This repository contains the code that has been used for a subset of Chapter 12 figures.
The folder Figures contains the data and scripts in the eponym subfolders, and the associated figures in the fig subfolder for:
- figures 12.4 to 12.10
- and SM12.1 to SM12.6
The files in the folder HIcalculation contain the scripts that were used to calculate NOAA heat index (HI), perform bias correction, and obtain the yearly number of days on which HI exceeds a value of 41 deg Celsius. HI exceedances are shown shown in IPCC Figure 12.4 and Figure SM 12.2.
The folder snow contains the code to compute SWE100 snow index.
Author: Jerome Servonnat
In the following section I present for each figure (identified in first column) the links to:
- the figure (before final editing by TSU) (second column)
- the figure produced with the scripts (before post editing) (third column); from 12.5 to 12.10, they do not include panel a (that is added by hand at the post edition)
- the main README (with explanations on how to produce the figures), and the repositories to the code and the data (fourth column)
- the code for each panel(s) (fifth column)
- the figures of the individual panels (sixth column)