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Data dictionary for Workbench Schema

abatac edited this page Nov 28, 2022 · 20 revisions


Database of the Workbench (portal) application. Key modules are: programs, user, menu system, migration and related configuration.

User Management


Refer to Persons table description in ibdbv2 schema for extra information.

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
personid Unique Identifier for a person and the Primary Key for the table INT 11
fname First Name VARCHAR 20
lname Last Name VARCHAR 50
ioname Initials Or Other Names VARCHAR 15
institid Foreign Key to INT 11
ptitle Title of the Person VARCHAR 25
poname Person's name in another language VARCHAR 50
plangu Language of the other name - links to the udflds table INT 11
pphone Person's phone number in text VARCHAR 20
pextent Person's extension number VARCHAR 20
pfax Person's FAX number VARCHAR 20
pemail Person's email address VARCHAR 40
prole Person's role (coded) INT 11
sperson Person's start date INT 11
eperson Person's date of departure INT 11
pstatus Person's status - links to udflds INT 11
pnotes Notes VARCHAR 255
contact Contact information for the Person VARCHAR 255


Please also refer to [users table ibdbv2] (

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
adate Date of creation of the record YYYYMMDD INT 11
cdate Date the userID was closed YYYYMMDD INT 11
instalid Number of the ICIS installation to which the user belongs. Zero if the user has access to all local dbs INT 11
personid Foreign Key to the persons .id column - 1:1 mapping INT 11
uaccess User Access (coded, please see original docs) INT 11
uname username : used to login VARCHAR 30
upswd password : BCrypt encrypted VARCHAR 60
userid Primary Key and Unique identifier INT 11
ustatus User Status - Unassigned = 0 INT 11
utype User Type (coded, please see original docs) INT 11
multi_factor_authentication_enabled Enable two-factor authentication for this user (Default value is 0 (False)) TINYINT 4


Stores configured role types with three basic levels: INSTANCE, CROP, PROGRAM

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
role_type_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
name Name of role TEXT 100


Stores configured user roles in the system

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
name Name of role TEXT 100
description Description of role TEXT 255
role_type_id foreign key to INT 11
active Flag whether role is active TINYINT 1
editable Flag whether role is editable TINYINT 1
assignable Flag whether role is assignable TINYINT 1
created_by User who created role INT 11
created_date Timestamp when role was created TIMESTAMP
updated_by User who last updated role INT 11
updated_date Timestamp when role was last updated TIMESTAMP


Mapping of role(s) assigned to users

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
userid foreign key to to represent a user in the system INT 11
role_id foreign key to INT 11
crop_name name of crop for which role applies to TEXT 32
workbench_project_id ID of program for which role applies to INT 11
created_by User who created user role configuration INT 11
created_date Timestamp when user role was created TIMESTAMP


Stores permissions (or user function) that a role or role type can be given access to

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
permission_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
name Name of permission TEXT 255
description Description of permission TEXT 255
parent_id Parent Permission record INT 11
workbench_sidebar_category_link_id Foreign key to workbench_sidebar_category_link_id INT 11


Stores permissions configured for a role

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
role_id foreign key to role table INT 11
permission_id foreign key to permission table INT 11


Stores permissions configured for a role

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
role_type_id foreign key to role_type table INT 11
permission_id foreign key to permission table INT 11
selectable flag whether permission is selectable for role type TINYINT 1



Schema version, a timestamp string representation, used by the installer for upgrades. Only ever contains a single record

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
version A string representation of a date that represents the date at which the schema was stable. Currently set to '20150131' which is the date at which the local schemas were merged. VARCHAR 32


Jasper report options for the Fieldbook

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
standard_preset_id primary key for the table - only used internally INT 11
tool_id The primary key for the workbench_tool record describing the BMS Application (Fieldbook, Crossing Manager, Study Browser etc.) that is configured with these presets (currently Fieldbook is the only application that is set) INT 10
tool_section A string representation of the constant in the code referred to to access the report e.g. FB_LBL_PRINT_CUSTOM_REPORT VARCHAR 255
crop_name A string representation of the crop stored in workbench_crop table VARCHAR 255
name A screen printable name for the report VARCHAR 255
configuration XML text that captures the report parameters TEXT


Storage house for all settings that we save during screen parameter generation in some parts of the BMS (Crossing Manager)

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
template_setting_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 10
project_id Link to primary key of the project table - - which represents the Program INT 11
tool_id Link to : the tool for which settings are being saved INT 10
name The user specified name under which to serve and then reload the settings VARCHAR 75
configuration XML representation of the settings TEXT
is_default boolean option to select as default for this tool (0=false, 1=true) TINYINT 1


Catalogue for the Crop Databases available for this installation

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
crop_name Free text describing a crop - these names appear in the Create Program Crop Selection dropdown VARCHAR 32
db_name Database schema name storing the crop data VARCHAR 64
schema_version Same as the BMS product version VARCHAR 32
plot_code_prefix Contains prefix string that will be used for custom observation unit IDs VARCHAR 4
use_uuid Indicates if program studies should use UUID or custom observatiion unit IDs TINYINT 1

Breeding Program


Program storage for the BMS. Each record links to program records in an individual Crop Database Schema. This table is misnamed and needs to be more correctly named 'workbench_program'.

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
project_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 10
user_id Foreign Key to the table to denote creator and owner of the Program INT 10
project_name Name of the program, will appear on the dashboard VARCHAR 255
start_date The creation date of the program DATE
project_uuid The unique Business Key used to identify the Program in the crop database. This key is found in ibdbv2_crop_merged.project.program_uuid ibdbv2_crop_merged.listnms.program_uuid VARCHAR 36
crop_type the string representation of the crop, as outlined in workbench_crop.crop_name VARCHAR 32
last_open_date the last date that this program was opened by anyone (used for program activity) TIMESTAMP


Links users as members of a Program and tracks last open date of a Program, per User.

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
last_open_date last time the program was opened (this is a duplicate of the workbench_project data) TIMESTAMP
project_id Foreign Key to the table.column (stores Programs) INT 10
user_id Foriegn Key to the workbench column INT 11
user_info_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 10


Tracks user login count and token reset details

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
user_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
login_count Number of times unsuccessfully logged in INT 11
reset_token Token recorded to denote permission to change the password VARCHAR 255
reset_expiry_date Datetime at which he alarm switches off. DATETIME


Stores activity records for the Program

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
project_activity_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
project_id A Foreign Key to the Primary Key of the workbench_project table INT 11
name Name of the activity TEXT 128
description Description of program activity TEXT
user_id ID of user performing program activity INT 11
date Timestamp when record was created TIMESTAMP

Menu System


Stores the categories appearing in the BMS side menu.

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
sidebar_category_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
sidebar_category_label A Sentence Case representation of the label that appears on the screen. Currently transformed to all capitals in the menu bar VARCHAR 255
sidebar_category_name Internal string based key to represent the menu-group item VARCHAR 255


Stores links that reside in each category in the side menu for the BMS

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
sidebar_category_link_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
tool_name string based key to represent the tool displayed in the menu-group VARCHAR 128
sidebar_category_id FK to the record, grouping this record under that major menu heading INT 11
sidebar_link_name A string based key for the name VARCHAR 255
sidebar_link_title String based term to be displayed on screen VARCHAR 255


Tools that operate within the workbench portal application view.

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
tool_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 10
name String based key representation of the tool VARCHAR 128
group_name string_underscore fomatted key for identification of this record VARCHAR 128
title Sentence case based representation that appears in the menu VARCHAR 255
version Maven based build/release version VARCHAR 16
tool_type Describes the type of technology the tool is built in ENUM('WEB','WEB_WITH_LOGIN','NATIVE','WORKBENCH','ADMIN')
path URL to the tool for opening TEXT
parameter parameters for the tool - currently unused by presents VARCHAR 255
user_tool Unsure, all set to zero at present TINYINT 1

OpenCPU Integration

Stores R endpoints and parameters required for OpenCPU integration.


Contains the URL endpoint an R call can use to execute an R function

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
package_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
description Description of R package VARCHAR 255
endpoint URL of R Package endpoint VARCHAR 500


Contains R call records that describe what the R call does.

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
call_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
description Description of R call VARCHAR 255
package_id foreign key to r_package table INT 11


Contains parameters associated with an R call record.

Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
call_parameter_id Primary Key : internal use only INT 11
parameter_key parameter of an R package VARCHAR 13
value value of the parameter VARCHAR 500
call_id foreign key to r_call table INT 11

Release Notes

Tables for displaying release notes per user


Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
release_note_id Primary key Integer 4
version Unique Key Text 255
release_date Release Date Time Stamp 4
has_coming_soon Tinyint 1
enabled Tinyint 1
file_name File Name Text 255


Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
release_note_id Foreign key to release_note table Integer 4
user_id Foreign key to user table Integer 4
view_date Time Stamp 4
show_again Tinyint 1


Tables for storing One-Time Password and user device meta data.


Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
id Primary key Integer 11
otp_code The one-time password verification code Integer 11
expires The date and time the one-time password verification code expires Time Stamp


Column Name Description Type Length (bytes)
id Primary key Integer 11
userid Foreign key to the users table Integer 11
device_details The browser/client device meta data (the browser's User-Agent) VARCHAR 500
location The client's IP Address VARCHAR 300
last_logged_in The last date/time the user logged in to the device Time Stamp
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