GRID Tile: Sample Query for retrieving alert details, use the DateAdd value (-30), priority and severity to change it according to your needs.
DECLARE @From DATETIME =DateAdd(Day,-30,GetDate()), @To DATETIME = GetDate() exec Microsoft_SystemCenter_DataWarehouse_Report_Library_AlertReportDataGet_V2 @LanguageCode=N'ENU', @StartDate=@From, @EndDate=@To, @Severity=N'2', @Priority=N'012', @ObjectList=N'{{id}}', @SiteName=NULL, @myUID={{id}}
SCALAR Tile: Sample query to retrieve the count of alerts, change the dateadd, severity and priority to reflect your needs.
DECLARE @From DATETIME =DateAdd(Day,-30,GetDate()), @To DATETIME = GetDate() exec Microsoft_SystemCenter_DataWarehouse_Report_Library_AlertReportDataGet_V3 @LanguageCode=N'ENU', @StartDate=@From, @EndDate=@To, @Severity=N'2', @Priority=N'012', @ObjectList=N'{{id}}', @SiteName=NULL, @myUID={{id}}