We are using Intellij IDEA to implement the backend and haven't tested it yet on other IDE. You might want to install that and get this project running correctly before you run the ImaginThisWeb project. Press run or use "Run - Run - ImaginethisserverApplication" to start this project. After that you may go back to run ImaginThisWeb project.
If you are running this project for the first time, you might encounter:
If you are running this project for the first time, Intellij might ask you to set the running configuration first. Choose "Spring boot" within the example templates. Setting the main class to the right location, and you should fix it.
You will need to swithch your language using "File - Project Structure - Project Settings - Project" and "File - Project Structure - Modules" to switch the language level into Java 13 preview.
Your might want to Reimport all maven projects and restart your Intellij
Perform the following steps to run the ImagineThis server locally:
3. The backend code should be hosted in the http://localhost:8080
The ImagineThis server now includes swagger into the code base. When the application is running, go to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html to access the swagger-ui.
On the swagger-ui page, you can easily check the API endpoint specifications and models. The purpose of using swagger is to simplify the testing process for both front end developer and back end developer. If you're willing to test the API, follow the procedure below: