DeviceGuru is a simple lib (Swift) to know the exact type of the device, e.g. iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s
- Easy to use
- Light weight
10.0.0 Introduced breaking changes so if you're using older version 8.x.x then you need to make little changes. Check this PR: #94 for changes. With 10.0.0 The library is 10x faster and you can mock DeviceGuru for testing also.
Add to Package.swift:
.Package(url: "", branch: "master")
Copy the pod dependency and add that to your pod file. e.g.
pod 'DeviceGuru'
then run the below command in terminal
pod install
Specify DeviceGuru into your project's Cartfile
github "InderKumarRathore/DeviceGuru"
Drag and drop this folder
files in your project
If you install from CocoaPods, you have to import the module. If you used drag and drop then there is no need of import
import DeviceGuru
In your code:
let deviceGuru = DeviceGuruImplementation()
let deviceName = deviceGuru.hardware
let deviceCode = deviceGuru.hardwareString
let platform = deviceGuru.platform
print("\(deviceName) - \(deviceCode) - \(platform)")
Checkout Example Project
Want to contribute? Great!
Just update the GeneratorDevice.plist
cd Generator
The above command will auto generate the required code
Send the pull request 🚀
DeviceGuru is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.