This mode adds the following functionalities to your OHIF viewer fork:
- Automatic load of the latest derived display set of active series (no need to double-click the derived display set (e.g. SRs, SEGs) thumbnail in the left panel to render a derived display set)
- Update OHIF's app package.json file to include this mode as a dependency, pointing to a branch since this mode is not being published to NPM:
/** File: platform/app/package.json */
"dependencies": {
"ohif-idc-mode": "", /** You can use any valid branch name here (#main or #master or #your-branch) */
- Update OHIF's plugin file to load this mode:
/** File: platform/app/pluginConfig.json */
"modes": [
"packageName": "ohif-idc-mode",
"version": "0.0.1" /** The version here does not matter since we are using a branch name to define this mode dependency instead of npm publishing */