-- We can now ask Agda to normalize `ConciseFix₂`. After some alpha-renaming we get

NormedConciseFix₂ : {A B : Set} -> ((A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set
NormedConciseFix₂ {A} {B} F = λ x y ->
Fixₓ̲ (λ Rec -> uncurryₓ̲ (F (λ x′ y′ -> Rec (λ On -> On x′ y′)))) (λ On -> On x y)

-- which is very similar to what we had previously

-- Fix₂ₓ : {A B : Set} -> ((A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set
-- Fix₂ₓ {A} {B} F = λ x y ->
-- Fixₓ (λ Rec -> uncurry (F (λ x′ y′ -> Rec (x′ , y′)))) (x , y)

-- except we now have `λ On -> On x y` instead of `(x , y)`. What is this new thing? Well:

_,̲_ : {A B : Set} -> A -> B -> A ×̲ B -- Type ,\_-- to get ,̲.
_,̲_ {A} {B} x y = λ (On : A -> B -> Set) -> On x y

-- it's just a new way to package `x` and `y` together without ever touching tuples-as-data. Here
-- we use a function in order to turn two indices into a single one.
-- `λ On -> On x y` is the Church-encoded version of `(x , y)` (where `_,_` constructs data).

-- Using `_,̲_` for clarity we arrive at the following:

Fix₂ : {A B : Set} -> ((A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set
Fix₂ {A} {B} F = λ x y ->
Fixₓ̲ (λ Rec -> uncurryₓ̲ (F (λ x′ y′ -> Rec (x′ ,̲ y′)))) (x ,̲ y)

-- Compare again to the definition from the previous section:

-- Fix₂ₓ : {A B : Set} -> ((A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set
-- Fix₂ₓ {A} {B} F = λ x y ->
-- Fixₓ (λ Rec -> uncurry (F (λ x′ y′ -> Rec (x′ , y′)))) (x , y)

-- The pattern is clearly the same. But now we do not use any type-level data, only lambda abstractions
-- and function applications which we do have at the type level in System F-omega, so it all is legal
-- there.

module Direct where
-- In this section we'll encode other higher-kinded `Fix`es in addition to `Fix₂` from
-- the previous section.

-- `Fix₂` with everything inlined and computed down to normal form looks like this:

Fix₂ : {A B : Set} -> ((A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set
Fix₂ {A} {B} F = λ x y ->
IFix (λ Rec Spine -> Spine (F λ x′ y′ -> Rec (λ On -> On x′ y′))) (λ On -> On x y)

-- `Fix₃` is the same, just an additional argument `z` (and `z′`) is added here and there:

Fix₃ : {A B C : Set} -> ((A -> B -> C -> Set) -> A -> B -> C -> Set) -> A -> B -> C -> Set
Fix₃ F = λ x y z ->
IFix (λ Rec Spine -> Spine (F λ x′ y′ z′ -> Rec (λ On -> On x′ y′ z′))) (λ On -> On x y z)

-- Correspondingly, `Fix₁` is `Fix₂` minus `y` (and `y′`):

Fix₁ : {A : Set} -> ((A -> Set) -> A -> Set) -> A -> Set
Fix₁ F = λ x ->
IFix (λ Rec Spine -> Spine (F λ x′ -> Rec (λ On -> On x′))) (λ On -> On x)

-- But `Fix₁` has the same signature as `IFix`, so we can just define it as

Fix₁′ : {A : Set} -> ((A -> Set) -> A -> Set) -> A -> Set
Fix₁′ = IFix

-- `Fix₀` can be defined in the same manner as `Fix₂`, except we strip off all indices and encode
-- the empty tuple as `λ On -> On`.

Fix₀ : (Set -> Set) -> Set
Fix₀ F =
IFix (λ Rec spine -> spine (F (Rec (λ On -> On)))) (λ On -> On)

-- There is another way to define `Fix₀`, we can just pass a dummy argument as an index:

Fix₀′′ : (Set -> Set) -> Set
Fix₀′′ F = IFix (λ Rec ⊥ -> F (Rec ⊥)) ((A : Set) -> A)

-- The argument is never used and is only needed, because we have to provide *some* index.

-- Another way is to pass `F` itself as an index rather than some dummy argument:

Fix₀′ : (Set -> Set) -> Set
Fix₀′ = IFix λ Rec F -> F (Rec F)

-- This is perhaps the nicest way.

module Generic where
-- In this section we'll define `FixBy` which generalizes all of `Fix₀`, `Fix₁`, `Fix₂`, etc.

-- In

-- Fix₂ : {A B : Set} -> ((A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set) -> A -> B -> Set
-- Fix₂ {A} {B} F = λ x y ->
-- IFix (λ Rec Spine -> Spine (F λ x′ y′ -> Rec (λ On -> On x′ y′))) (λ On -> On x y)

-- we see that wherever `x` and `y` are bound, they're also packaged by `λ On -> On ...` and the
-- entire thing is passed to something else. This holds for the inner

-- λ x′ y′ -> Rec (λ On -> On x′ y′)

-- as well as for the outer

-- λ x y -> ... (λ On -> On x y)

-- This pattern can be easily abstracted:

FixBy : {κ φ} {K : Set κ} -> (((K -> Set φ) -> Set φ) -> K) -> (K -> K) -> K
FixBy WithSpine F = WithSpine (IFix λ Rec Spine -> Spine (F (WithSpine Rec)))

-- `WithSpine` encapsulates spine construction and feeds constructed spines to a continuation.

-- Being equipped like that we can easily define an n-ary higher-kinded `fix` for any `n`:

Fix₀ : {φ} -> (Set φ -> Set φ) -> Set φ
Fix₀ = FixBy λ Cont -> Cont λ On -> On

Fix₁ : {α φ} {A : Set α} -> ((A -> Set φ) -> A -> Set φ) -> A -> Set φ
Fix₁ = FixBy λ Cont x -> Cont λ On -> On x

Fix₂ : {α β φ} {A : Set α} {B : Set β}
-> ((A -> B -> Set φ) -> A -> B -> Set φ) -> A -> B -> Set φ
Fix₂ = FixBy λ Cont x y -> Cont λ On -> On x y

Fix₃ : {α β γ φ} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {C : Set γ}
-> ((A -> B -> C -> Set φ) -> A -> B -> C -> Set φ) -> A -> B -> C -> Set φ
Fix₃ = FixBy λ Cont x y z -> Cont λ On -> On x y z

module DirectGenericSame where
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- The 'direct' and 'generic' encodings result in literally the same code. Here are a few examples:

directIsGeneric₀ : {F} -> Direct.Fix₀ F ≡ Generic.Fix₀ F
directIsGeneric₀ = refl

directIsGeneric₁ : {A F} {x : A} -> Direct.Fix₁ F x ≡ Generic.Fix₁ F x
directIsGeneric₁ = refl

directIsGeneric₂ : {A B F} {x : A} {y : B} -> Direct.Fix₂ F x y ≡ Generic.Fix₂ F x y
directIsGeneric₂ = refl

directIsGeneric₃ : {A B C F} {x : A} {y : B} {z : C} -> Direct.Fix₃ F x y z ≡ Generic.Fix₃ F x y z
directIsGeneric₃ = refl

-- Tests:

module Test where
open import Data.Maybe.Base
open Generic

module Nat where
Nat : Set
Nat = Fix₀ Maybe

pattern zero = wrap nothing
pattern suc n = wrap (just n)

: {P : Nat -> Set}
-> P zero
-> ( n -> P n -> P (suc n))
-> n
-> P n
elimNat z f zero = z
elimNat z f (suc n) = f n (elimNat z f n)

module List where
data ListF (R : Set -> Set) A : Set where
nilF : ListF R A
consF : A -> R A -> ListF R A

List : Set -> Set
List = Fix₁ ListF

pattern [] = wrap nilF
pattern _∷_ x xs = wrap (consF x xs)

: {A} {P : List A -> Set}
-> P []
-> ( x xs -> P xs -> P (x ∷ xs))
-> xs
-> P xs
elimList z f [] = z
elimList z f (x ∷ xs) = f x xs (elimList z f xs)

module InterleavedList where
open import Data.Unit.Base
open import Data.Bool.Base
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.Sum.Base
open import Data.Product

InterleavedList : Set -> Set -> Set
InterleavedList = Fix₂ λ Rec A B -> ⊤ ⊎ A × B × Rec B A

pattern [] = wrap (inj₁ tt)
pattern cons x y ps = wrap (inj₂ (x , y , ps))

example_interleavedList : InterleavedList ℕ Bool
example_interleavedList = cons 0 false ∘′ cons true 1 ∘′ cons 2 false $ []

: {A B} {P : {A B} -> InterleavedList A B -> Set}
-> ( {A B} -> P {A} {B} [])
-> ( {A B} x y ps -> P {A} {B} ps -> P (cons x y ps))
-> ps
-> P {A} {B} ps
elimInterleavedList z f [] = z
elimInterleavedList z f (cons x y ps) = f x y ps (elimInterleavedList z f ps)

module Unicode where
-- This file uses the following unicode:
-- ×̲ 0xD7 \x\_--

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