A telegram bot that uses an unofficial API to identify phone numbers. Truecaller finds contact details globally given name or telephone number. It has created this big database by violating user privacy and copying their phonebook onto their database. Using this bot, you can get contact details without giving up your own privacy. You don't need to use their app at all. '
Edit: The third party API that I used for this is down.
- API Token for the Unofficial API can be obtained from https://tcapi.phphive.info/console/ for free.
- Use Python3 (and pip3) to install the 'telepot' and 'requests' modules.
- Create a new bot in telegram via Botfather and obtain the access token.
- Add both API tokens in the main script.
- Run 'python3 bot.py' on your VPS (preferably using tmux or screen) or your computer.
Feel free to commit and improve.