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2008 Multispectral Scene Data Faces

joycefarrell edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 1 revision

The scene data were acquired using a custom-built LED Multispectral Lighting System and a with 12-bit CMOS 12 Megapixel camera. The LED Multispectral Lighting System consisted of an array of 216 LEDs with clusters of 8 different types of LEDs, The LEDs generate spectral power in relatively narrowband regions. Taken together, the LEDs sample wavelengths between 400 and 700 nm. The data are acquired by capturing multiple acquisitions during a rapid sequence of the 8 different types of LEDs. The LED Multispectral Lighting System was built by Max Klein in 2008. Details about the data capture and analysis can be found in Parmar et al (2012).

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