Powstik application inspired from website, currently screen is filled with random data because of unavailability of API. Focused more on functionality rather than UI.
- Login and Signup screens.
- An e-commerce product listing screen with an option to add products to the cart.
- A cart screen that shows the selected products and their quantity.
- Implementing a search bar on the product listing screen that allows users to search for specific products by name or category.
- Implementing a checkout screen that shows the selected products, their quantity, and the total amount, along with an option to add a discount code.
clone the project and then run
flutter pub get
flutter run
to make apk
flutter pub get
flutter build apk --split-per-abi
follow the given path in terminal to spot .apk
Internship task
Sign Up
Sign In
Home Screen
Search result
Empty Cart
Cart with items