Some_chap8_figures is a repository for scripts producing a subset of IPCC/AR6/WG1 figures, mainly for Chapter 8, but also for some figures of the Technical Summary. It only deals with figures derived using CMIP6 multi-model outputs
Version tagged AR6_and_CMIP5 was checked to reproduce results included in the 6th IPCC/WGI Assessment Report. It relies on CAMMAC release AR6_and_CMIP5 (see below)
These scripts have been used on the CLIMERI-France data and computing platform <>
_ for actually
producing these figures:
- in chapter 8 : 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 25, 26, Box2-f1
- in the Technical Summary : 12, and two panels of 7-f1
These scripts make heavy use of CAMMAC <>
, which development was parallel to
IPCC/AR6/WGI timeline; they just set parameters for CAMMAC notebooks
and do launch them using a CAMMAC launch script. Documentation for
these parameters is provided in CAMMAC documentation for each
notebook. The recommended compatible CAMMAC release is tagged
AR6_and_CMIP5. CAMMAC in turn makes heavy use of CliMAF <>
Also provided is a dictionnary of the CMIP6 data that where available on the above platform on 31 january 2021, with sufficient temporal coverage; such a dictionnary in instrumental for the figure scripts; the one provided was actually used for AR6 figures; when wishing to use it elsewhere, one should only keep those dictionnary entries corresponding to locally available data
The script's software requirements are limited to those of CAMMAC <>
The installation consists in:
- downloading the scripts :
git clone
- installing CliMAF and CAMMAC (this includes tuning $CAMMAC/jobs/
- tuning parameter file scripts/common_parameters.yaml according to your CAMMAC install
When executing a script:
first set the environment as described in CAMMAC doc (see section 'Batch...'; you basically have to set environment varables CLIMAF and CAMMAC)
a figure-specific directory is created locally. It will contain an execution trace (as a notebook with output cells), and for most scripts two directories:
- figures : contains single panel figures, a multi-panel figure, and metadata files which list the data used
- cache : contains the data used as input of the figure plot phase
If scripts are launched with argument 'True', they actually run on a test case
Script is used for launching all scripts (possibly in test case mode), but excepting the few dedicated to figure plot step only;
In their present shape, scripts execution uses a CAMMAC utility, $CAMMAC/jobs/, which launches a PBS job using qsub. This job itself executes a notebook using 'papermill' (see CAMMAC requirements).
When designing a script similar to those provided : please take note that script $CAMMAC/jobs/ uses a file 'common_parameters.yaml', and will search it using the scheme described in that script's comments.