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Releases: Infineon/trusted-firmware-m

Trusted Firmware-M v1.3.110

18 Jun 01:59
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What's Included?

  1. TF-M implementation with support of the following services:
    • Crypto
    • Initial Attestation
    • Internal Trusted Storage
    • Platform
    • Protected Storage
  2. Support for the following dual core PSoC® 64 devices:
    • CYS0644ABZI-S2D44 MCU with implementation for the following reference boards:
      • cy8ckit-064s0s2-4343w
    • CYB0644ABZI-S2D44 MCU with implementation for the following reference boards:
      • cy8ckit-064b0s2-4343w
  3. PSoC® 64 reference policies and sample image signing keys
  4. Helper script to facilitate device re-provisioning
  5. Detailed PSoC® 64 specific documentation
  6. Support of TF-M in ModusToolbox in both precompiled binary and source code forms

See the for an additional description of the TF-M software.



  • Added GCC11 support
  • Fixed build of p64_utils for non-secure image with cmake (non ModusToolbox)
  • Fixed build of TRNG driver for PDL v3.2.0 and upward


  • Changed TF-M ModusToolbox library structure to support ModusToolbox 3.0 (this library is incompatible with ModusToolbox 2.4 or earlier)
  • Policy files updated for CySecureTools 4.1.0 (Policy files are incompatible with CySecureTools 4.0.0 or earlier)
  • Added support for CySecureTools 4.1.0 to script
  • Updated PSoC® 64 specific documentation
  • Updated to use Peripheral Driver Library v3.0.0
  • Added external CMSIS-Core library v5.5.0 for PDL
  • When CY_POLICY_CONCEPT=ON, boards provisioned with a policy where uart_base is not 1080360960 will fail to boot rather than just disabling the UART
  • Fixed documentation build


  • Updated to use PSoC64 Secure Boot Utilities Middleware Library v1.0.1
  • Fixed known issue related to the constant value (100ms) for acquire debug window. If CY_HW_SETTINGS_FROM_POLICY is defined, the CM4 debug permissions specified in the policy used to provision the board will be respected and the "acq_win" from the policy will be used to determine how long to wait for a debugger connection on the CM4 AP. If CY_HW_SETTINGS_FROM_POLICY is not defined, this behaviour is controlled by the hw_settings structure.
  • Updated template for ModusToolBox to simplify switching from sources to binary.


  • Updated to use PDL v2.4.0
  • Updated TFM to use core-lib v1.3.0 as dependency
  • Added COMPONENT_TFM_S_SRC component to the trusted-firmware-m ModusToolbox library to support building of secure image from sources.
  • Added possibility to remove policy parsing concept with CY_POLICY_CONCEPT=OFF. Refer to Optional arguments section in documentation Cypress PSoC64 Specifics
  • Updated ECC Crypto algorithms to use software implementation only, due to security concerns for HW acceleration. See details in cypress_mxcrypto_ecc_vulnerability.rst
  • Increased performance of PS/ITS by setting ITS_BUF_SIZE and ITS_MAX_ASSET_SIZE to default values in Small and Medium profiles.
  • Provided possibility to have out-of-tree custom partitions.
  • Added TFM_LINK_OPTIONS to provide additional options for linker.


  • Update to PDL v2.3.0


  • Update to TFM v1.3.0 from
  • Update to PDL v2.2.0
  • Update to use p64_utils v1.0.0


  • Update to TFM v1.2.0 from
  • Update to PDL v1.6.1


  • Initial release for TF-M

Known Issues

  • Currently, IPC semaphores are not safe from security point of view and are not recommended to use
  • Due to changes in TF-M 1.3.3 the existing latency could be not enough, please take care about latency update, if any issues observed (for example CY_CFG_PWR_DEEPSLEEP_LATENCY in FreeRTOS).

Supported Platforms

This library and its features are supported on the following Cypress platforms:

Supported Software and Tools

This version of TF-M was validated for compatibility with the following Software and Tools:

Software and Tools Version
ModusToolbox Software Environment 2.4.0
GCC Compiler 9.3.1
ARM Compiler 6 6.13
IAR C/C++ compiler 8.42.1
CMake 3.15
CMSIS-Core(M) 5.5.0
MbedTLS 2.25.0
PSoC6 MCUs acceleration for mbedTLS library 1.3.0
PSoC64 Secure Boot Utilities Middleware Library 1.0.1
PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library (PDL) 3.0.0
CY8CKIT-064S0S2-4343W Board Support Package (BSP) 3.0.0
CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W Board Support Package (BSP) 3.0.0
Core Library 1.3.0
RTOS Abstraction 1.4.0
CySecureTools 4.1.0

Minimum required ModusToolbox Software Environment: v2.4.0

Read more

Trusted Firmware-M v1.3.100

09 Dec 19:33
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What's Included?

  1. TF-M implementation with support of the following services:
    • Crypto
    • Initial Attestation
    • Internal Trusted Storage
    • Platform
    • Protected Storage
  2. Support for the following dual core PSoC® 64 devices:
    • CYS0644ABZI-S2D44 MCU with implementation for the following reference
      • cy8ckit-064s0s2-4343w
    • CYB0644ABZI-S2D44 MCU with implementation for the following reference
      • cy8ckit-064b0s2-4343w
  3. PSoC® 64 reference policies and sample image signing keys
  4. Helper script to facilitate device re-provisioning
  5. Detailed PSoC® 64 specific documentation
  6. Support of TF-M in ModusToolbox in both precompiled binary and source
    code forms

See the
for an additional description of the TF-M software.



  • Changed TF-M ModusToolbox library structure to support ModusToolbox 3.0
    (this library is incompatible with ModusToolbox 2.4 or earlier)
  • Policy files updated for CySecureTools 4.1.0
    (Policy files are incompatible with CySecureTools 4.0.0 or earlier)
  • Added support for CySecureTools 4.1.0 to script
  • Updated PSoC® 64 specific documentation
  • Updated to use Peripheral Driver Library v3.0.0
  • Added external CMSIS-Core library v5.5.0 for PDL
  • When CY_POLICY_CONCEPT=ON, boards provisioned with a policy where uart_base
    is not 1080360960 will fail to boot rather than just disabling the UART
  • Fixed documentation build


  • Updated to use PSoC64 Secure Boot Utilities Middleware Library v1.0.1
  • Fixed known issue related to the constant value (100ms) for acquire debug
    window. If CY_HW_SETTINGS_FROM_POLICY is defined, the CM4 debug permissions
    specified in the policy used to provision the board will be respected and the
    "acq_win" from the policy will be used to determine how long to wait for a
    debugger connection on the CM4 AP. If CY_HW_SETTINGS_FROM_POLICY is not
    defined, this behaviour is controlled by the hw_settings structure.
  • Updated template for ModusToolBox to simplify switching
    from sources to binary.


  • Updated to use PDL v2.4.0
  • Updated TFM to use core-lib v1.3.0 as dependency
  • Added COMPONENT_TFM_S_SRC component to the trusted-firmware-m ModusToolbox
    library to support building of secure image from sources.
  • Added possibility to remove policy parsing concept with CY_POLICY_CONCEPT=OFF.
    Refer to Optional arguments section in documentation
    Cypress PSoC64 Specifics
  • Updated ECC Crypto algorithms to use software implementation only, due to
    security concerns for HW acceleration. See details in
  • Increased performance of PS/ITS by setting ITS_BUF_SIZE and ITS_MAX_ASSET_SIZE
    to default values in Small and Medium profiles.
  • Provided possibility to have out-of-tree custom partitions.
  • Added TFM_LINK_OPTIONS to provide additional options for linker.


  • Update to PDL v2.3.0


  • Update to TFM v1.3.0 from
  • Update to PDL v2.2.0
  • Update to use p64_utils v1.0.0


  • Update to TFM v1.2.0 from
  • Update to PDL v1.6.1


  • Initial release for TF-M

Known Issues

  • Currently, IPC semaphores are not safe from security point of view and are
    not recommended to use
  • Due to changes in TF-M 1.3.3 the existing latency could be not enough, please
    take care about latency update, if any issues observed
    (for example CY_CFG_PWR_DEEPSLEEP_LATENCY in FreeRTOS).

Supported Platforms

This library and its features are supported on the following Cypress platforms:

Supported Software and Tools

This version of TF-M was validated for compatibility with the following Software and Tools:

Software and Tools Version
ModusToolbox Software Environment 2.4.0
GCC Compiler 9.3.1
ARM Compiler 6 6.13
IAR C/C++ compiler 8.42.1
CMake 3.15
CMSIS-Core(M) 5.5.0
MbedTLS 2.25.0
PSoC6 MCUs acceleration for mbedTLS library 1.3.0
PSoC64 Secure Boot Utilities Middleware Library 1.0.1
PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library (PDL) 3.0.0
CY8CKIT-064S0S2-4343W Board Support Package (BSP) 3.0.0
CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W Board Support Package (BSP) 3.0.0
Core Library 1.3.0
RTOS Abstraction 1.4.0
CySecureTools 4.1.0

Minimum required ModusToolbox Software Environment: v2.4.0

More information

Use the following links for more information, as needed:

© Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.

Trusted Firmware-M v1.3.5

16 Aug 09:08
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What's Included?

  1. TF-M implementation with support of the following services:
  • Crypto
  • Initial Attestation
  • Internal Trusted Storage
  • Platform
  • Protected Storage
  1. Support for dual core PSoC® 64 device and cy8ckit-064s0s2-4343w reference board
  2. PSoC® 64 reference policies and sample image signing keys
  3. Helper script to facilitate device re-provisioning
  4. PSoC® 64 specific regression tests
  5. Detailed PSoC® 64 specific documentation

See the for an additional description of the TF-M software.



  • Updated to use PSoC64 Secure Boot Utilities Middleware Library v1.0.1
  • Fixed known issue related to the constant value (100ms) for acquire debug window. If CY_HW_SETTINGS_FROM_POLICY is defined,
    the CM4 debug permissions specified in the policy used to provision the board will be respected and the "acq_win" from the
    policy will be used to determine how long to wait for a debugger connection on the CM4 AP. If CY_HW_SETTINGS_FROM_POLICY
    is not defined, this behaviour is controlled by the hw_settings structure.
  • Updated template for ModusToolBox to simplify switching from sources to binary.


  • Updated to use PDL v2.4.0
  • Updated TFM to use core-lib v1.3.0 as dependency
  • Added COMPONENT_TFM_S_SRC component to the trusted-firmware-m ModusToolbox library
    to support building of secure image from sources.
  • Added possibility to remove policy parsing concept with CY_POLICY_CONCEPT=OFF.
    Refer to Optional arguments section in documentation Cypress PSoC64 Specifics
  • Updated ECC Crypto algorithms to use software implementation only, due to
    security concerns for HW acceleration. See details in cypress_mxcrypto_ecc_vulnerability.rst
  • Increased performance of PS/ITS by setting ITS_BUF_SIZE and ITS_MAX_ASSET_SIZE
    to default values in Small and Medium profiles.
  • Provided possibility to have out-of-tree custom partitions.
  • Added TFM_LINK_OPTIONS to provide additional options for linker.


  • Update to PDL v2.3.0


  • Update to TFM v1.3.0 from
  • Update to PDL v2.2.0
  • Update to use p64_utils v1.0.0


  • Update to TFM v1.2.0 from
  • Update to PDL v1.6.1


  • Initial release for TF-M

Known Issues

  • Currently, IPC semaphores are not safe from security point of view and do not recommended to use
  • Due to changes in TF-M 1.3.3 the existing latency could be not enough, please take care about latency update, if
    any issues observed (for example CY_CFG_PWR_DEEPSLEEP_LATENCY in FreeRTOS).

Supported Platforms

This library and its features are supported on the following Cypress platforms:

Supported Software and Tools

This version of TF-M was validated for compatibility with the following Software and Tools:

Software and Tools Version
ModusToolbox Software Environment 2.4.0
GCC Compiler 9.3.1
ARM Compiler 6 6.13
IAR C/C++ compiler 8.42.1
CMake 3.15
CMSIS-Core(M) 5.5.0
MbedTLS 2.25.0
PSoC6 MCUs acceleration for mbedTLS library 1.3.0
PSoC64 Secure Boot Utilities Middleware Library 1.0.1
PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library (PDL) 2.4.0
Board Support Package (BSP) 2.3.0
Core Library 1.3.0
RTOS Abstraction 1.4.0

Minimum required ModusToolbox Software Environment: v2.4.0

More information

Use the following links for more information, as needed:

© Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.

Trusted Firmware-M v1.3.3

27 Apr 16:08
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What's Included?

  1. TF-M implementation with support of the following services:
  • Crypto
  • Initial Attestation
  • Internal Trusted Storage
  • Platform
  • Protected Storage
  1. Support for dual core PSoC® 64 device and cy8ckit-064s0s2-4343w reference board
  2. PSoC® 64 reference policies and sample image signing keys
  3. Helper script to facilitate device re-provisioning
  4. PSoC® 64 specific regression tests
  5. Detailed PSoC® 64 specific documentation

See the for an additional description of the TF-M software.



  • Updated to use PDL v2.4.0
  • Updated TFM to use core-lib v1.3.0 as dependency
  • Added COMPONENT_TFM_S_SRC component to the trusted-firmware-m ModusToolbox library
    to support building of secure image from sources.
  • Added possibility to remove policy parsing concept with CY_POLICY_CONCEPT=OFF.
    Refer to Optional arguments section in documentation Cypress PSoC64 Specifics
  • Updated ECC Crypto algorithms to use software implementation only, due to
    security concerns for HW acceleration. See details in cypress_mxcrypto_ecc_vulnerability.rst
  • Increased performance of PS/ITS by setting ITS_BUF_SIZE and ITS_MAX_ASSET_SIZE
    to default values in Small and Medium profiles.
  • Provided possibility to have out-of-tree custom partitions.
  • Added TFM_LINK_OPTIONS to provide additional options for linker.


  • Update to PDL v2.3.0


  • Update to TFM v1.3.0 from
  • Update to PDL v2.2.0
  • Update to use p64_utils v1.0.0


  • Update to TFM v1.2.0 from
  • Update to PDL v1.6.1


  • Initial release for TF-M

Known Issues

  • Currently, IPC semaphores are not safe from security point of view and do not recommended to use
  • The accessTime from the debugger policy will not have impact on the debug window for programmer/debugger in TF-M.
    It has constant value equal to 100ms. Please change it manually in the file: tfm_hal_isolation.c
    under the following comment: "The delay is required after Access port was enabled for debugger/programmer to connect and set TEST BIT".
  • Due to changes in TF-M 1.3.3 the existing latency could be not enough, please take care about latency update, if
    any issues observed (for example CY_CFG_PWR_DEEPSLEEP_LATENCY in FreeRTOS).

Supported Platforms

This library and its features are supported on the following Cypress platforms:

Supported Software and Tools

This version of TF-M was validated for compatibility with the following Software and Tools:

Software and Tools Version
ModusToolbox Software Environment 2.4.0
GCC Compiler 9.3.1
ARM Compiler 6 6.13
IAR C/C++ compiler 8.42.1
CMake 3.15
CMSIS-Core(M) 5.5.0
MbedTLS 2.25.0
PSoC6 MCUs acceleration for mbedTLS library 1.3.0
PSoC64 Secure Boot Utilities Middleware Library 1.0.0
PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library (PDL) 2.4.0
Board Support Package (BSP) 2.3.0
Core Library 1.3.0
RTOS Abstraction 1.4.0

Minimum required ModusToolbox Software Environment: v2.4.0

More information

Use the following links for more information, as needed:

© Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.

Trusted Firmware-M v1.3.1

19 Oct 01:54
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What's Included?

  1. TF-M implementation with support of the following services:
  • Crypto
  • Initial Attestation
  • Internal Trusted Storage
  • Platform
  • Protected Storage
  1. Support for dual core PSoC® 64 device and cy8ckit-064s0s2-4343w reference board
  2. PSoC® 64 reference policies and sample image signing keys
  3. Helper script to facilitate device re-provisioning
  4. PSoC® 64 specific regression tests
  5. Detailed PSoC® 64 specific documentation

See the for an additional description of the TF-M software.



  • Update to PDL v2.3.0


  • Update to TFM v1.3.0 from
  • Update to PDL v2.2.0
  • Update to use p64_utils v1.0.0


  • Update to TFM v1.2.0 from
  • Update to PDL v1.6.1


  • Initial release for TF-M

Known Issues


Supported Platforms

This library and its features are supported on the following Cypress platforms:

Supported Software and Tools

This version of TF-M was validated for compatibility with the following Software and Tools:

Software and Tools Version
ModusToolbox Software Environment 2.3.0
GCC Compiler 9.3.1
ARM Compiler 6 6.13
CMake 3.15
CMSIS-Core(M) 5.5.0
MbedTLS 2.25.0
Board Support Package (BSP) 2.3.0
PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library (PDL) 2.3.0
RTOS Abstraction 1.4.0

Minimum required ModusToolbox Software Environment: v2.3.0

More information

Use the following links for more information, as needed:

© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2021.