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@archerzz archerzz released this 15 Aug 09:07
· 27 commits to master since this release

This version is deprecated. Install the latest release.

Change logs

Remove org and space selection during logging in

Starting from this release, org and space selection is removed from the interactive flow of login command. While the user still can specify the org/space with -o and -s to target the org/space when logging in.

Plugin installation experience improvements

This release incorporates various changes in the plugin management and installation, including being able to install a plugin from Bluemix official repository without specifying the repository, adding progress indicator when downloading a plugin, as well as showing the status of the plugin when listing plugins in the repository.

CLIs for Softlayer file storage, ipsec and CDN

This release adds the command lines to manage Softlayer file storage service, ipsec VPN and CDN service.

New commands

  • plugin repo-plugin to show the details of a plugin in the repo
  • sl file to manage softlayer file storage
   access-authorize    Authorize hosts to access a given volume
   access-list         List ACLs
   access-revoke       Revoke authorization for hosts accessing a given volume
   replica-failback    Failback a file volume from replica
   replica-failover    Failover a file volume to the given replica volume
   replica-locations   List suitable replication datacenters for the given volume
   replica-order       Order a file storage replica volume
   replica-partners    List existing replicant volumes for a file volume
   snapshot-cancel     Cancel existing snapshot space for a given volume
   snapshot-create     Create a snapshot on a given volume
   snapshot-disable    Disable snapshots on the specified schedule for a given volume
   snapshot-enable     Enable snapshots for a given volume on the specified schedule
   snapshot-delete     Delete a snapshot on a given volume
   snapshot-list       List file storage snapshots
   snapshot-order      Order snapshot space for a file storage volume
   snapshot-restore    Restore file volume using a given snapshot
   volume-cancel       Cancel an existing file storage volume
   volume-list         List file storage
   volume-detail       Display details for a specified volume
   volume-duplicate    Order a file volume by duplicating an existing volume
   volume-order        Order a file storage volume
   volume-options      List all options for ordering a file storage
  • sl ipsec to manage softlayer ipsec VPN
   cancel               Cancel a IPSec VPN tunnel context
   config               Request configuration of a tunnel context
   detail               List IPSec VPN tunnel context details
   list                 List IPSec VPN tunnel contexts
   order                Order a IPSec VPN tunnel
   subnet-add           Add a subnet to an IPSec tunnel context
   subnet-remove        Remove a subnet from an IPSEC tunnel context
   translation-add      Add an address translation to an IPSec tunnel
   translation-remove   Remove a translation entry from an IPSec
   translation-update   Update an address translation for an IPSec
   update               Update tunnel context properties
  • sl cdn to manage Softlayer CDN service
   cancel          Cancel a CDN account
   detail          Detail a CDN Account
   list            List all CDN accounts
   load            Cache one or more files on all edge nodes
   order           Order a CDN account
   options         Bandwidth and storage options for ordering CDN account
   origin-add      Create an origin pull mapping
   origin-list     List origin pull mappings
   origin-remove   Remove an origin pull mapping
   purge           Purge cached files from all edge nodes

Updated commands

  • login does not select and target org / space if '-o' and '-s' are not specified
  • login add tips to use bx cf <command> to invoke cf cli with Bluemix cli context
  • target adds '--cf' to select org / space interactively
  • 'plugin install has the following changes
    • searches the plugin locally and then from the Bluemix official plugin repository if '-r' is not specified
    • displays a progress indicator when downloading a plugin binary
  • plugin uninstall resumes uninstallation if it cannot remove the plugin binary
  • plugin repo-add now returns with exit code 0 when attempting to add a plugin repo that is already registered
  • plugin repo-plugins now displays plugin's status (update available, installed, not installed)
  • iam account-user-delete introduces '-c' option to specify a target account and '-f' option to delete without user confirmation
  • cf introduces '--quiet' / '-q' option to to turn off message 'Invoking cf ...'
  • iam org-create checks whether the user is account owner before creating the org

Defect fixing

  • cf help -a does not show all the command help
  • iam space-roles: nil pointer error when selecting an invalid org
  • app domain-cert-add: incorrect help description regarding the password