Stupid simple webserver to serve 404 errors - but easily extendable.
I first used shttpd.r from earl
After somehow killing my github repo, I restarted from scratch, but with the knowledge of havig tried to make it do what I want.
An simple webserver, that's easy to extend.
That said ...
w: do %websy.r
This will startup a webserver, which serves 404 errors on every request.
Of course, if you find it more interesting to serve, e.g. Hello World, when a file with name hello is accessed, you could do this:
w: do %websy.r
w/extend [
handle-get: function [request][
r: parse-request request
if "hello" = r/file-base [
[200 html "<html><head><title>Hello</title></head><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>"]
Now point your browser at ...
This is largely untested, there's no guarantee about anything. In fact it may turn your fridge into an oven, or the other way around. You have been warned.
Have fun!