Classification of SD-OCT volumes with multi pyramids, LBP and HOG descriptors: application to DME detections
The follwoing pre-processing routines were applied:
- BM3D denoising,
- Flattening,
- Cropping.
In the file pipeline/feature-preprocessing/pipeline_preprocessing.m
, you need to set the following variables:
: this directory contains the orignal SD-OCT volume. The format used was.img
: this directory corresponds to the place where the resulting data will be stored. The format used was.mat
The variables which are not indicated in the inital publication and that can be changed are:
: the original size of the SD-OCT volume. It is needed to open.img
: the estimate of the standard deviation for the BM3D denoising.h_over_rpe
: the different variables driving the cropping.
From the root directory, launch MATLAB and run:
>> run pipeline/feature-preprocessing/pipeline_preprocessing.m
For this pipeline, the following features were extracted:
- HOG,
- LBP with radius set to 8, 16, and 24. Both rotation and non-rotation invariant features were extracted.
In the file pipeline/feature-extraction/pipeline_extraction_***.m
, you need to set the following variables:
: this directory contains the pre-processed SD-OCT volume. The format used was.mat
: this directory corresponds to the place where the resulting data will be stored. The format used was.mat
From the root directory, launch MATLAB and run:
>> run pipeline/feature-extraction/pipeline_extraction_hog.m
>> run pipeline/feature-extraction/pipeline_extraction_lbp_8_ri.m
>> run pipeline/feature-extraction/pipeline_extraction_lbp_16_ri.m
>> run pipeline/feature-extraction/pipeline_extraction_lbp_24_ri.m
>> run pipeline/feature-extraction/pipeline_extraction_lbp_8_nri.m
>> run pipeline/feature-extraction/pipeline_extraction_lbp_16_nri.m
>> run pipeline/feature-extraction/pipeline_extraction_lbp_24_nri.m
The method for classification used was:
- Linear SVM.
In the file pipeline/feature-preprocessing/pipeline_classifier_***.m
, you need to set the following variables:
: this directory contains the feature extracted from the SD-OCT volumes. The format used was.mat
: this directory corresponds to the place where the resulting data will be stored. The format used was.mat
: this is the file containing the label for each volume. You will have to make your own strategy.
From the root directory, launch MATLAB and run:
>> run pipeline/feature-classification/pipeline_classifier_pca_hog.m
>> run pipeline/feature-classification/pipeline_classifier_pca_hog_lbp_8_16_24_ri.m
>> run pipeline/feature-classification/pipeline_classifier_pca_hog_lbp_8_16_24_nri.m
In the file pipeline/feature-validation/pipeline_validation_***.m
, you need to set the following variables:
: this directory contains the classification results. The format used was.mat
: this is the file containing the label for each volume. You will have to make your own strategy.
From the root directory, launch MATLAB and run:
>> run pipeline/feature-validation/pipeline_validation_pca_hog.m
>> run pipeline/feature-validation/pipeline_validation_pca_hog_lbp_8_16_14_ri.m
>> run pipeline/feature-validation/pipeline_validation_pca_hog_lbp_8_16_14_nri.m