- DONE Stepper component #8667
- Themes: Move code to Sass modules #9554
- DONE Themes: Refactor Grid theme #9556
- DONE onFilterDone property to expose additional information #10243
- IgxCombo with single selection #9832
- Angular Pivot Grid #5700
- Classes to indicate position of auto overlay #9481
- Grid autosize feature with performance improvements #10205
- Column moving feature on grid level #10176
- Grid summary custom templating #7981
- IgxLinearProgressBar: animate initial progress #10068
- Improve sorting experience for users #9674
- IgxCombo: being able to set groups sorting order #10125
- Getting only one sort and one filter event after changing the state of grid using setState function #8064
- IgxGridState directive to save disableHiding property #9304
- Template grid excel filter footer #10183
- Igx Grid Sort Icon Change #10217
- [DONE] Add row at top of grid #9675
- [DONE] Grid row styles and classes #9969
- [DONE] Freezing Columns/Rows on Export to Excel (Angular) #9863
- [DONE] Persistent State directive for column group #8516
- [DONE] IgxTreeGrid: display only filtered records #9923
- [DONE] Snackbar support for animation customization #10126
- [DONE] Accordion component to Ignite UI for Angular #9559
- [DONE] Expose a column input for passing additional data/state in the template contexts of the column #9020
- [DONE] Expose a new cell-like object API for the data grids #9555
- [DONE] Change the way igxGrid allows using the igxPaginator #9097
- [DONE] Tree Grid Grouping Pipe and Group Area #9184
- [DONE] Grid Multi Column Headers to exported excel #6288
- [DONE] Snackbar IToggleView #9677
- [DONE] Allow for passing a positioning strategy to IgxGridToolbarHidingComponent #9065
- [DONE] IgxPaginator Component should be templatable #9587
- [DONE] Editable cell styling support #9630
- [DONE] Excel Export Service - onColumnExport Allow to modify columnIndex Property #8874
- [DONE] Themes: Expose elevations as custom CSS props #8920
- [DONE] Themes: Scope custom CSS props to component selectors #8868
- [DONE] Switch thumb templatable and add indeterminate state #8949
- [DONE] IgxDateTimeEditor should support spin delta #7169
- [DONE] Expose a column input for passing additional data/state in the template contexts of the column #9020
- [DONE] Export Hierarchical Grid to Excel #5848
- [DONE] Tree component #7475
- [DONE] IgxDatePicker refactoring #6483
- [DONE] IgxTimePicker refactoring #6482
- [DONE] Tabs and Bottom Nav Components Refactoring #8793
- [DONE] Datetime and Time column types #7678
- [DONE] Add detach method to IgxOverlay #6063
- [DONE] Accept ISO 8601 Date-only string as input for IgxDateTimeEditorDirective #6994
- [DONE] Filters should support filtering by formatted value #8009
- [DONE] Support changing theme dynamically on Input Group #8619
- [DONE] Icon inputs should have same names in code and view files #8769
- [DONE] Key + scroll for horizontal scroll in igx-grid #6566
- [DONE] Export Excel current igx-grid ordered by Group By #5927
- [DONE] Auto select children in tree grid #8040
- [DONE] Currency and Percent type of a Column #8331
- [DONE] Introduce selectRowOnClick property that determines whether a row will be selected on click #8633
- [DONE] Carousel accessibility improvements #8202
- [DONE] Datetime or Time in avaliable type of column #7678
- [DONE] Grid Toolbar refactoring #8055
- [DONE] Expose an event that indicates that the Grid is fully loaded #7924
- [DONE] Igx-grid: Select all rows in a group #7344
- [DONE] Option to select columns instead of hide columns #6858
- [DONE] Calendar ARIA #6272
- [DONE] Make the ESF header icon templatable #7878
- [DONE] A small badge option #8188
- [DONE] Improve the chart color palette generation #8447
- [DONE] Auto position strategy use wrong animation when flipped #8238
- [DONE] Move PositionSettings to OverlaySettings #7807
- [DONE] Native add row #5946
- [DONE] Enhance hGrid multi-cell selection behavior #5714
- [DONE] Grid Accessibility Issues #6341
- [DONE] Implement cellEditExit and rowEditExit event #7931
- [DONE] Calendar keyboard navigation accessibility #6275
- [DONE] Column Moving using API #6334
- [DONE] View week numbers in datepicker and calendar #6172
- [DONE] Expose the functionality of private getRowData via a public method #7930
- [DONE] [igx-tab] [igx-nav-drawer] Add animations option #7157
- [DONE] Choose label -text for igxTimePicker #6905
- [DONE] Implement factory functions for creating OverlaySettings #7941
- [DONE] IgxGrid: Excel Style Filter "Search" as in Excel #5813
- [DONE] IgxGrid: Excel Style Filter "Apply" on "Enter" #5812
- [DONE] Grid export visualization #7738
- [DONE] Allow setting of the name of the worksheet in exported workbook in IgxExcelExporter #7396
- [DONE] Enhance behavior of the Select All checkbox in Excel Style Filtering #6617
- [DONE] igx-grid improve IGridEditEventArgs #4965
- [DONE] igxCombo has to include caseSensitive property in filter search #7282
- [DONE] igxCombo default positioning strategy #7225
- [DONE] igxSelect Add igxHint support #5584
- [DONE] igxGrid Hide the group area row #5561
- [DONE] igxDateRangePickerComponent calendar should display selected range if both start and end are filled and valid #7593
- [DONE] Add support for mixing px and % column widths #5486
- [DONE] Do not close modal overlay on ESC key press #7697
- [DONE] Themes: Add Dock Manager Support #7541
- [DONE] igx-grid - pre-select rows #6653
- [DONE] Average and Sum are shown on the Ship country level #7334
- [DONE] Dock Manager Better Default Themes #7578
- [DONE] Expose templates for all ESF UI parts #7221
- [DONE] Calendar events when user changes month/year #7039
- [DONE] igxGrid default column display templates per-type #7224
- [DONE] Provide "Unfreeze All" option under Freeze button on Data Grid & Tree Grid To Be Updated #6549
- [DONE] Exposing onActiveNodeChange output in the Grid #7601
- [DONE] Refactor commit method of IgxHierarchicalTransactionService to accept same parameters as base type #5205
- [DONE] Tooltip for grid cell text content #6215
- [DONE] Add tooltip to column summary #6505
- [DONE] IgxToast
should take a message param #7156 - [DONE] IgxGridState working with IgxHierarchicalGrid #7025
- [DONE] Sorting Indicator on all Grid components #7493
- [DONE] Dock Manger - Public Preview #5980
- [DONE] Range Date Picker #5732
- [DONE] Keyboard Navigation Enhancement #6755
- [DONE] Column freezing/Pinning on the right (igx-grid) #5879
- [DONE] Column Selection for IgxGrid #6578
- [DONE] Splitter #6639
- [DONE] Row Pinning IgxGrid #6640
- [DONE] Data Analysis Directive #1752
- [DONE] Slider does not support RTL #5212
- [DONE] Circular Progress Indicator does not support RTL #5903
- [DONE] Action Strip #6941
- [DONE] Theme igx-component scrollbars #6675
- [DONE] Use CSS variables by default #6803
- [DONE] Theming service for Ignite UI for Angular #5999
- [DONE] igxGrid overlay components exposed for instantiation in arbitrary container #5878
- [DONE] Carousel slide animations/transitions #4268
- [DONE] Access all data when calculating summary per column #5754
- [DONE] Angular 9 support #5998
- [DONE] Allow master-detail style visualization with igxHierarchicalGrid #5880
- [DONE] Collapsible column groups (column expansion state templates) #3343
- [DONE] Igx combo select all item #6342
- [DONE] Container instance for igxGrid overlay components #5878
- [DONE] [igx-select] Footer element #5911
- [DONE] Provide the state persistence directive of the igx-grid by default #5460
- [DONE] Directive for custom row drag ghost in the grids #6081
- [DONE] Provide a way to turn off the built-in filtering and sorting for remote scenarios #4356
- [DONE] IgxGrid Advanced Filtering #5496
- [DONE] IgxGrid row and cell selection modes #4989
- [DONE] Fluent Theme #5335
- [DONE] Drag and Drop enhancements #5319
- [DONE] Multi-View Calendar + Range DatePicker #4282
- [DONE] Custom grid row selector templates #4998
- [DONE] Per-column Filtering Strategies #5323
- [DONE] Grid Multi-Row Layout keyboard nav #4708 Released in 8.0.0, 7.3.4
- [DONE] Angular 8 compatibility #4908 Released in 8.0.0
- [DONE] Display density for Drop Downs #2960 Released in 8.0.1, 7.3.4, 7.2.12
- [DONE] Slider custom thumb labels #3449
- [DONE] Copy data from the igxGrid #4907
- [DONE] BottomNav and Tabs integration with router outlet container #4297
- [DONE] Date/Time pickers action buttons customization #4647 Released in 8.0.0
- [DONE] Square and oval presets in theming #4964 Released in 8.0.0
- [DONE] Grid column group header templates #3344
- [DONE] Multi-cell Selection #3915
- [DONE] Grid Multi-Row Layout #4384
- [DONE] Grid Row Dragging #3993
- [DONE] List, button, button group display density support #4393 #4502 #4532
- [DONE] Hierarchical Grid #827
- [DROPPED] igxGrid rendering strategies (like record-based rendering) #2384
- [DONE] Auto-complete (inline editable) #3585
- [DONE] Excel Style Filtering #3592
- [DONE] Inline date and time pickers (with drop down/toggle) #3034 #2337
- [DONE] igxSelect Component #3148
- [DONE] TreeGrid summaries
- [DONE] Grid GroupBy summaries
- [DONE] Banner Component issue
- [DONE] Toolbar Templatable and NavBar Templatable
- [Done] Tree Grid issue
- [Done] Quick Per-column Search in the igxGrid issue
- [Done] Expandable Panel issue
- [Done] Conditional Cell Styling capability issue
- [Done] igxTypography for theming
- [Done] Tooltip issue
- [Removed] Vertical Tabs - material doesn't define vertical tabs
- [Done] Row Editing with transactions (Batch editing) issue
- [Done] Adding Disabled Dates and Special Dates options in igxCalander issue
- [Done] Drag and Drop Directive
- [DONE] Grouping
- [DONE] Grid Multi-column Headers issue
- [DONE] Combo
- [DONE] Column Hiding UI
- [DONE] Operations UI - column chooser
- [DONE] Advanced Filtering
- [DONE] Column Moving
- [DONE] Update to Angular 6
- [DONE] Design: Release Updated Design System (Sketch UI kits, UI patterns, screens, documentation)
- [DONE] Design: Data dense theme for data grid
- [DONE] Expanding Ignite UI CLI views and templates with Ignite UI for Angular
- [DONE] Adding component views like App Host, Tabbar, List
- [DONE] Updating the default project look
- [DONE] Move the project navigation inside an App Host
- [DONE] Product Theming
- [DONE] Column Resizing
- [DONE] Column pinning
- [DONE] Row Selection
- [DONE] Export to excel (Exporting CSV,TSV)
- [DONE] Context Menu event (output)
- [DONE] Mask directive (editor)
- [DONE] igxTimeicker
- [DONE] Summaries
- [DONE] Tabs
- [DONE] Virtualization
- [DONE] Charting: Category Chart types Line (Area, Column, Point, StepLine, StepArea, Spline, SplineArea, Waterfall
- [DONE] Charting: Financial Chart types
- [DONE] Row objects - 1st sprint (by November 20th, 2017) issue
In order to implement virtualization in the Grid, we would need a row object to be abstracted. - [DONE] Cell objects - 2nd sprint (by December 11th, 2017) issue
- [DONE] Grid Row virtualization - after row objects and virtualization are implemented
- [DONE] Grid Column virtualization - after row objects and column component refactoring are done
This feature enables Grid columns to be virtualized. The feature splits records into parts, and only a certain part of the record is rendered. - [DONE] Alternating row style issue
- [DONE] Ignite UI CLI integration issue
Ignite UI CLI will also provide Ignite UI for Angular templates, views, and components integration. All features of the CLI will be accessible in the context of Ignite UI for Angular, as well as the full Ignite UI product suite.