This is a library built for using our REST APIs.
One nice thing about Go is how easy it is to work with packages. First, run:
go get github.com/hologram-io/hologram-go
All you need to do after that is add this snippet of code in your source:
import (
<your other imports go here>
<your other imports go here>
in your main folder.
Yay! you're ready for some good testing. All of the test cases are located in the
top test
directory. Mocked data (in JSON) are in the test/json
directory. To run a unit test,
just type:
go test <whichever test here>
Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions/concerns.
Special thanks to the amazing work that @kurrik put in his twittergo library. The Errors and Parse interface/functions were taken from there and modified for our needs.