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Rewrite Mempool tests using Mock.Utxo
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Using the `Mock.Utxo` instead of the overly simplistic `TestTx` we were using
allows for more complicated dependencies between transactions. This better
resembles the real transactions, at the cost of some complexity.

Moreover, using the new transaction type reveals a bug that was not visible
with the previous transaction type, i.e., #1565.
  • Loading branch information
mrBliss committed Feb 10, 2020
1 parent 41d6f95 commit 94d250b
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Showing 11 changed files with 372 additions and 805 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions ouroboros-consensus/ouroboros-consensus.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -300,8 +300,6 @@ test-suite test-consensus
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16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/Ledger/Mock/Block.hs
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Expand Up @@ -249,21 +249,19 @@ instance (SimpleCrypto c, Typeable ext, SupportedBlock (SimpleBlock c ext))
mustSucceed (Right st) = st
ledgerTipPoint (SimpleLedgerState st) = mockTip st

updateSimpleLedgerState :: (Monad m, SimpleCrypto c, Typeable ext)
updateSimpleLedgerState :: (SimpleCrypto c, Typeable ext)
=> SimpleBlock c ext
-> LedgerState (SimpleBlock c ext)
-> ExceptT (MockError (SimpleBlock c ext))
(LedgerState (SimpleBlock c ext))
-> Except (MockError (SimpleBlock c ext))
(LedgerState (SimpleBlock c ext))
updateSimpleLedgerState b (SimpleLedgerState st) =
SimpleLedgerState <$> updateMockState b st

updateSimpleUTxO :: (Monad m, Mock.HasUtxo a)
updateSimpleUTxO :: Mock.HasUtxo a
=> a
-> TickedLedgerState (SimpleBlock c ext)
-> ExceptT (MockError (SimpleBlock c ext))
(TickedLedgerState (SimpleBlock c ext))
-> Except (MockError (SimpleBlock c ext))
(TickedLedgerState (SimpleBlock c ext))
updateSimpleUTxO b (TickedLedgerState slot (SimpleLedgerState st)) =
TickedLedgerState slot . SimpleLedgerState <$> updateMockUTxO b st

Expand All @@ -279,7 +277,7 @@ instance (SimpleCrypto c, Typeable ext, SupportedBlock (SimpleBlock c ext))
data GenTx (SimpleBlock c ext) = SimpleGenTx
{ simpleGenTx :: !Mock.Tx
, simpleGenTxId :: !Mock.TxId
} deriving stock (Generic)
} deriving stock (Generic, Eq, Ord)
deriving anyclass (Serialise)

txSize = fromIntegral . Lazy.length . serialise
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ newtype StakeDist = StakeDist { stakeDistToMap :: Map CoreNodeId Rational }
stakeWithDefault :: Rational -> CoreNodeId -> StakeDist -> Rational
stakeWithDefault d n = Map.findWithDefault d n . stakeDistToMap

relativeStakes :: Map StakeHolder Int -> StakeDist
relativeStakes :: Map StakeHolder Amount -> StakeDist
relativeStakes m = StakeDist $
let totalStake = fromIntegral $ sum $ Map.elems m
in Map.fromList [ (nid, fromIntegral stake / totalStake)
Expand All @@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ relativeStakes m = StakeDist $
-- The 'Nothing' value holds the total stake of all addresses that don't
-- get mapped to a NodeId.
totalStakes :: Map Addr NodeId -> Utxo -> Map StakeHolder Int
totalStakes :: Map Addr NodeId -> Utxo -> Map StakeHolder Amount
totalStakes addrDist = foldl f Map.empty
f :: Map StakeHolder Int -> TxOut -> Map StakeHolder Int
f :: Map StakeHolder Amount -> TxOut -> Map StakeHolder Amount
f m (a, stake) = case Map.lookup a addrDist of
Just (CoreId nid) -> Map.insertWith (+) (StakeCore nid) stake m
_ -> Map.insertWith (+) StakeEverybodyElse stake m
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34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/Ledger/Mock/State.hs
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Expand Up @@ -45,42 +45,42 @@ data MockState blk = MockState {
deriving instance Serialise (HeaderHash blk) => Serialise (MockState blk)

data MockError blk =
MockInvalidInputs InvalidInputs
MockUtxoError UtxoError
| MockInvalidHash (ChainHash blk) (ChainHash blk)
deriving (Generic, NoUnexpectedThunks)

deriving instance StandardHash blk => Show (MockError blk)
deriving instance StandardHash blk => Eq (MockError blk)
deriving instance Serialise (HeaderHash blk) => Serialise (MockError blk)

updateMockState :: ( Monad m
, GetHeader blk
, HasHeader (Header blk)
, StandardHash blk
, HasUtxo blk
updateMockState :: ( GetHeader blk
, HasHeader (Header blk)
, StandardHash blk
, HasUtxo blk
=> blk
-> MockState blk
-> ExceptT (MockError blk) m (MockState blk)
-> Except (MockError blk) (MockState blk)
updateMockState b st = do
st' <- updateMockTip (getHeader b) st
updateMockUTxO b st'

updateMockTip :: (Monad m, HasHeader (Header blk), StandardHash blk)
updateMockTip :: (HasHeader (Header blk), StandardHash blk)
=> Header blk
-> MockState blk
-> ExceptT (MockError blk) m (MockState blk)
updateMockTip hdr (MockState u c t) = ExceptT $ return $
if headerPrevHash hdr == pointHash t
then Right $ MockState u c (headerPoint hdr)
else Left $ MockInvalidHash (headerPrevHash hdr) (pointHash t)
-> Except (MockError blk) (MockState blk)
updateMockTip hdr (MockState u c t)
| headerPrevHash hdr == pointHash t
= return $ MockState u c (headerPoint hdr)
| otherwise
= throwError $ MockInvalidHash (headerPrevHash hdr) (pointHash t)

updateMockUTxO :: (Monad m, HasUtxo a)
updateMockUTxO :: HasUtxo a
=> a
-> MockState blk
-> ExceptT (MockError blk) m (MockState blk)
-> Except (MockError blk) (MockState blk)
updateMockUTxO b (MockState u c t) = do
u' <- withExceptT MockInvalidInputs $ updateUtxo b u
u' <- withExcept MockUtxoError $ updateUtxo b u
return $ MockState u' (c `Set.union` confirmed b) t

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80 changes: 47 additions & 33 deletions ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/Ledger/Mock/UTxO.hs
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@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.Mock.UTxO (
-- * Basic definitions
Expand All @@ -14,11 +12,12 @@ module Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.Mock.UTxO (
, TxIn
, TxOut
, Addr
, Amount
, Ix
, Utxo
-- * Computing UTxO
, InvalidInputs(..)
, UtxoError(..)
, HasUtxo(..)
, utxo
-- * Genesis
, genesisTx
, genesisUtxo
Expand All @@ -27,7 +26,8 @@ module Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.Mock.UTxO (
import Codec.Serialise (Serialise (..))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..), force)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,28 +67,33 @@ instance ToCBOR Tx where
instance Condense Tx where
condense (Tx ins outs) = condense (ins, outs)

type TxId = Hash ShortHash Tx
type TxIn = (TxId, Int)
type TxOut = (Addr, Int)
type Utxo = Map TxIn TxOut
type Ix = Word
type Amount = Word
type TxId = Hash ShortHash Tx
type TxIn = (TxId, Ix)
type TxOut = (Addr, Amount)
type Utxo = Map TxIn TxOut

Computing UTxO

newtype InvalidInputs = InvalidInputs (Set TxIn)
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving newtype (Eq, Show, Condense)
data UtxoError
= MissingInput TxIn
| InputOutputMismatch
Amount -- ^ Input
Amount -- ^ Output
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Serialise, NoUnexpectedThunks)

instance Condense UtxoError where
condense = show

class HasUtxo a where
txIns :: a -> Set TxIn
txOuts :: a -> Utxo
confirmed :: a -> Set TxId
updateUtxo :: Monad m => a -> Utxo -> ExceptT InvalidInputs m Utxo

utxo :: (Monad m, HasUtxo a) => a -> ExceptT InvalidInputs m Utxo
utxo a = updateUtxo a Map.empty
updateUtxo :: a -> Utxo -> Except UtxoError Utxo

HasUtxo instances
Expand All @@ -97,17 +102,28 @@ utxo a = updateUtxo a Map.empty
instance HasUtxo Tx where
txIns (Tx ins _outs) = ins
txOuts tx@(Tx _ins outs) =
Map.fromList $ map aux (zip [0..] outs)
Map.fromList $ zipWith aux [0..] outs
aux :: (Int, TxOut) -> (TxIn, TxOut)
aux (ix, out) = ((hash tx, ix), out)
aux :: Ix -> TxOut -> (TxIn, TxOut)
aux ix out = ((hash tx, ix), out)

confirmed = Set.singleton . hash
updateUtxo tx u =
let notInUtxo = txIns tx Set.\\ (Map.keysSet u)
in case Set.null notInUtxo of
True -> return $ (u `Map.union` txOuts tx) `Map.withoutKeys` txIns tx
False -> throwError $ InvalidInputs notInUtxo
updateUtxo tx = execStateT $ do
-- Remove all inputs from the Utxo and calculate the sum of all the input
-- amounts
inputAmount <- fmap sum $ forM (Set.toList (txIns tx)) $ \txIn -> do
u <- get
case Map.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) txIn u of
(Nothing, _) -> throwError $ MissingInput txIn
(Just (_addr, amount), u') -> put u' $> amount

-- Check that the sum of the inputs is equal to the sum of the outputs
let outputAmount = sum $ map snd $ Map.elems $ txOuts tx
when (inputAmount /= outputAmount) $
throwError $ InputOutputMismatch inputAmount outputAmount

-- Add the outputs to the Utxo
modify (`Map.union` txOuts tx)

instance HasUtxo a => HasUtxo [a] where
txIns = foldr (Set.union . txIns) Set.empty
Expand All @@ -130,6 +146,4 @@ genesisTx :: AddrDist -> Tx
genesisTx addrDist = Tx mempty [(addr, 1000) | addr <- Map.keys addrDist]

genesisUtxo :: AddrDist -> Utxo
genesisUtxo addrDist =
fromRight (error "genesisLedger: invalid genesis tx") $
runExcept (utxo (genesisTx addrDist))
genesisUtxo addrDist = txOuts (genesisTx addrDist)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ implSyncWithLedger mpEnv@MempoolEnv{mpEnvTracer, mpEnvStateVar} = do
mempoolSize <- getMempoolSize mpEnv
snapshot <- implGetSnapshot mpEnv
return (map fst (vrInvalid vr), mempoolSize, snapshot)
unless (null removed) $ do
unless (null removed) $
traceWith mpEnvTracer $ TraceMempoolRemoveTxs removed mempoolSize
return snapshot

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