This github repository contains the analytical code for our preprint: "Connecting genomic results for psychiatric disorders to human brain cell types and regions reveals convergence with functional connectivity".
First we need to download the scRNA data from Siletti et al, and to download reference files for stratified LDScore regression
# setup our folder structure
mkdir -p workflow/reference_data workflow/figures workflow/bedfiles workflow/ldscores workflow/reference_data workflow/slurm workflow/sumstats workflow/results
# download linnarson scRNA data, aggregated by cluster-level cell-type
wget -O workflow/reference_data/adult_human_20221007.agg.loom
# download files for to use stratified LDscore regression
wget -O workflow/reference_data/sldsc_ref.tar.gz
tar -xvf workflow/reference_data/sldsc_ref.tar.gz -C workflow/reference_data/
Run the R script to define 10% of specifically expressed genes. The Rscript writes them to workflow/bedfiles[cluster/superclusters]
# run python script to transform scRNA data to csv file
python scripts/
Rscript R/00.create_bedfiles.R
To replicate our results you can either download the precomputed LDscores here, or relcalculate them yourself.
Here we calculate ldscores for the 31 superclusters + 461 clusters. The example code uses slurm and the lmod system torun LDSC.
Edit to fit your own computational environment.
This will run 492 (461 + 31) array jobs, each with 22 (chr1-22) subjobs, for a total of 10824 (492*22) jobs requiring 1 core and 3gb memory, with less than 30 minute run time on our HPC.
all_bedfiles=$(find workflow/bedfiles/{clusters,superclusters} -type f -name '*bed')
# Iterate over each bed file in clusters and superclusters
for file in $all_bedfiles; do
echo "Processing file: $file"
# Run the script for each bed file
# sh scripts/ $file
To run S-LDSC, input GWAS summary statistics in the LDSC munged format.
# the script takes two arguments: LDSC sumstats and directory with LDscores
sh scripts/ workflow/sumstats/bmi2018.sumstats.gz workflow/amygdala_excitatory