Reference C++ implementation for all research on Particle Filtering applied to 2D-LiDAR localization.
This project is based on the mit-racecar/particle_filter with a sensor model based on ray casting.
Currently, this implementation supports the following additional acceleration techniques:
- OpenMP (CPU multithreading)
- FPGA hardware acceleration (coming soon!)
- GPU acceleration (coming soon!)
The particle filter node waits for the arrival of a map to preprocess and initialize the sensor model table.
When an initial pose of the vehicle is received, the node proceeds to generate a first set of particles. These particles are distributed according to a normal distribution around the initial pose.
Once a LiDAR scan is recieved, it is firstly downsampled and filtered for invalid rays, then we proceed with the localization update.
The first step to update the localization is to apply the motion model. Specifically, odometry measurements (velocity and yaw rate) + noise are added to all particles.
With the obtained particles and the downsampled laser scan we then perform the sensor modeling for each particle. This is implemented via the ray marching technique. After modeling the sensor of each particle, the particles are weighed.
The estimated pose output is then calculated via a weighted average of each particle.
After the pose estimation is complete, the node publishes:
- a nav_msgs/Odometry message containing the estimated pose
- a subset of the particle set
- a TransformStamped containing the transformation from lidar_link to map using the estimated pose
At the end of each loop we perform a low variance resampling on the particles.
This method resamples the particle set, with the probability of picking a particle proportional to its weight.
You can compile this project in any ros2 workspace with
colcon build
To launch the project you can use any of the launchfiles in the launch
folder with:
ros2 launch particle_filter <launchfile>.launch.xml
You can find all configurable parameters in the conf
An initial guess of the pose can be sent by publishing to the /initialpose
either manually or via the RViz GUI.
This project accompanies the following publications. Please, cite/acknowledge if use this code for your research or projects.
author={Bernardi, Andrea and Brilli, Gianluca and Capotondi, Alessandro and Marongiu, Andrea and Burgio, Paolo},
booktitle={2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE)},
title={An FPGA Overlay for Efficient Real-Time Localization in 1/10th Scale Autonomous Vehicles},
- Andrea Bernardi - abernardi
- Federico Gavioli - fgavioli
- Michele Guzzinati - mguzzinati
- Antonio Russo - russoanto
- Alessandro Capotondi - acapotondi
- Paolo Burgio - pburgio
Apache 2.0 - License
This project is part of the autonomous driving project of the university of Modena and Reggio Emilia.