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ChainDB: add initial tests for the iterators
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Currently, these are only unit tests. In the future, we will write a generator
and turn them into property tests.
  • Loading branch information
mrBliss committed Jul 22, 2019
1 parent 11631ce commit 13214d2
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ test-suite test-storage
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ module Test.Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB (
import Test.Tasty

import qualified Test.Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.AddBlock as AddBlock
import qualified Test.Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.Iterator as Iterator
import qualified Test.Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.Mock as Mock
import qualified Test.Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.Model as Model
import qualified Test.Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.StateMachine as StateMachine

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "ChainDB" [
, Iterator.tests
, Model.tests
, Mock.tests
, StateMachine.tests
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Test.Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.Iterator
( tests
) where

import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck

import Codec.Serialise (decode, encode, serialiseIncremental)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Tracer
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Word (Word64)

import Control.Monad.Class.MonadSTM
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadThrow
import Control.Monad.IOSim (runSimOrThrow)

import Ouroboros.Network.Block (ChainHash (..), HasHeader (..),
HeaderHash, SlotNo (..), blockPoint)
import Ouroboros.Network.Chain (Chain)
import qualified Ouroboros.Network.Chain as Chain

import Ouroboros.Consensus.Util.Condense (condense)

import Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.API (Iterator (..), IteratorId (..),
IteratorResult (..), StreamFrom (..), StreamTo (..),
import Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.Impl.ImmDB (ImmDB, mkImmDB)
import Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.Impl.Iterator (IteratorEnv (..),
import Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.Impl.Types (TraceIteratorEvent (..))
import Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.Impl.VolDB (VolDB, mkVolDB)
import Ouroboros.Storage.Common (EpochSize)
import Ouroboros.Storage.EpochInfo (fixedSizeEpochInfo)
import qualified Ouroboros.Storage.ImmutableDB as ImmDB
import qualified Ouroboros.Storage.Util.ErrorHandling as EH
import qualified Ouroboros.Storage.VolatileDB as VolDB

import Test.Ouroboros.Storage.ChainDB.TestBlock
import qualified Test.Ouroboros.Storage.ImmutableDB.Mock as ImmDB (openDBMock)
import qualified Test.Ouroboros.Storage.VolatileDB.Mock as VolDB (openDBMock)

Top-level tests

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Iterator"
[ testProperty "#773 bug in example 1" prop_773_bug
, testProperty "#773 correct example 2" prop_773_working

-- These tests focus on the implementation of the ChainDB iterators, which are
-- used to stream blocks from the ChainDB. A few things make this code
-- complex:
-- * We need to be able to stream from both the ImmutableDB and the
-- VolatileDB.
-- * While streaming, blocks might be copied from the VolatileDB to the
-- ImmutableDB.
-- * While streaming, blocks might be garbage-collected from the VolatileDB.
-- These blocks might have been copied to the ImmutableDB or not.
-- The copying and garbage collection will happen in the background,
-- /concurrently/ with the streaming, so we have to be careful about race
-- conditions. For these reasons, we provide separate tests for the ChainDb
-- iterators.
-- To avoid the complexity of a whole ChainDB and to have explicit control of
-- the copying and garbage collection, we set up a mock 'IteratorEnv' record
-- containing (amongst others) a mock ImmutableDB and a mock VolatileDB that
-- can be manipulated directly, instead of relying on the background threads
-- to manipulate them for us.

-- TODO:
-- - Write a generator for TestSetup and a model implementation (reuse
-- ChainDB.Model) to turn this into a property test.
-- - Instead of simply reading all blocks, use:
-- > data Action = IterNext .. | CopyToImmDB .. | GCFromVolDB ..
-- And write a generator for it.
-- - Run multiple @Action@s in parallel

Test cases

-- All blocks on the same chain
a, b, c, d, e :: TestBlock
a = mkBlk [0]
b = mkBlk [0,0]
c = mkBlk [0,0,0]
d = mkBlk [0,0,0,0]
e = mkBlk [0,0,0,0,0]

-- | Requested stream = A -> C

-- ImmDB VolDB
-- Hash A -> B -> C -> D C, D
-- Bug: we find a partial path [B]->C in the VolDB. Now the ForkTooOld
-- condition is triggered because the tip of the ImmDB is not B but D.
-- For more details, see:
prop_773_bug :: Property
prop_773_bug = prop_general_test
{ immutable = Chain.fromOldestFirst [a, b, c, d]
, volatile = [c, d]
(StreamFromInclusive (blockPoint a))
(StreamToInclusive (blockPoint c))
(Right (map Right [a, b, c]))

-- | Requested stream = A -> E

-- ImmDB VolDB
-- Hash A -> B -> C -> D C D E
-- This was/is handled correctly in @streamFromBoth@.
prop_773_working :: Property
prop_773_working = prop_general_test
{ immutable = Chain.fromOldestFirst [a, b, c, d]
, volatile = [c, d, e]
(StreamFromInclusive (blockPoint a))
(StreamToInclusive (blockPoint e))
(Right (map Right [a, b, c, d, e]))

-- | The general property test
:: TestSetup
-> StreamFrom TestBlock
-> StreamTo TestBlock
-> IterRes
-> Property
prop_general_test setup from to expected =
counterexample (testSetupInfo setup) $
case (actual, expected) of
(Left actualErr, Left expectedErr) -> actualErr === expectedErr
(Left actualErr, Right expectedStream) -> failure $
"Got " <> show actualErr <> "\nbut expected " <> ppStream expectedStream
(Right actualStream, Left expectedErr) -> failure $
"Got " <> ppStream actualStream <> "\nbut expected " <> show expectedErr
(Right actualStream, Right expectedStream)
| actualStream == expectedStream
-> property True
| otherwise
-> failure $ "Got " <> ppStream actualStream <> "\nbut expected " <>
ppStream expectedStream
(_trace, actual) = runIterator setup from to
failure msg = counterexample msg False

ppStream :: [Either (HeaderHash TestBlock) TestBlock] -> String
ppStream = intercalate " :> " . map ppEBBOrBlock

Test setup

-- | The initial contents of the ImmutableDB and the VolatileDB.
-- Note that the iterator implementation does not rely on the current
-- in-memory chain.
data TestSetup = TestSetup
{ immutable :: Chain TestBlock
, volatile :: [TestBlock]

mkBlk :: [Word64] -> TestBlock
mkBlk h = TestBlock
{ tbHash = mkTestHash h
, tbSlot = SlotNo $ fromIntegral $ 2 * length h
, tbValid = True

-- | Human-friendly string description of the 'TestSetup' that can be used
-- when printing a failing test.
testSetupInfo :: TestSetup -> String
testSetupInfo TestSetup { immutable, volatile } = mconcat
[ "Immutable: "
, intercalate " :> " (map ppBlock (Chain.toOldestFirst immutable))
, "\n"
, "Volatile: "
, intercalate ", " (map ppBlock volatile)

ppEBBOrBlock :: Either (HeaderHash TestBlock) TestBlock -> String
ppEBBOrBlock (Left ebbHash) = "EBB " <> condense ebbHash
ppEBBOrBlock (Right blk) = ppBlock blk

ppBlock :: TestBlock -> String
ppBlock = condense . blockHash

Running an iterator test

type IterRes = Either (UnknownRange TestBlock)
[Either (HeaderHash TestBlock) TestBlock]
-- Left: EBB hash
-- Right: regular block

-- | Open an iterator with the given bounds on the given 'TestSetup'. Return a
-- trace of the 'TraceIteratorEvent's produced and the result of the iterator
-- itself.
:: TestSetup
-> StreamFrom TestBlock
-> StreamTo TestBlock
-> ([TraceIteratorEvent TestBlock], IterRes)
runIterator setup from to = runSimOrThrow $ do
(tracer, getTrace) <- recordTrace
itEnv <- initIteratorEnv setup tracer
res <- runExceptT $ do
it <- ExceptT $ newIterator itEnv ($ itEnv) from to
lift $ consume it
trace <- getTrace
return (trace, res)
consume :: Monad m
=> Iterator m TestBlock
-> m [Either TestHash TestBlock]
consume it = iteratorNext it >>= \case
IteratorResult blk -> (Right blk :) <$> consume it
IteratorBlockGCed hash -> do
iteratorClose it
return [Left hash]
IteratorExhausted -> do
iteratorClose it
return []

recordTrace :: MonadSTM m => m (Tracer m ev, m [ev])
recordTrace = newTVarM [] >>= \ref -> return
( Tracer $ \ev -> atomically $ modifyTVar' ref (ev:)
, atomically $ reverse <$> readTVar ref

Setting up a mock IteratorEnv

:: forall m.
( MonadSTM m
, MonadCatch m
, MonadThrow (STM m)
=> TestSetup
-> Tracer m (TraceIteratorEvent TestBlock)
-> m (IteratorEnv m TestBlock)
initIteratorEnv TestSetup { immutable, volatile } tracer = do
iters <- atomically $ newTVar Map.empty
nextIterId <- atomically $ newTVar $ IteratorId 0
volDB <- openVolDB volatile
immDB <- openImmDB immutable
return IteratorEnv
{ itImmDB = immDB
, itVolDB = volDB
, itIterators = iters
, itNextIteratorId = nextIterId
, itTracer = tracer
-- | Open a mock VolatileDB and add the given blocks
openVolDB :: [TestBlock] -> m (VolDB m TestBlock)
openVolDB blocks = do
(_volDBModel, volDB) <- VolDB.openDBMock EH.throwSTM 1
forM_ blocks $ \block ->
VolDB.putBlock volDB (blockInfo block) (serialiseIncremental block)
return $ mkVolDB volDB decode encode

blockInfo :: TestBlock -> VolDB.BlockInfo (HeaderHash TestBlock)
blockInfo tb = VolDB.BlockInfo
{ VolDB.bbid = blockHash tb
, VolDB.bslot = blockSlot tb
, VolDB.bpreBid = case blockPrevHash tb of
GenesisHash -> Nothing
BlockHash h -> Just h

epochSize :: EpochSize
epochSize = 10

-- | Open a mock ImmutableDB and add the given chain of blocks
openImmDB :: Chain TestBlock -> m (ImmDB m TestBlock)
openImmDB chain = do
(_immDBModel, immDB) <- ImmDB.openDBMock EH.monadCatch (const epochSize)
forM_ (Chain.toOldestFirst chain) $ \block ->
ImmDB.appendBinaryBlob immDB (blockSlot block)
(serialiseIncremental block)
let epochInfo = fixedSizeEpochInfo epochSize
return $ mkImmDB immDB decode encode epochInfo (const Nothing)

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