This is my personal linux configs
In order to install this, paste the following commands to terminal:
git clone && cd dotfiles && cp -rv .* ~/ ; rm -rf ~/.git ~/ ~/screenshots
To set wallpaper, use feh:
feh --bg-fill /path/to/your/wallpaper
Make sure that you have installed all of the required dependencies
- WM: bspwm
- Bar: polybar
- Launcher - Powermenu: rofi
- Screenshot: scrot (Win + Print)
- Compositor: picom
- Notification Daemon: dunst
- Terminal: urxvt, urxvt-perls (for kb shortcuts)
- Sysmon: htop
- Wallpaper: feh
- Fonts: cozette-ttf, ipa-fonts
- Shell: zsh (ohmyzsh, zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-completions, powerlevel10k)
- Lockscreen: betterlockscreen