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Fix reference script support in ledger-constraints
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sjoerdvisscher committed Sep 22, 2022
1 parent 4e74a13 commit 64231ef
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Showing 4 changed files with 93 additions and 34 deletions.
44 changes: 43 additions & 1 deletion plutus-contract/test/Spec/Contract/TxConstraints.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,19 @@ tests = testGroup "contract tx constraints"
void $ activateContract w1 mustReferenceOutputV2ConTest tag
void $ Trace.waitNSlots 3

, checkPredicateOptions
(changeInitialWalletValue w1 (const $ Ada.adaValueOf 1000) defaultCheckOptions)
"mustSpendScriptOutputWithReference can be used on-chain to unlock funds in a PlutusV2 script"
-- TODO: 2nd tx fails because the emulator validation doesn't understand reference scripts,
-- Reenable following lines when the emulator validation has been removed
-- (walletFundsChange w1 (Ada.adaValueOf 0)
-- .&&. valueAtAddress mustReferenceOutputV2ValidatorAddress (== Ada.adaValueOf 0)
-- .&&. assertValidatedTransactionCount 2
(assertValidatedTransactionCountOfTotal 1 2
) $ do
void $ activateContract w1 mustSpendScriptOutputWithReferenceV2ConTest tag
void $ Trace.waitNSlots 3

-- Testing package plutus-tx-constraints

, checkPredicate "Tx.Constraints.mustReferenceOutput fails when trying to unlock funds in a PlutusV1 script"
Expand All @@ -103,7 +116,7 @@ tests = testGroup "contract tx constraints"

, checkPredicateOptions
(changeInitialWalletValue w1 (const $ Ada.adaValueOf 1000) defaultCheckOptions)
"A reference script can be used to witness a PlutusV2 script"
"Tx.Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutputWithReference can be used on-chain to unlock funds in a PlutusV2 script"
(walletFundsChange w1 (Ada.adaValueOf 0)
.&&. valueAtAddress mustReferenceOutputV2ValidatorAddress (== Ada.adaValueOf 0)
.&&. assertValidatedTransactionCount 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,6 +267,35 @@ get3 :: [a] -> (a, a, a)
get3 (a:b:c:_) = (a, b, c)
get3 _ = error "Spec.Contract.TxConstraints.get3: not enough inputs"

mustSpendScriptOutputWithReferenceV2ConTest :: Contract () EmptySchema ContractError ()
mustSpendScriptOutputWithReferenceV2ConTest = do

utxos <- ownUtxos
myAddr <- Con.ownAddress
let ((utxoRef, utxo), (utxoRefForBalance1, _), (utxoRefForBalance2, _)) = get3 $ Map.toList utxos
ValidatorHash vh = fromJust $ Addr.toValidatorHash mustReferenceOutputV2ValidatorAddress
lookups = TC.unspentOutputs utxos
<> TC.plutusV2OtherScript mustReferenceOutputV2Validator
tx = TC.mustPayToOtherScript (ValidatorHash vh) (Datum $ PlutusTx.toBuiltinData utxoRef) (Ada.adaValueOf 5)
<> TC.mustSpendPubKeyOutput utxoRefForBalance1
<> TC.mustPayToAddressWithReferenceScript
(ScriptHash vh)
Nothing (Ada.adaValueOf 25)
mkTxConstraints @Void lookups tx >>= submitTxConfirmed

-- Trying to unlock the Ada in the script address
scriptUtxos <- utxosAt mustReferenceOutputV2ValidatorAddress
utxos' <- ownUtxos
scriptUtxo = fst . last . Map.toList $ scriptUtxos
refScriptUtxo = fst . head . filter (isJust . Tx._ciTxOutReferenceScript . snd) . Map.toList $ utxos'
lookups = TC.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton utxoRef utxo <> scriptUtxos <> utxos')
tx = TC.mustReferenceOutput utxoRef
<> TC.mustSpendScriptOutputWithReference scriptUtxo unitRedeemer refScriptUtxo
<> TC.mustSpendPubKeyOutput utxoRefForBalance2
mkTxConstraints @Any lookups tx >>= submitTxConfirmed

mustSpendScriptOutputWithReferenceTxV2ConTest :: Contract () EmptySchema ContractError ()
mustSpendScriptOutputWithReferenceTxV2ConTest = do
let mkTx lookups constraints = either (error . show) id $ Tx.Constraints.mkTx @Any def lookups constraints
Expand Down
66 changes: 39 additions & 27 deletions plutus-ledger-constraints/src/Ledger/Constraints/OffChain.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ module Ledger.Constraints.OffChain(
, updateUtxoIndex
, lookupTxOutRef
, lookupScript
, lookupScriptAsReferenceScript
, resolveScriptTxOut
, resolveScriptTxOutValidator
, resolveScriptTxOutDatumAndValue
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,8 +105,8 @@ import Ledger.Crypto (pubKeyHash)
import Ledger.Index (minAdaTxOut)
import Ledger.Orphans ()
import Ledger.Params (Params (pNetworkId))
import Ledger.Tx (ChainIndexTxOut (_ciTxOutReferenceScript), Language (PlutusV1, PlutusV2), TxOut (TxOut), TxOutRef,
Versioned (Versioned), outDatumHash, txOutValue)
import Ledger.Tx (ChainIndexTxOut (_ciTxOutReferenceScript), Language (PlutusV1, PlutusV2), ReferenceScript,
TxOut (TxOut), TxOutRef, Versioned (Versioned), outDatumHash, outReferenceScript, txOutValue)
import Ledger.Tx qualified as Tx
import Ledger.Tx.CardanoAPI qualified as C
import Ledger.Typed.Scripts (Any, ConnectionError (UnknownRef), TypedValidator,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ updateUtxoIndex
updateUtxoIndex = do
ScriptLookups{slTxOutputs} <- ask
networkId <- gets $ pNetworkId . cpsParams
slUtxos <- traverse (throwTxOutCardanoError . Tx.toTxOut networkId) slTxOutputs
slUtxos <- traverse (throwToCardanoError . Tx.toTxOut networkId) slTxOutputs
unbalancedTx . utxoIndex <>= slUtxos

-- | Add a typed input, checking the type of the output it spends. Return the value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -571,7 +572,7 @@ addOwnOutput ScriptOutputConstraint{ocDatum, ocValue, ocReferenceScriptHash} = d

data MkTxError =
TypeCheckFailed Typed.ConnectionError
| TxOutCardanoError C.ToCardanoError
| ToCardanoError C.ToCardanoError
| TxOutRefNotFound TxOutRef
| TxOutRefWrongType TxOutRef
| TxOutRefNoReferenceScript TxOutRef
Expand All @@ -590,7 +591,7 @@ data MkTxError =
instance Pretty MkTxError where
pretty = \case
TypeCheckFailed e -> "Type check failed:" <+> pretty e
TxOutCardanoError e -> "Tx out cardano conversion error:" <+> pretty e
ToCardanoError e -> "Cardano conversion error:" <+> pretty e
TxOutRefNotFound t -> "Tx out reference not found:" <+> pretty t
TxOutRefWrongType t -> "Tx out reference wrong type:" <+> pretty t
TxOutRefNoReferenceScript t -> "Tx out reference does not contain a reference script:" <+> pretty t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -650,6 +651,16 @@ lookupScript sh =
let err = throwError (ScriptHashNotFound sh) in
asks slOtherScripts >>= maybe err pure . view (at sh)

:: ( MonadReader (ScriptLookups a) m
, MonadError MkTxError m
=> Maybe ScriptHash
-> m ReferenceScript
lookupScriptAsReferenceScript msh = do
mscript <- traverse lookupScript msh
throwToCardanoError $ C.toCardanoReferenceScript mscript

-- | Modify the 'UnbalancedTx' so that it satisfies the constraints, if
-- possible. Fails if a hash is missing from the lookups, or if an output
-- of the wrong type is spent.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -680,26 +691,23 @@ processConstraint = \case
_ -> throwError (TxOutRefWrongType txo)
MustSpendScriptOutput txo red mref -> do
txout <- lookupTxOutRef txo
valOrRef <- case mref of
mDatumAndValue <- resolveScriptTxOutDatumAndValue txout
((_, datum), value) <- maybe (throwError (TxOutRefWrongType txo)) pure mDatumAndValue
valueSpentInputs <>= provided value
case mref of
Just ref -> do
refTxOut <- lookupTxOutRef ref
case _ciTxOutReferenceScript refTxOut of
Just val -> pure $ Tx.addReferenceTxInput txo (ref <$ val)
Just val -> do
unbalancedTx . tx %= Tx.addReferenceTxInput txo (ref <$ val) red datum
unbalancedTx . tx . Tx.referenceInputs <>= [Tx.pubKeyTxInput ref]
_ -> throwError (TxOutRefNoReferenceScript ref)
Nothing -> do
mscriptTXO <- resolveScriptTxOutValidator txout
case mscriptTXO of
Just (_, val) -> pure $ Tx.addScriptTxInput txo val
Just (_, val) -> do
unbalancedTx . tx %= Tx.addScriptTxInput txo val red datum
_ -> throwError (TxOutRefWrongType txo)
mDatumAndValue <- resolveScriptTxOutDatumAndValue txout
case mDatumAndValue of
Just ((_, datum), value) -> do
-- TODO: When witnesses are properly segregated we can
-- probably get rid of the 'slOtherData' map and of
-- 'lookupDatum'
unbalancedTx . tx %= valOrRef red datum
valueSpentInputs <>= provided value
_ -> throwError (TxOutRefWrongType txo)
MustUseOutputAsCollateral txo -> do
unbalancedTx . tx . Tx.collateralInputs <>= [Tx.pubKeyTxInput txo]
MustReferenceOutput txo -> do
Expand All @@ -719,8 +727,8 @@ processConstraint = \case
unbalancedTx . tx . Tx.mintScripts %= Map.insert mpsHash red
unbalancedTx . tx . Tx.scriptWitnesses %= Map.insert (ScriptHash mpsHashBytes) (fmap getMintingPolicy mintingPolicyScript)
unbalancedTx . tx . <>= value i
MustPayToPubKeyAddress pk skhM mdv _refScript vl -> do
-- TODO: implement adding reference script
MustPayToPubKeyAddress pk skhM mdv refScriptHashM vl -> do
refScript <- lookupScriptAsReferenceScript refScriptHashM
-- if datum is presented, add it to 'datumWitnesses'
forM_ mdv $ \dv -> do
unbalancedTx . tx . Tx.datumWitnesses . at (P.datumHash dv) ?= dv
Expand All @@ -729,18 +737,22 @@ processConstraint = \case
, PV1.txOutDatumHash=Nothing
let txInDatum = C.toCardanoTxOutDatumInTx mdv
txOut <- toCardanoTxOutWithHashedDatum pv1TxOut <&> outDatumHash .~ txInDatum
txOut <- toCardanoTxOutWithHashedDatum pv1TxOut
<&> outDatumHash .~ txInDatum
<&> outReferenceScript .~ refScript
unbalancedTx . tx . Tx.outputs %= (txOut :)
valueSpentOutputs <>= provided vl
MustPayToOtherScript vlh svhM dv _refScript vl -> do
-- TODO: implement adding reference script
MustPayToOtherScript vlh svhM dv refScriptHashM vl -> do
refScript <- lookupScriptAsReferenceScript refScriptHashM
let addr = Address.scriptValidatorHashAddress vlh svhM
theHash = P.datumHash dv
pv1script = scriptAddressTxOut addr vl dv
unbalancedTx . tx . Tx.datumWitnesses . at theHash ?= dv

let txInDatum = C.toCardanoTxOutDatumInTx (Just dv)
txScript <- toCardanoTxOutWithHashedDatum pv1script <&> outDatumHash .~ txInDatum
txScript <- toCardanoTxOutWithHashedDatum pv1script
<&> outDatumHash .~ txInDatum
<&> outReferenceScript .~ refScript
unbalancedTx . tx . Tx.outputs %= (txScript :)
valueSpentOutputs <>= provided vl
MustHashDatum dvh dv -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -828,8 +840,8 @@ toCardanoTxOutWithHashedDatum
=> PV1.TxOut -> m TxOut
toCardanoTxOutWithHashedDatum txout = do
networkId <- gets $ pNetworkId . cpsParams
throwTxOutCardanoError $ TxOut <$> C.toCardanoTxOut networkId C.toCardanoTxOutDatumHash txout
throwToCardanoError $ TxOut <$> C.toCardanoTxOut networkId C.toCardanoTxOutDatumHash txout

throwTxOutCardanoError :: MonadError MkTxError m => Either C.ToCardanoError a -> m a
throwTxOutCardanoError (Left err) = throwError $ TxOutCardanoError err
throwTxOutCardanoError (Right a) = pure a
throwToCardanoError :: MonadError MkTxError m => Either C.ToCardanoError a -> m a
throwToCardanoError (Left err) = throwError $ ToCardanoError err
throwToCardanoError (Right a) = pure a
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions plutus-ledger/src/Ledger/Tx/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -455,6 +455,16 @@ outDatumHash = L.lens
(\(TxOut (C.TxOut aie tov _ rs)) tod -> TxOut (C.TxOut aie tov tod rs))

type ReferenceScript = C.ReferenceScript C.BabbageEra

txOutReferenceScript :: TxOut -> ReferenceScript
txOutReferenceScript (TxOut (C.TxOut _aie _tov _tod rs)) = rs

outReferenceScript :: L.Lens' TxOut ReferenceScript
outReferenceScript = L.lens
(\(TxOut (C.TxOut aie tov tod _)) rs -> TxOut (C.TxOut aie tov tod rs))

lookupScript :: Map ScriptHash (Versioned Script) -> ScriptHash -> Maybe (Versioned Script)
lookupScript txScripts hash = Map.lookup hash txScripts

Expand Down
7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions plutus-tx-constraints/src/Ledger/Tx/Constraints/OffChain.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ import Ledger.Orphans ()
import Ledger.Scripts (ScriptHash, getDatum, getRedeemer, getValidator)
import Ledger.TimeSlot (posixTimeRangeToContainedSlotRange)
import Ledger.Tx qualified as Tx
import Ledger.Tx.CardanoAPI (toCardanoScriptInAnyLang)
import Ledger.Tx.CardanoAPI qualified as C
import Ledger.Typed.Scripts (ValidatorTypes (DatumType, RedeemerType))
import PlutusTx (FromData, ToData)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,11 +315,7 @@ lookupTxOutRef txo = mapLedgerMkTxError $ P.lookupTxOutRef txo
:: Maybe ScriptHash
-> ReaderT (P.ScriptLookups a) (StateT P.ConstraintProcessingState (Except MkTxError)) (C.ReferenceScript C.BabbageEra)
lookupScriptAsReferenceScript Nothing = pure C.ReferenceScriptNone
lookupScriptAsReferenceScript (Just sh) = do
script <- mapLedgerMkTxError $ P.lookupScript sh
scriptInAnyLang <- either (throwError . ToCardanoError) pure $ toCardanoScriptInAnyLang script
pure $ C.ReferenceScript C.ReferenceTxInsScriptsInlineDatumsInBabbageEra scriptInAnyLang
lookupScriptAsReferenceScript msh = mapLedgerMkTxError $ P.lookupScriptAsReferenceScript msh

:: ToData (DatumType a)
Expand Down

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