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root committed Nov 17, 2023
1 parent 4aeab3f commit 2b23f05
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Showing 7 changed files with 334 additions and 13 deletions.
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions ansible-ipi-install/cloud13_ocpinventory.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
"nodes": [
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions ansible-ipi-install/doit
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Usage: doit LABEL

LOG=$1-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%T").log

ansible-playbook --skip-tags bootorder -i inventory/jetski/hosts playbook-jetski.yml 2>&1 | tee -a deploy-$LOG

12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions ansible-ipi-install/group_vars/all.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
# Your allocation name/number in the shared labs
cloud_name: cloud00
cloud_name: cloud13
# Lab name, typically can be alias or scale
lab_name: scale
# Default root password to your nodes in the lab allocation so that keys can be added automatically for ansible to run
ansible_ssh_pass: password
ansible_ssh_pass: 100yard-
# Location of the private key of the user running the ansible playbook, leave default
ansible_ssh_key: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.ssh/id_rsa"
# The version of the openshift-installer, undefined or empty results in the playbook failing with error message.
# Values accepted: 'latest-4.3', 'latest-4.4', explicit version i.e. 4.3.0-0.nightly-2019-12-09-035405
# For reference, and
version: "4.4.4"
version: "4.14.3"
# Enter whether the build should use 'dev' (nightly builds) or 'ga' for Generally Available version of OpenShift
# Empty value results in playbook failing with error message.
build: "ga"
# Your pull secret, as is. (Do not add any quotes)
pullsecret: {"auths":{"":{"auth":"b3BlbnNoaWZ0LXJlbGVhc2UtZGV2K29jbV9hY2Nlc3NfMThiM2E5NjEyM2Q5NGFlOGI3YmM4OTA4YTdkOTQwYTM6NFlYQTFESTUzVEM3SVBKQVgxTTlBSEs3RDBTUTFLOU5SMzAxUDlESUNTQ1hYUU83UEZLMDhWNllUWUY1UVI0VQ==","email":"[email protected]"},"":{"auth":"b3BlbnNoaWZ0LXJlbGVhc2UtZGV2K29jbV9hY2Nlc3NfMThiM2E5NjEyM2Q5NGFlOGI3YmM4OTA4YTdkOTQwYTM6NFlYQTFESTUzVEM3SVBKQVgxTTlBSEs3RDBTUTFLOU5SMzAxUDlESUNTQ1hYUU83UEZLMDhWNllUWUY1UVI0VQ==","email":"[email protected]"},"":{"auth":"fHVoYy0xaW4wakhHM01uTXdDUEZxUVJydUxZZlFXa3k6ZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpTVXpVeE1pSjkuZXlKemRXSWlPaUl3TlRRek5UUmpZVGs1TW1ZME4yUTBZVGN6WkRrd01qTmpNakJrTkRreU5TSjkuYzJ4WmlXS3kyczc3cGdxQkpzdGJGbnE2aEpfSFFDWDV2TW42TzR3cXZlWTh4YXBBaFlOV3l5ZmlQVTFQejhNVHBuQUpHZVd0V1J0cjZYT3VzMVhQa3phdmhtbkwwZDBSY2NSUTI3alQwNEU2UDVGcTAwTVF4cm9WRFhDVU9ZTnhPYjN0cFFGZ3paeFNJSkhQVzFqT3ZNa2FzUThkc1ZDSHN0V0JSRmJMQkdfdExVSS1pN0NJUWl6WjlMY2xRTWoycTFYNzlsdkR5RGg3UnNVSWdGVGNVNmFFT0xwOWE5WXhxaGdnT0puYkgwZFkzNHBZWGxaNDJTdnZOSlQyd2RFMTJJM0VYUVd0dWNPV1hQVEVoVXpIWExEUUZsZEItOE56SkZPQWtsbUZfb1YtT1JpMzBkMGd6d1drTk44c2t0LXo0cW5USjlaYTJMZVN6LWE1QmN6M3d2elpQN1lNN2QzWDBaRzFhX0FKZTlvT205bzNBRlNNc1FXdWNfbW44V2ZWYTM2NWZMcWhMWmpIaUVQQzNDMURVb24yeEw3cUxOLUo0N0ZFYThrTnVRV050ckEyc0pjay1qSnFpNmpIcUdldlRQd08xTHd1Vi1lR0k2d3pMOVBDNEN6bFAyYVU5WUU2ZUNGR0s3MVB2TjBMSklBVFBsWFI4R3A1MFk1b280T0VCYXNDcjYxVUJjZEhVNVQxWExKRFc0MjdVN3EtM1hvSEcwMUYtdF8zTkI0My1LSEozOGJ0MzdPeTd1U0VBSWZQYXk3c1JUYzNCV21aT1FhcHlqZkVfeEU1dktVZlhrWEkxNGkwamxmdUZlcDBnX3RzWWx4TTkxQWdreWVsRkFiNm1BV2MyWVcxRzFXSzBQb1YwWkJjZDdjWlRqRVJnc1U2T1YtdHB5OUc5R0E=","email":"[email protected]"},"":{"auth":"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","email":"[email protected]"}}}
# This variable is used to point to the foreman server that is used to reimage nodes. This variables is useful in two cases
# 1. When the first node in your allocation (provisioning host) is not having RHEL 8.1 OS, it is automatically rebuilt with
# RHEL 8.1 as the OCP installer expects the provisioning host to be RHEL 8.1. In some other cases, maybe when you have an
Expand All @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ rebuild_provisioner: false
# Update this variable to scale up your existing cluster, provided lab allocation is sufficient to scale up to this count.
# If not mentioned for a scale up execution, it includes all node available in the inventory `ocpnondeployednodeinv.json`
# If mentioned, this value should be final worker count and cannot be less than existing worker_count.
worker_count: 0
worker_count: 4
# set to true to deploy with jumbo frames
jumbo_mtu: false
jumbo_mtu: true
# set to true only if you requested a public routable VLAN for your cloud in scale lab
routable_api: false

Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions ansible-ipi-install/inventory/jetski/hosts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,18 +47,18 @@ prov_ip=

# (Optional) Enable IPv6 addressing instead of IPv4 addressing on both provisioning and baremetal network

# (Optional) When ipv6_enabled is set to True, but want IPv4 addressing on provisioning network
# Default is false.

# (Optional) When ipv6_enabled is set to True, but want IPv4 addressing on baremetal network

# (Optional) When ipv6_enabled is set to True, but want dual-stack for baremetal network
# Only one of ipv4_baremetal and dualstack_baremetal can be true

# (Optional) A list of clock servers to be used in chrony by the masters and workers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ redfish_inspection=false

# (Optional) Enable local gateway mode with OVN

# (Optional) Enable SCTP in the cluster
Expand Down
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions ansible-ipi-install/ocpinv.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
"nodes": [
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpu": "2",
"disk": "20",
"mac": [
"memory": "1024",
"name": "",
"pm_addr": "",
"pm_password": "rdu2@3039",
"pm_type": "pxe_ipmitool",
"pm_user": "quads"

0 comments on commit 2b23f05

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