bash backup
A simple and universal script for creating and restoring backups with archive verification after creation and disk space check before deploying the backup.
- When restoring, the latest version of the archive is selected based on the date in the archive name among those found in the backup directory (specified via the
key or theBACKUP_DIR
variable). The search is based on the prefix in the archive name, which is set throughBACKUP_PREFIX
Please check the functionality of the restore_backup()
function. You will likely want to implement your own logic there.
user:~$ ./ -h
./ - Backup script to create and restore backups [version: 1.0.0]
-c --create Create a backup
-r --restore Restore the latest backup
Create options:
-s Source directory to backup
-b Backup directory
-v Verify backup after creation
-l [PATH/NAME] Log file to write the output (default: backup.log)
-k [NUMBER] Number of backups to keep (latest backups)
Restore options:
-b Backup directory
-t Target directory to restore
-l [PATH/NAME] Log file to write the output (default: backup.log)
./ -c # Create backup in the default directory
./ -c -v # Verify backup after creation
./ -c -k 3 -v # Keep the latest 3 backups and verify
./ -c -s /path/to/source # Create backup of a specific directory
./ -c -b /path/to/backup # Create backup in a specific directory
./ -c -s /path/to/source -b /path/to/backup
./ -c -s /path/to/source -b /path/to/backup -v -l /path/to/logfile.log
./ -r # Restore the latest backup in the default directory
./ -r -b /path/to/backup # Restore the latest backup in a specific directory
./ -r -b /path/to/backup -t /path/to/target
./ -r -b /path/to/backup -t /path/to/target -l logfile.log
It also allows setting certain parameters through global variables.
# Backup archive prefix name
# Default: True
# Default: backup.log
2024-06-08 17:38:52#
2024-06-08 17:38:52# ------------------------------------ Backup script ------------------------------------
2024-06-08 17:38:52# MODE: Start creating backup...
2024-06-08 17:38:52# SUCCESS: Backup backup-2024-06-08_173852.tar.gz created in ./backup
2024-06-08 17:38:52# SUCCESS: Backup backup-2024-06-08_173852.tar.gz is valid
2024-06-08 17:38:52# Done!
2024-06-08 17:39:08#
2024-06-08 17:39:08# ------------------------------------ Backup script ------------------------------------
2024-06-08 17:39:08# MODE: Start restoring backup...
2024-06-08 17:39:08# Checking archive size...
2024-06-08 17:39:08# Latest backup: backup-2024-06-08_173852.tar.gz :: requires 15617024 [14 MB] bytes of disc space.
2024-06-08 17:39:08# ERROR: lsblk is not installed.