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Solution Overview

WordPress is a free open-source content management system (CMS). It helps you quickly build personal forums, media libraries, member websites, learning management systems (LMSs), and online stores.

For details about this solution, visit


Solution architecture

Architecture Description

This solution will:

  1. Create an ECS, which will be used for running personal websites and database nodes.

  2. Assign an elastic IP address (EIP) and bind it to the ECS to provide external website access.

  3. Install WordPress and MySQL on the Linux ECS and complete related configurations.

  4. Create a security group and configure security group access rules to ensure personal website security.

File Structure

├── -- Resource orchestration template
├── userdata
    ├──  -- Script configuration file

Getting Started

(Optional) Changing the MySQL Database Password

  1. Log in to the ECS console, locate the created ECS, and click Remote Login to log in to the Linux ECS.

    Figure 1 Remote login

    ECS console

  2. On the Linux ECS, enter the username and password and press Enter.

    Figure 2 Logging in to the ECS

    Logging in to the ECS

  3. Run the mysql -u root -p command to log in to the MySQL database as user root. Then, press Enter and enter the password. Then run the SET PASSWORD command to change the password: set password for root @localhost= password ('new password').

    Figure 3 Changing the password of the MySQL user root

    Changing the password of the MySQL user root

  4. To change the password of the MySQL user database, log in to the MySQL database, enter grant all on wordpress. to wordpressuser@localhost identified by*** 'new password';**, and press Enter. Then run the exit command to exit the MySQL database.

    Figure 4 Changing the password of the MySQL user database

    Changing the password of the MySQL user database

Initializing WordPress

  1. Choose Stack > Outputs on the WordPress page, open Google Chrome, and enter the URL displayed after the deployment is successful. Then the WordPress installation wizard is displayed. On the console, select the CN North-Beijing4 region.

    Figure 5 Output URL

    Output URL

  2. Configure the database as prompted and click Let's go.

    Figure 6 Installation wizard

    Installation wizard

  3. In the displayed dialog box, enter the database connection details, such as the username and password, and click Submit. The database verification is successful.

    Figure 7 Database connection details

    Database connection details

  4. After the verification, the installation page is displayed. Click Run the installation.

    Figure 8 nstallation page

    Installation page

  5. Set the site title, administrator username, password, and email address. Then, click Install WordPress.

    Figure 9 etting parameters

    Setting parameters

    Figure 10 Successful installation

    Successful installation

  6. Click Log In. Alternatively, enter http://Server IP address/wordpress/wp-admin in the address bar of the browser, enter the username and password, and click Log In.

    Figure 11 WordPress login page

    WordPress login page

    Figure 12 WordPress page

    WordPress page


This solution helps you quickly set up a personal website using WordPress on HUAWEICLOUD ECSs.







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