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Inbox Health Partner API

This document is meant to accompany and provide a user-friendly overview of the full specifications of the Inbox Health Partner REST API, fully-documented at Reading and understand the data model and endpoints outlined by those full specifications is recommended.


Logging in to our Partner Portal at will immediately bring you to your "Account Settings" page. To get started authenticating yourself to our REST API, you'll need to generate your user account's API Key. At the bottom left of the "Account Settings" page, click the "View API Key" button on the left and re-enter your password to see your Inbox Health API Key. Keep this key in a safe place, preferably in a secure key store, as it grants full access to the Inbox Health API and can access any of the Inbox Health data managed by medical enterprises under your control.

The full specification of the Inbox Health Partner REST API documentation is available at . This page, automatically generated by OpenAPI (formerly known as the Swagger Specification) has all of the main model resources listed on the page should expand with the valid operations that can be performed against each one. While logged into the partner portal, notice that you can perform any of the API actions by supplying parameters and hitting the "Try It." This works because the API falls back to cookie-based authentication if the "Authorization" HTTP Header is not present. Feel free to experiment with these, but also note that the User Interface at also utilizes these exact requests to render your information in this UI, so feel free to use your Web Browser's Networks tab in its Developer Tools to explore how you can use some of its requests.

Postman Collection

The best way to get comfortable with our Partner API is to explore our pre-configured Postman Collection, which is setup to work against and has various collection variables to make sending requests simple. Postman is a popular API development tool for creating, exploring and testing web APIs. Documentation on how to import a Collection can be found at

The Collection JSON file is available at the root of this repo at InboxHealth Api.postman_collection.json


You can leave host as configured, as this will result in executing all requests against our demo environment.

enterprise_id can be used to specify which enterprise you want to create subsequent enterprise level records for, such as Patient, Practice, Doctor, etc.

patient_id is similar in that you can specify a patient ID to create patient level records for, such as Invoice, Payment, etc.

api_token is your designated demo partner API key, which you can obtain at This will be used to authorize and authenticate all of your requests.


In order for your request to be properly authenticated, you will need to supply your API Key as a header in each request you send. Simply add the API Key you generated via the Partner portal above to each HTTP request in a x-api-key header.

Rate Limiting

By default, all Partner API users are assigned a Basic Partner usage plan that is rate limited to 10 requests per second, with an available burst rate of 100 requests per second. If this limit is exceeded, your request will not be processed by the application servers in any way and the Inbox Health API will return a HTTP error code of 429, "Too Many Requests". If this error is encountered, please retry your request and/or build in a client-side rate-limiter to prevent unnecessary extra requests.

Onboarding New Clients

Creating an Enterprise

The "Enterprise" model is the central record in Inbox Health's API Entities that represents a new customer seeking to bill their patients (whether it is a Hospital, Medical Practice, Therapy Group, or other medical organization). Thus, the first step to onboarding a new client to the Inbox Health platform is to create their Enterprise record that corresponds to their business and will serve to define many of the basic properties. For now, we will review creating a basic Enterprise with one sub "Practice" (facility) and let Inbox Health set many of the default properties for us. If you omit practice_attributes, or send an empty array, we will create a seed practice for you using the attributes from the enterprise.

Send the following HTTP Request to the Enterprise POST endpoint available at

JSON Body:

	"enterprise": {  
		"name": "City of New Haven University Hospital",  
		"city": "New Haven",  
		"state": "CT",  
		"address_line_1": "770 Chapel St",  
		"address_line_2": null,  
		"zip": "06512",  
		"support_phone_number": "(203) 415-3486",  
		"sales_tax": 0,  
		"default_quick_pay_description": "Copay",  
		"logo_background_color": null,  
		"default_checkin_routes": null,  
		"statement_descriptor": "BANK STATEMENT DESCRIPTOR OVERRIDE",  
		"time_zone": "Eastern Time (US & Canada)",  
		"color_statements": true,  
		"first_class": true,  
		"return_envelope": true,  
		"perforation": true,
		"practices_attributes": [
				"name": "New Haven Emergency Room",  
				"address_line_1": "Address line 1 placeholder",  
				"city": "City Placeholder",  
				"state": "Connecticut",  
				"time_zone": "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"  

The HTTP Response returned from Inbox Health as it will look something like this:

    "enterprise": {
        "id": 47,
        "name": "City of New Haven University Hospital",
        "created_at": "2019-10-17T14:26:00.497Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-17T14:26:04.022Z",
        "enterprise_plan_id": 9,
        "bank_name": null,
        "bank_last_4": null,
        "country": null,
        "address_line_1": "770 Chapel St",
        "address_line_2": null,
        "city": "New Haven",
        "state": "CT",
        "ein": null,
        "transfer_date_scheduled": null,
        "transfer_status": "scheduled",
        "transfer_interval": null,
        "enterprise_payment_date_scheduled": null,
        "billing_name": null,
        "minimum_bill_amount_cents": 0,
        "support_phone_number": "(203) 415-3486",
        "use_support_phone_number": false,
        "payment_phone_number": null,
        "default_service_code": "30",
        "additional_fees_description": null,
        "additional_fees_cents": 0,
        "sales_tax": 0.0,
        "default_service_location": "11",
        "zip": "06512",
        "default_statement_memo": null,
        "days_before_patient_balance_reminder": 15,
        "days_before_patient_balance_reminder_with_paper_statements": 30,
        "enterprise_plan": {
            "id": 9,
            "plan_name": "Basic (Freemium)",
            "created_at": "2019-05-09T17:49:11.038Z",
            "updated_at": "2019-05-09T17:49:11.038Z",
            "per_eligibility_benefit_rate_cents": 25,
            "eligibility_benefits_per_month": 0,
            "monthly_fee_cents": 0,
            "custom": false,
            "check_fee_cents": 0,
            "card_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "amex_transaction_rate": 0.035,
            "amex_debit_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "amex_prepaid_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "amex_credit_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "discover_debit_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "discover_prepaid_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "discover_credit_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "mastercard_debit_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "mastercard_prepaid_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "mastercard_credit_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "visa_debit_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "visa_prepaid_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "visa_credit_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "terminal_amex_debit_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "terminal_amex_prepaid_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "terminal_amex_credit_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "terminal_discover_debit_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "terminal_discover_prepaid_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "terminal_discover_credit_transaction_rate": 0.029,
            "terminal_mastercard_debit_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "terminal_mastercard_prepaid_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "terminal_mastercard_credit_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "terminal_visa_debit_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "terminal_visa_prepaid_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "terminal_visa_credit_transaction_rate": 0.022,
            "amex_debit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "amex_prepaid_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "amex_credit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "discover_debit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "discover_prepaid_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "discover_credit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "mastercard_debit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "mastercard_prepaid_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "mastercard_credit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "visa_debit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "visa_prepaid_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "visa_credit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_amex_debit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_amex_prepaid_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_amex_credit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_discover_debit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_discover_prepaid_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_discover_credit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_mastercard_debit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_mastercard_prepaid_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_mastercard_credit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_visa_debit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_visa_prepaid_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "terminal_visa_credit_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "ach_transaction_rate": 0.019,
            "ach_transaction_flat_fee_cents": 0,
            "inbox_health_transaction_rate": 0.017,
            "transaction_flat_fee_cents": 30,
            "stripe_plan_id": "basic",
            "number_of_users": 1,
            "per_email_rate_cents": 0,
            "per_paper_rate_cents": 125,
            "per_voice_call_minute_rate_cents": 0,
            "per_sms_rate_cents": 1,
            "enable_preauth": true,
            "enable_estimates": true,
            "enable_billing": true,
            "enable_checkin": false,
            "enable_eligibility": true,
            "enable_full_service": false
        "stripe_fields_needed": null,
        "has_stripe_subscription": false,
        "estimate_down_payment_rate": 0.2,
        "bcbs_payer_id": null,
        "default_quick_pay_description": "Copay",
        "enable_scheduled_eligible_requests": true,
        "logo_background_color": null,
        "default_checkin_routes": "{\"checkIn.confirmAppointmentDetails\":{\"next\":\"checkIn.patientReview\"},\"checkIn.patientReview\":{\"next\":\"checkIn.patientMoreAboutYou\",\n    \"prev\":\"checkIn.confirmAppointmentDetails\"},\"checkIn.patientMoreAboutYou\":{\"next\":\"checkIn.patientContactInformation\",\"prev\":\"checkIn.patientReview\"},\n    \"checkIn.patientContactInformation\":{\"next\":\"checkIn.patientAddress\",\"prev\":\"checkIn.patientMoreAboutYou\"},\n    \"checkIn.patientAddress\":{\"next\":\"checkIn.emergencyContact\",\"prev\":\"checkIn.patientContactInformation\"},\n    \"checkIn.emergencyContact\":{\"next\":\"checkIn.terms\",\"prev\":\"checkIn.patientAddress\"},\n    \"checkIn.terms\":{\"next\":\"checkIn.confirmInsurance\",\"prev\":\"checkIn.emergencyContact\"},\"checkIn.confirmInsurance\":{\"prev\":\"checkIn.terms\"}}",
        "gift_card_merchant_number": null,
        "gift_card_user_name": null,
        "enable_giftcards": false,
        "statement_descriptor": "HOSPITAL FEE",
        "has_logo_base64": false,
        "cancellation_fee_window": 0,
        "cancellation_fee_cents": 0,
        "reschedule_window": 30,
        "soonest_bookable_time_window": 30,
        "apply_payment": true,
        "default_eligible_npi": null,
        "checkin_card_on_file_required": false,
        "patient_billing_active": true,
        "auto_charge": false,
        "auto_charge_max_cents": 0,
        "past_due_balance_days": 45,
        "collection_warning_balance_days": 90,
        "enable_scheduled_appointment_reminders": false,
        "max_paper_bills_per_billing_cycle_count": 3,
        "soft_delete": false,
        "billing_business_name": null,
        "billing_address_line_1": null,
        "billing_address_line_2": null,
        "billing_city": null,
        "billing_state": null,
        "billing_zip": null,
        "time_zone": "Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
        "billing_contact_email": null,
        "baa_agree": false,
        "baa_agreed_at": null,
        "baa_html": null,
        "has_baa_signature_base64": false,
        "send_initial_statement_sms": false,
        "default_billing_cycle_template_id": 1,
        "twenty_four_hours_appt_reminders": true,
        "fourty_eight_hours_appt_reminders": false,
        "one_week_appt_reminders": true,
        "make_checks_payable_to": null,
        "custom_collection_copy": null,
        "legacy_payer_model": false,
        "enable_advanced_payment_routing": false,
        "self_pay_imported_payer_id": null,
        "enable_unapplied_payment_only": false,
        "post_checkin_message": null,
        "enable_simplified_account_view": false,
        "accepts_credit_card": true,
        "color_statements": true,
        "first_class": true,
        "return_envelope": true,
        "perforation": true,
        "patient_support_email": null,
        "portal_accepts_credit_card": true,
        "portal_accepts_ach": false,
        "links": {
            "practices": "",
            "patients": "",
            "enterprise_invoices": "",
            "enterprise_payment_infos": "",
            "enterprise_payments": "",
            "transfers": "",
            "admin_organizations": "",
            "doctors": "",
            "appointment_templates": "",
            "payment_reasons": "",
            "api_integrations": "",
            "billing_cycle_templates": "",
            "write_off_codes": "",
            "deposit_accounts": "",
            "card_readers": ""

Most importantly, store the field as this will serve as the unique identifier for this record and form the basis for many other requests for associated records.

Creating Patients

Now that you've created your first test Enterprise, let's create the first Patient record to provide a central record to attach future Invoices (charges) and Payments. Patient records act similar to Customer objects seen in other invoicing platforms and are tracked individually; their balances and properties along with the Enterprise's settings and the Enterprise's defined BillingCycleTemplates, govern how and when Inbox Health sends the Patient statements and communication.

		"first_name":"Test First Name",  
		"last_name":"Test Last Name",  
		"email":"[email protected]",  
		"enterprise_id": 47  

Note that the Enterprise ID (47 in the example case above) should be the ID you stored from the prior Enterprise POST request.

Managing Patient Balances

This section covers how to create new Invoice, LineItem, and Payment records to assign, update and manage a Patient's balance in Inbox Health over time.

A patient’s balance is the amount a patient is expected to pay when viewing their bill. A patient’s balance is calculated from the sum of balances on open invoice records, minus any unapplied patient payments.

To begin creating a patient with a balance, first perform a POST via /partner/v2/invoices with the following invoice and line-item attributes in the following body.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key;' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "invoice": {
        "patient_id": 2090030,
        "practice_id": 9169,
        "date_of_service": "2022-03-03",
        "doctor_id": 40898,
        "notes": "Habitual mushroom addiction",
        "estimate": false,
        "line_items_attributes": [
                "service_code": "A1A1A1",
                "description": "Psilocybin mushroom testing",
                "date_of_service": "2022-03-03",
                "total_charge_amount_cents": 10000,
                "covered_amount_cents": 1000,
                "quantity": 1

An invoice is one or more procedures that have been performed on a patient. These procedures are represented at the line-item level.

Depending on your internal schema, you may want to create a separate invoice for each procedure, or one invoice that contains multiple procedures.

Each procedure is posted over as a line item record. If you have multiple procedures per line invoice record, you will make a POST request via /partner/v2/line_items with following body:

 curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key;' \
--data-raw '{    
    "line_item": {
        "invoice_id": 5090278,
	 "service_code": "A0134",
        "description": "Another procedure",
        "date_of_service": "2022-03-03",
        "total_charge_amount_cents": 5000,
        "covered_amount_cents": 1000,
        "quantity": 1

Once you have created an invoice with one or more line items, you can then create invoice payment records that belong to that invoice.

To create a payment, perform a POST request via /partner/v2/payments with the following body:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key;' \
--data-raw '{
    "payment": {
        "patient_id": 2090030,
        "expected_amount_cents": 1000,
        "payment_method_type": "external_card",
        "description": "A patient payment",
        "apply_payment": false

Once that payment is created, if that payment is applied to invoice, create the invoice payment records to relate those payment(s) against invoices with a POST request via /partner​/v2​/invoice_payments

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key;' \
--data-raw '{    
    "invoice_payment": {
        "payment_id": 5393470,
        "invoice_id": 5090278,
        "paid_amount_cents": 500

A few common items to note:

  • total_insurance_balance_cents for an invoice is calculated by the sum of all of the line items insurance_owed_amount_cents, minus any applied insurance payment amount.
  • For a patient who has a patient balance and no outstanding insurance balance, please ensure the total_insurance_balance_cents of the invoice is equal to 0. In addition, this requires the sum of the amount_cents of the insurance payments on the invoice to be equal to the total_insurance_balance_cents before the payments are applied to the invoice via invoice_payments. (Insurance Payment is defined as a payment with a payment_method_type of ‘insurance’.)
  • If a payment has been refunded from your PM system, either reduce the amount_cents of the invoice payment, the expected_amount_cents of the payment, and/or create a line_item on the invoice to offset the amount of the refund.
  • If you would like your payments to include the reason why insurance paid, create a payment reason record (available via POST/PUT on the invoice_payment or POST for payment_reasons). If the insurance didn’t pay but you still want to note it, create a $0 invoice payment and payment reason for that invoice.

Once you have created all the invoices, line_items, and payments for a patient, you can perform a GET request against the patient and their invoices to confirm you have been able to correctly calculate the patient's balance. Once this has been validated, you may continue testing and move to the statement process.

See specific APIs here in our spec:

Sending Statements and Communication

This section covers the API and business workflows for sending and receiving statements, in addition to how to listen to webhooks for getting updates on the notifications a patient has received.

At Inbox Health, the statement process is primarily managed through our patented billing cycle process. Based on discussions with your business teams, our team will recommend or take recommendations on the best billing process for your practice. Once your team has been given billing cycles to cycle. While configuring your enterprises, you can call a POST or PUT request via /partner/v2/enterprises to update the template your business chooses.

Once a patient is in Inbox Health (or while posting the patient), you can choose when to begin billing for the patient. Inbox Health billing cycle has built in logic to decide when and how to bill a patient. This logic can be overridden by calling a PUT to patients to change their billing status, which dictates whether or not a patient should receive statements. For ease of use, most partners opt for the logic of when patients should initially receive statements to the business rules dictated by your client-facing team.

This logic is described below:

  1. A patient record is recommended to be posted via /partner/v2/patients with a billing status with the string ‘complete’. A complete billing status means the patient is not scheduled for any action to the patient (to send a statement, to send to collections, to suspend from billing etc).
  2. From complete, if a patient has a positive patient balance and is configured, the patient will change to a billing status of billable, or ready to start billing.
  3. From Billable, if the patient was manually or automatically chosen to start the billing process, they will be moved to a scheduled billing status. A patient can be moved automatically to a scheduled status via an API call to the patient’s endpoint. Once the patient is a scheduled billing status, the patient will be placed on a billing cycle.
  4. Once the patient is in a billing cycle, a patient will follow the billing cycle template present on the enterprise at the time of creation of the billing cycle.
  5. Once on a billing cycle, a patient will move to various billing statuses including complete, no_response, or collections. Once a patient has been automatically set as complete, the patient will begin this workflow again. In addition, if you have certain patients who have a category in your PM system that prevents them from billing, you could also create account_types. An example of an account type would be if a patient was listed as a “no statements” status in your PM system. Then, once the patient changed to an account type that should bill, such as “typical account”, the patient would begin billing again. You would first create the account types with a POST request via /partner/v2/account_types. This should include the account types you would like for your patients to be eligible for. Once you have input your account types, your new or existing patients can be created or updated to add an account type. In addition, you could simply mark a patient as a billing status of excluded via a PUT on patients.
    Once a patient is on a billing cycle and they are receiving statements or asking questions about their bills you can listen to notifications webhooks or issue a GET request via /partner/v2/patients/{id}/notifications to add information about those notifications to your PM system if desired.

See specific APIs here in our spec:

Patient Model Communication Attributes

Phone Numbers

The Patient model has three possible phone numbers for communications. These are used for sending SMS messages, including messages for statements. We attempt to send SMS messages to their available numbers in the following order:

  • cell_phone
  • secondary_phone
  • home_phone

Subscribing to Webhooks

This section covers how to receive dynamic updates from Inbox Health via REST API webhooks that ensure API clients are immediately informed upon changes of relevant records in Inbox Health. Whether the change originates from a patient, provider, administrator or automated system these webhooks are triggered and immediately provide feedback.

Invoice Updated Webhook

When updating parent properties of an invoice (the date of service, for example), you will receive an invoice updated webhook event. However, when adding line items or invoice payments to an invoice, that will not trigger an invoice updated webhook event. Instead, you will receive the line item/invoice payment created webhook events.

X-InboxHealth-Signature Header

This section will explain the steps required to reproduce the header X-InboxHealth-Signature which is used to verify that all webhook event requests coming from Inbox Health are authentic and haven’t been tampered with. The X-InboxHealth-Signature header is generated using the HMAC-SHA1 hashing algorithm, with the base signature being generated from the request URL and the POST body parameters, using your secret API key as the signing key.

The webhook event we will be demonstrating with will be a patient_created event with dummy JSON data to represent what a typical event would actually look like. The raw request looks like this

Content-Type: application/json
Body: {"id":4805,"livemode":false,"created_at":"2019-08-29T11:00:26.000-04:00","event_type":"patient_created","event_data":{"object":{"id":1,"user_id":null,"enterprise_id":1,"first_name":"Ed","middle_name":"E","last_name":"Edison","created_at":"2019-08-24T23:08:14.691Z","updated_at":"2019-08-25T10:06:48.507Z","address_line_1":"123 Mansion Rd","address_line_2":null,"city":"Thimbleweed Park","state":"WA","cell_phone":"(555) 555-5555","secondary_phone":"(555) 555-5555","date_of_birth":"1987-10-05","primary":true,"ssn":"801-31-3292","sex":"Male","removed":false,"email":"[email protected]","zip":"06510","email_two":null,"health_record_id":"3425","notes":null,"balance_cents":8940,"soft_delete":0,"patient_plan_ids":[1],"last_notified_at":"2014-08-30T19:00:00.000Z","race":null,"language":"English","ethnicity":null,"marital_status":"Single","employment_status":null,"employer_name":null,"contact_preference":"both","occupation":null,"pharmacy_name":null,"pharmacy_address_line_1":null,"pharmacy_address_line_2":null,"pharmacy_city":null,"pharmacy_state":null,"pharmacy_phone_number":null,"maiden_name":null,"home_phone":null,"work_phone":"(555) 555-5555","practice_id":13,"sms_opt_out":false,"phone_opt_out":false,"emergency_contacts":[],"external_ids":[{"id":1,"issuer":"coolpm","external_id":"3425"}],"statement_cycle_started_at":null,"collection_warning_letter_date":null,"needs_card_update":false,"corrected_address_line_1":null,"corrected_address_line_2":null,"corrected_city":null,"corrected_state":null,"corrected_zip":null,"links":{"invoices":null,"payments":null,"notifications":null,"patient_payment_infos":null,"tickets":null},"object":"patient"}}}

Collecting the Request URL

All webhook events sent by InboxHealth will be via a POST HTTP Method. The exact URL of the request is used as part of the base signature. So in our current example, the URL used would be

Collecting Parameters

The second part of creating the base signature is collecting the request parameters, which are sorted and concatenated into a normalized string using the following rules:

URL encode every key and value Parameters are sorted by name, using lexicographical byte value ordering. If two or more parameters share the same name, they are sorted by their value Parameters are concatenated in their sorted order into a single string. For each parameter, the name is separated from the corresponding value by an '=' character (ASCII code 61), even if the value is empty. Each name-value pair is separated by an '&' character (ASCII code 38)

Given our example POST body above, these parameters would be normalized into the following single string


For readability purposes, the normalized parameters split into an array would be as follows

[0] = "created_at=2019-08-29T12%3A06%3A53.000-04%3A00"
[1] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Baddress_line_1%5D=123%20Mansion%20Rd"
[2] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Baddress_line_2%5D="
[3] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bbalance_cents%5D=0"
[4] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bcell_phone%5D=%28555%29%20555-5555"
[5] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bcity%5D=Thimbleweed%20Park"
[6] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bcollection_warning_letter_date%5D="
[7] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bcontact_preference%5D=both"
[8] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bcorrected_address_line_1%5D="
[9] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bcorrected_address_line_2%5D="
[10] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bcorrected_city%5D="
[11] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bcorrected_state%5D="
[12] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bcorrected_zip%5D="
[13] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bcreated_at%5D=2019-08-24T23%3A08%3A14.691Z"
[14] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bdate_of_birth%5D=1987-10-07"
[15] = ""
[16] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bemail_two%5D="
[17] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bemployer_name%5D="
[18] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bemployment_status%5D="
[19] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Benterprise_id%5D=10"
[20] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bethnicity%5D="
[21] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bfirst_name%5D=Ed"
[22] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bhealth_record_id%5D=12345"
[23] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bhome_phone%5D="
[24] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bid%5D=669"
[25] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Blanguage%5D=English"
[26] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Blast_name%5D=Edison"
[27] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Blast_notified_at%5D="
[28] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Blinks%5D%5Binvoices%5D="
[29] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Blinks%5D%5Bnotifications%5D="
[30] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Blinks%5D%5Bpatient_payment_infos%5D="
[31] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Blinks%5D%5Bpayments%5D="
[32] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Blinks%5D%5Btickets%5D="
[33] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bmaiden_name%5D="
[34] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bmarital_status%5D=Single"
[35] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bmiddle_name%5D=E"
[36] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bneeds_card_update%5D=false"
[37] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bnotes%5D="
[38] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bobject%5D=patient"
[39] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Boccupation%5D="
[40] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bpharmacy_address_line_1%5D="
[41] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bpharmacy_address_line_2%5D="
[42] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bpharmacy_city%5D="
[43] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bpharmacy_name%5D="
[44] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bpharmacy_phone_number%5D="
[45] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bpharmacy_state%5D="
[46] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bphone_opt_out%5D=false"
[47] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bpractice_id%5D=13"
[48] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bprimary%5D=true"
[49] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Brace%5D="
[50] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bremoved%5D=false"
[51] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bsecondary_phone%5D=%28555%29%20555-5555"
[52] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bsex%5D=Male"
[53] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bsms_opt_out%5D=false"
[54] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bsoft_delete%5D=0"
[55] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bssn%5D=801-31-3292"
[56] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bstate%5D=WA"
[57] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bstatement_cycle_started_at%5D="
[58] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bupdated_at%5D=2019-08-25T10%3A06%3A48.507Z"
[59] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Buser_id%5D="
[60] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bwork_phone%5D=%28555%29%20555-5555"
[61] = "event_data%5Bobject%5D%5Bzip%5D=06510"
[62] = "event_type=patient_created"
[63] = "id=4806"
[64] = "livemode=false"

Since we based our normalization rules off of the OAuth specification, we leverage the OAuth Ruby library for normalizing the parameters. The method can be viewed on GitHub at for further education on the normalizing process.

The Signing Key

Your secret Inbox Health user API key is used as the signing key to the HMAC-SHA1 hashing algorithm. We determine which API key to sign with based on the user that created, or last updated, the webhook endpoint in the Inbox Health Partner app. As always, keep this key secret and safe!

Calculating the Signature

We can now calculate the final signature by passing the base string of our request URL and normalized request parameters to the HMAC-SHA1 hashing algorithm, using the user API key as the signing key. Please note, HMAC will output in binary string, so we convert it to base64.

Given the following base signature

and using an example API key of api_key as our signing key, the X-InboxHealth-Signature would be


A Fully Working C# Example of Onboarding a New Enterprise

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using RestSharp;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace InboxHealthExamples
     * Here's an example using purely RestSharp to call the Partner API.
    class Rest
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            var client = new RestClient("http://localhost/partner/v2");
            client.AddDefaultHeader("x-api-key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            client.Timeout = -1;

             * The "Enterprise" model is the central record in Inbox Health's API Entities 
             * that represents a new customer seeking to bill their patients 
             * (whether it is a Hospital, Medical Practice, Therapy Group, or other medical organization). 
             * Thus, the first step to onboarding a new client to the Inbox Health platform is to 
             * create their Enterprise record that corresponds to their business and will serve to define 
             * many of the basic properties. For now, we will review creating a basic Enterprise 
             * with one sub "Practice" (facility) and let Inbox Health set many of the default properties for us.
            var enterpriseRoot = new {
                enterprise = new {
                    name = Faker.Company.Name(),
                    address_line_1 = Faker.Address.StreetAddress(),
                    city = Faker.Address.City(),
                    state = Faker.Address.UsStateAbbr(),
                    zip = Faker.Address.ZipCode(),
                    sales_tax = 6.35m,
                    time_zone = "Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
                    support_phone_number = "(203) 415-3486",
                    default_quick_pay_description = "Copay",
                    statement_descriptor = "LIVE FROM REST",
                    return_envelope = true,
                    perforation = true,
                    practices_attributes = new List<object> {
                            new {
                                    name = Faker.Company.Name(),
                                    address_line_1 = Faker.Address.StreetAddress(),
                                    city = Faker.Address.City(),
                                    state = Faker.Address.UsStateAbbr(),
                                    zip = Faker.Address.ZipCode(),
                                    time_zone = "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"
            var request = new RestRequest("enterprises", DataFormat.Json);
            var response = client.Post(request);
            var enterpriseJObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(response.Content);

             * Now that the enterprise record has been created, store the field,
             * as this will serve as the unique identifier for this record,
             * and form the basis for many other requests for associated records.
            int enterpriseId = (int)enterpriseJObject["enterprise"]["id"];

             * We're now ready to create a handful of Patient records.
             * These patients will serve as the central records to attach future Invoices (charges) and Payments. 
             * Patient records act similar to Customer objects seen in other invoicing platforms 
             * and are tracked individually; their balances and properties along with the Enterprise's settings 
             * and the Enterprise's defined BillingCycleTemplates, 
             * govern how and when Inbox Health sends the Patient statements and communication.
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
                request = new RestRequest("patients", DataFormat.Json);
                var patientRoot = new {
                    patient = new {
                        enterprise_id = enterpriseId,
                        first_name = Faker.Name.First(),
                        last_name = Faker.Name.Last(),
                        date_of_birth = "1980-01-01",
                        email = Faker.Internet.Email(),
                        phone = Faker.Phone.Number(),
                        address_line_1 = Faker.Address.StreetAddress(),
                        city = Faker.Address.City(),
                        state = Faker.Address.UsStateAbbr(),
                        zip = Faker.Address.ZipCode()
                response = client.Post(request);


             * The next step in onboarding would be to start importing doctors. 
             * Primarily, doctors will be referenced on invoices. 
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
                request = new RestRequest("doctors", DataFormat.Json);
                var doctorRoot = new {
                    doctor = new {
                        enterprise_id = enterpriseId,
                        first_name = Faker.Name.First(),
                        last_name = Faker.Name.Last(),
                        phone = Faker.Phone.Number(),
                        specialty = "General Physician",
                        email = Faker.Internet.Email(),
                        suffix = "M.D.",
                        npi = "1234567890"
                response = client.Post(request);


            var doctors = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(client.Get(new RestRequest("enterprises/{id}/doctors").AddParameter("id", enterpriseId, ParameterType.UrlSegment)).Content);

             * We can now get to the fun part! Let's start adding invoices for our patients. 
             * Invoices are the central vehicle for creating patient balances. 
             * Invoices contain line items, which tell us not only the procedure/service performed, 
             * but what's the total charge, how much is covered by insurance
             * and how much is still owed by insurance for that line item.
            var practices = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(client.Get(new RestRequest("enterprises/{id}/practices").AddParameter("id", enterpriseId, ParameterType.UrlSegment)).Content);
            var patients = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(client.Get(new RestRequest("enterprises/{id}/patients").AddParameter("id", enterpriseId, ParameterType.UrlSegment)).Content);
            foreach (JObject patient in patients["patients"]) {
                request = new RestRequest("invoices", DataFormat.Json);
                 * Our test invoices will simply contain one line item each, where 
                 * insurance owed amount cents is 0, translating the remaining balance (charge - covered) into
                 * a balance that is now the patient's responsibility. 
                 * If insurance owed amount cents was any value greater than 0, 
                 * the invoice would not count towards the patient's total balance yet.
                var invoiceRoot = new {
                    invoice = new {
                        patient_id = (int)patient["id"],
                        practice_id = (int)practices["practices"][0]["id"],
                        date_of_service = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        doctor_id = (int)doctors["doctors"][0]["id"],
                        notes = "What a wonderful patient!",
                        estimate = false,
                        line_items_attributes = new[] {
                            new {
                                description = "A medical procedure",
                                date_of_service = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                                total_charge_amount_cents = new Random().Next(1000, 10000),
                                covered_amount_cents = new Random().Next(100, 500),
                                service_code = "Y93C9",
                                tax_amount_cents = 10,
                                quantity = 1,
                                insurance_owed_amount_cents = 0
                response = client.Post(request);


             * We can re-get our patients to see their updated balances. 
            patients = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(client.Get(new RestRequest("enterprises/{id}/patients").AddParameter("id", enterpriseId, ParameterType.UrlSegment)).Content);
            patients["patients"].ToList().ForEach(p => Console.WriteLine("Patient id " + p["id"] + " has a balance of " + p["balance_cents"]));

             * And now we can start importing payments. When importing payments, you need to specify the payment method type. 
             * external_card = A card payment made outside of Inbox Health, such as an historical card payment made prior to integrating with Inbox Health.             
             * card = An Inbox Health card payment, using a saved payment method, that will be processed through Stripe. 
             * one_time_payment = An Inbox Health card payment, using a Stripe one-time token, that will be processed through Stripe. 
             * For initial onboarding, when importing existing, already processed card payments, you use external_card.
            request = new RestRequest("payments", DataFormat.Json);
            var paymentRoot = new {
                payment = new {
                    patient_id = (int)patients["patients"][0]["id"],
                    expected_amount_cents = (int)patients["patients"][0]["balance_cents"],
                    payment_method_type = "external_card"
            response = client.Post(request);


             * And now the patient's balance is updated to $0. 
            var patientWithPaidOffBalance = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(client.Get(new RestRequest("patients/{id}").AddParameter("id", patients["patients"][0]["id"], ParameterType.UrlSegment)).Content);
            Console.WriteLine("Patient id " + patientWithPaidOffBalance["patient"]["id"] + " balance is " + patientWithPaidOffBalance["patient"]["balance_cents"]);

Payment Adjustments

Our API supports the ability to create payment_adjustment records through the POST /partner/v2/payment_adjustments endpoint. These represent payment amount adjustments to be made to any payment in Inbox Health, which can be useful to represent payment refunds, reversals, or even fully voiding the payment from the patient's account.

As an example, let's say a patient in Inbox Health has a external_card payment of $50.00, that has been applied to an invoice in Inbox Health, as well. For one reason or another, we need to reduce the payment amount by $10.00. We don't support updating a payment's expected_amount_cents attribute directly by issuing a PUT /partner/v2/payments request. Instead, these are tracked as payment_adjustment records, which also allows you to control how the payment adjustment will affect the patient's balance.

First, lets do a GET /partner/v2/patients/<id_of_patient> to see what their current cached_balance_cents is.


curl --location --request GET '<id_of_patient>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>'


    "patient": {
        "id": <id_of_patient>,
        "cached_balance_cents": 9956,

Now, lets issue a POST /partner/v2/payment_adjustments request to refund $10.00 of the payment.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>' \
--data-raw '{
    "voided": false,
	"payment_adjustment": {		
		"payment_id": <id_of_payment_to_adjust>,
		"amount_cents": 1000

    "payment_adjustment": {
        "id": 128,
        "payment_id": <id_of_payment_to_adjust>,
        "payment_processing_refund_id": null,
        "created_at": "2022-09-21T18:38:40.917Z",
        "updated_at": "2022-09-21T18:38:40.917Z",
        "transfer_id": null,
        "status": "refunded",
        "created_by_user_id": 1,
        "amount_cents": 1000

And if we were to do a GET /partner/v2/payments/<id_of_payment_to_adjust> for this payment, we'd get a response JOSN body that contains the following updated attributes (most payment attributes omitted for brevity)

curl --location --request GET '<id_of_payment_to_adjust>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>'

    "payment": {
        "id": <id_of_payment_to_adjust>,        
        "status": "partially refunded",
        "successful": true,        
        "payment_method_type": "external_card",        
        "expected_amount_cents": 5000,
        "refunded_amount_cents": 1000,        
        "applied_amount_cents": 5000,

As you can see, the payment is now updated to have a refunded_amount_cents value of 1000 and is marked as being partially_refunded; creating a payment adjustment that is equal to the payment expected_amount_cents would result in a refunded status.

However, it's very important to note that this type of payment adjustment DOES NOT affect either the patient balance, or even the balance of any invoice the payment may be applied to.

We can confirm this by doing another GET /partner/v2/patients/<id_of_patient> to see that their cached_balance_cents value is unchanged.


curl --location --request GET '<id_of_patient>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>'


    "patient": {
        "id": <id_of_patient>,
        "cached_balance_cents": 9956,

The reason the payment adjustment didn't affect any balances is due to the request JSON body specifying voided: false. This is a key boolean for creating payment adjustments as it determines whether the payment is to be considered voided, which when true, the payment will no longer affect any patient or invoice balances.

You cannot void a portion of a payment's amount. When voiding a payment, the entire payment amount must be refunded and voided.

Going back to our example, if we want to void the payment, and no longer have the payment's total expected_amount_cents be applied to the patient's balance, we instead submit the following POST /partner/v2/payment_adjustments request JSON body, with voided set to true and amount_cents equaling the payment's expected_amount_cents.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>' \
--data-raw '{
    "voided": true,
	"payment_adjustment": {		
		"payment_id": <id_of_payment_to_adjust>,
		"amount_cents": 5000

    "payment_adjustment": {
        "id": 128,
        "payment_id": <id_of_payment_to_adjust>,
        "payment_processing_refund_id": null,
        "created_at": "2022-09-21T19:05:02.658Z",
        "updated_at": "2022-09-21T19:05:02.658Z",
        "transfer_id": null,
        "status": "refunded",
        "created_by_user_id": 1,
        "amount_cents": 5000

And if we were to do a GET /partner/v2/payments/<id_of_payment_to_adjust> for this payment, we'd get a response JOSN body that contains the following updated attributes (most payment attributes omitted for brevity)

curl --location --request GET '<id_of_payment_to_adjust>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>'

    "payment": {
        "id": <id_of_payment_to_adjust>,        
        "status": "refunded",
        "successful": true,        
        "payment_method_type": "external_card",        
        "expected_amount_cents": 5000,
        "refunded_amount_cents": 5000,        
        "applied_amount_cents": 0,

Notice that refunded_amount_cents is now equal to the expected_amount_cents, and applied_amount_cents is now 0, meaning that any associated invoice_payment records for this payment were also deleted, as a result of being voided. And now if we take a look at our patient balance, we see that it is $50 higher than before we created the payment adjustment.


curl --location --request GET '<id_of_patient>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>'


    "patient": {
        "id": <id_of_patient>,
        "cached_balance_cents": 14956,


Please don't hesitate to ask questions via our email, Slack or GitHub Issues. We'll update this section with common questions as we work to flesh out our documentation.

Forthcoming Documentation

We're currently working on more documentation, but between these initial examples and the swagger docs I hope you'll be able to get a decent feel of the API itself. Don't hesitate to contact us by email, GitHub Issues, or Slack for quicker responses.


Official Documentation of Inbox Health's REST API






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