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Innovation Funding Service (Post Award)

Installation on Arch Linux


  • Install a AUR helper, such as yay
  • Be up to date
    $ yay
    $ yay -S archlinux-keyring

Software Installation

yay -S git firefox visual-studio-code-bin nvm google-chrome

Installation on Mac OS X

Get the following installed:

  • Homebrew
  • Node Version Manager
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Visual Studio Code

You can then ask for the .env file from a co-worker, and then...

cd app/
nvm use
npm install
npm run start

Installation on UKSBS/UKRI/InnovateUK Windows Laptops

Unfortunately, UKSBS provided Windows laptops are very restrictive in terms of permissions; you will need to work around these restrictions with a series of intricate bodges.


  • Ensure you have obtained administrator credentials for your laptop. This is usually your standard credentials, suffixed with -la for local administrator access.
  • Be prepared to type in your password a few dozen times.

Magic Folder

These set of instructions sets up a folder where executables are allowed to be executed. Without this step, you are not able to run programs in your home directory, even as an administrator.

  1. Create a folder in C:\Program Files, named IFSPA
  2. Right click and edit the Security properties of the folder. Give Users or Everyone "Full control" permissions for the folder.
  3. Create a folder within the IFSPA folder named Downloads.
    • You will be downloading all installers into this folder.
  4. Create a folder within the IFSPA folder named path.
    • You will be installing global binaries into this folder.
    • Add C:\Program Files\IFSPA\path to the System Environment variables PATH variable.

Administrator Terminal

Top tip!

The following instructions will require the constant use of your administrator credentials. Open up an administrator terminal prompt without closing it.

You can then move to the downloads folder.

In an administrator command prompt (preferably not PowerShell), go to the C:\Program Files\IFSPA\Downloads folder.

cd %ProgramFiles%\IFSPA

Environment Variables

To edit your environment variables, run the following command in your Administrator Terminal

rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables

Restart instances of Visual Studio Code/terminals to re-initialise the env-vars within those programs.

Software Installation

This section will install the following programs. Skip non-required sections as necessary.

Name Required to code Description Note
Windows Terminal [ ] Good riddance to cmd.exe
Visual Studio Code [x] A text editor by Microsoft You must download the System Installer. Do not use the User Installer.
Git [x] Version control software SSH is not supported whilst in Polaris House. See more info in install section
Node Version Switcher [x] A Windows equivalent of Node Version Manager
Google Chrome [x] Web browser Some extensions may be blocked. See more info in install section
Firefox [x] Web browser Some extensions may be blocked. See more info in install section
ShareX [ ] Screenshot/Screen video recorder
GraphQL Playground [ ] A place to try out GraphQL queries
Cypress [x] Automated browser regression testing

(N.B. It is not possible to download some of these from the Microsoft Store, as it has been disabled by UKRI.)

Windows Terminal

Download Link Note Don't accidentally install the Windows 11 version. Do not attempt to install the Microsoft Store version. The store has been disabled by UKRI.

Double click the .msixbundle file to install. You do not need to be an administrator.

Visual Studio Code

Download Link Note Use the System Installer. Do not use the User Installer

Within your administrator terminal prompt, run the VSCodeSetup-x64-[version number here].exe file.


Git for Windows

Download Link Note

Within your administrator terminal prompt, run the Git-[version number here]-64-bit.exe file.


During the installation, set the following...

  • The preferred default branch name is develop
  • Use the built in OpenSSH to Windows.
  • You can set the default text editor to Visual Studio Code, or your other favourite editor like neovim or nano.

You may need to restart your administrator terminal prompt.

Node Version Switcher

Download Link Note
Git clone - Read more below The following instructions are based on the original NVS setup instructions.
  1. Specify the installation path
set NVS_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\IFSPA\nvs
  1. Clone the NVS repo:
git clone "%NVS_HOME%"
  1. Run the install command:
"%NVS_HOME%\nvs.cmd" install

You may need to restart your administrator terminal prompt.

  1. Install the current version of Node.js, in a standard (non-administrator) terminal prompt, and set the version as default
nvs use 14.15.4
nvs link 14.15.4

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

Download Link Note
Chrome should already be pre-installed Do not attempt to install the Microsoft Store version. The store has been disabled by UKRI.

Within your administrator terminal prompt, run the Firefox Installer.exe file.

"Firefox Installer.exe"

Some extensions may be disabled on UKRI laptops. To temporarily remove this block...

  1. Open regedit.exe as an administrator

  2. Delete the following record that currently has the following value...

  1. Set the following key with the following value...
  1. You can now install extensions. We recommend the following extensions...
Name Required to develop Description Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome
React Developer Tools [x] Tools to help debug React websites
Redux DevTools [x] Tools to help debug the Redux store
uBlock Origin [ ] Ad blocker, but mainly used for testing for JavaScript disabled environments


ShareX is an open source screenshot, screen-capture and general productivity tool.

Download Link Note Do not attempt to install the Microsoft Store version. The store has been disabled by UKRI. Required to create screen captures in both video and .gif format.
  1. Within your administrator terminal prompt, run the ShareX-[version number here]-setup.exe file.
  1. Extract the ffmpeg binaries from the zip file (inside ffmpeg-[date]-git-[hash]\ffmpeg-[date]-git-[hash]-essentials_build\bin\) into the C:\Program Files\IFSPA\path folder.
  2. Open the ShareX Task Settings by right-clicking the tray icon, or within the ShareX window, if it is opened.
  3. Under Screen Recorder, press on the Screen recording options... button.
  4. Press Install Recorder Devices
  5. Close ShareX completely, by right clicking the system tray and pressing Exit
  6. Re-open ShareX. ShareX should now be running under a non-administrator account.
  7. Open the ShareX Task Settings by right-clicking the tray icon, or within the ShareX window, if it is opened.
  8. Enter the following under FFmpeg path
C:\Program Files\IFSPA\path\ffmpeg.exe
  1. Optionally, you can now configure ShareX to however you like it. The following are recommended.
  • Autostart, under Application Settings > Integration > Run ShareX when Windows starts
  • Hotkey settings, under Hotkey Settings...

GraphQL Playground

Download Link Notes Don't try to find this on Apollo's website.

Within your administrator terminal prompt, run the graphql-playground-electron-setup-[version number here].exe file.


Point your GraphQL playground to one of the following, depending on what you need...



Note. This step depends on you having cloned the repository.

Before running npm i within the /cypress-test folder, set the following environment variable as...


Clone the repository

Note. This step depends on you having Git for Windows or Git on your Linux/Mac computer.

Unfortunately, SSH is blocked within Polaris House. This means you must use HTTPS for your Git needs.

  1. Go to

  2. Click on the Clone button - Copy this link, but don't run the command yet!

    • You will need this link later.
    • It should be in the form...
      git clone https://user-[weird chars]
  3. Go to

  4. Create an app password.

  5. Copy and paste the app password into the previously copied link, such that it now reads...

    git clone https://user-[weird chars]:[password]

    Note the : added between your username part; this is very very necessary.


In order to build the Node.js service, you'll need to get a secret created on your Openshift project. You will need to do this manually and once only. You run it as follows:

oc create secret generic shibsigningkey --from-file=signing.key=[path-to-shib-signing-key.key]
oc create secret generic sfsigningkey --from-file=signing.key=[path-to-sf-signing-key.key]

The path is to the file containing your key so will need to change accordingly. Leave the rest as it is.

Non-SSO Development

Note. This step depends on you having cloned the repository

To develop locally without SSO...

  1. Move your command prompt to the /app folder.
  2. Ask a co-worker for their .env file. This .env file should have been passed through generations of developers. Keep it safe, by placing it in the /app folder.
  3. Run npm i
  4. Run npm start to start esbuild. The webserver should be ready at https://localhost:8080/

SSO Development

Developing locally for single sign-on (SSO) requires a HTTPS server to be run on local host. You will need the certificate and private key stored under /security as AccLocalDevCert.crt and AccLocalDevKey.key respectively.

The following key-values will need to be set in your .env file.


Then run npm run start:dev -- --secure. The site will be available on https://localhost:8080 with SSO enabled.

Run unit tests

  1. Ensure the server is running with npm run serve from the /app directory
  2. Run npm run test
  3. After the tests complete will give you the output location of your report

Run API & UI tests

  1. Ensure the server is running with npm run serve from the /app directory
  2. Navigate to test-framework from repository root
  3. Run npm install to install dependencies
  4. Run npm run build
  5. Run npm run test
  6. After tests have completed the process will give you output location of the report


Server-side code

When running npm run start, the server process is available to be attached to and debugged. To enable automatically attaching in Visual Studio Code...

  1. In the command palette, run...

    > Debug: Toggle Auto Attach
  2. Select Only With Flag

Client-side code

To help aid debug client-side code...

  • The build commit name, branch name and time is found within the top of the HTML document as a HTML comment.
  • Many elements include data-qa= tags, which you can use to CTRL+F your way to the correct file
  • A <div /> at the top of the page includes a data-page-qa= tag to tell you what page is currently being rendered, which you can also use to CTRL+F your way to the correct file.
  • Use your debugger in your web browser; all sourcemaps are available to you to add breakpoints.
  • Use the aptly named IFS PA Developer & Testing Tools at the bottom of the page to switch between Salesforce accounts.


Please note there is further documentation about the application in relevant subfolders, such as /testframework.